TAB EBSP 220314 PresentationEast Boulder Subcommunity Plan TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD SESSION March 14, 2022 Meeting Purpose Review latest recommendations of the East Boulder Sucommunity Plan and 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan. Provide feedback to refine recommendations. Project Schedule Key Questions Does the TAB support the Connections Plan and Access and Mobility Recommendations included in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan and 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? Does TAB have feedback to further refine recommendations in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan or the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? 1 2 Land Use Plan Connections Plan Recommendations: Policies, Program and Projects 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan 1 2 3 4 Next Steps Share Plan with Boards and Collect Feedback Complete Engagement Window Provide Community Feedback to City Council Make refinements and complete plans Joint Public Hearing with PB and Council PB and Council consider adoption 1 2 3 4 5 6 Key Questions Does the TAB support the Connections Plan and Access and Mobility Recommendations included in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan and 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? Does TAB have feedback to further refine recommendations in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan or the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? 1 2