07.14.21 OSBT MinutesApproved as amended 8/11/21
Action Minutes
Meeting Date July 14, 2021
Record of this meeting can be found here: https://bouldercolorado.gov/government/board-
commission/open-space-board-trustees (video start times are listed below next to each agenda item).
Hal Hallstein Karen Hollweg Dave Kuntz Caroline Miller
Dan Burke Steve Armstead Mark Davison John Potter Lauren Kilcoyne
Alison Ecklund Leah Case Phil Yates Bethany Collins Kacey French
Jarret Roberts Frances Boulding Cole Moffat Megan Grunewald Samantha McQueen
Hilary Dees Chad Brotherton Gretchen Bolivar Megan Bowes Will Keeley
Jennelle Freeston Deonne VanderWoude
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Approval of Minutes (3:15)
Dave Kuntz moved the Open Space Board of Trustees adopt the minutes from July 9, 2021, as amended.
Hal Hallstein seconded. This motion passed four to zero; Michelle Estrella was absent.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Public Comment for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (10:15)
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Matters from the Department (11:55)
Adam Gaylord, Ecologist, and Megan Bowes, Restoration Plant Ecologist, presented an update on New
Zealand Mud Snails. The Board asked clarifying questions on how snails are passed between bodies of
water and what are the options for dog management and education. They also asked about the specific
levels of non-compliance that would trigger the department’s response, and options for the multi-agency
app to be able to put out helpful information.
Lauren Kilcoyne, Central Services Manager, and Sam Mcqueen, Business Services Manager, presented
on the Operating Budget. The Board asked clarifying questions on aspects of this budget including
planning surrounding fee structures, changes to line items, such as BMPA, and option of adding a line
item for volunteers.
Dan Burke gave several updates including tall oatgrass fire mitigation efforts, Cragmoor connector trail
repair, and the upcoming Board field trip on August 4.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Request for a recommendation to approve the purchase of a Public Trail
Easement, including access rights for open space purposes, over a portion of the property located at
6901 N. Foothills Highway from Raytheon Holdings, LLC for $23,500 per acre, and with the purchase
price of the easement not to exceed $235,000 (2:04:15)
Bethany Collins, Real Estate Supervisor, Steve Armstead, Acting Trails and Facility Service Area
Manager, and Megan Bowes, Restoration Plant Ecologist, presented this item.
Public Comment (2:41:00)
Return to the Board (2:41:40)
The Board discussed this easement and varying thoughts on the placement of this trail connection. Hal
expressed his support in the placement of this easement, and added that it will preserve north facing soil,
preserving the area while also allowing for a great trail connection. Concern was expressed in dogs being
allowed to use this trail with so much mixed use. Dave expressed his concern about the trail bisecting one
of the last unfragmented habitat blocks on the northern front range. Karen asked if eliminating dog use on
this trail altogether is an option given the regional trail use and potential conflict with other users. The
Board also asked questions about future uses of this segment for the rocky-to-rocky regional trail.
Motion (3:05:22)
Hal Hallstein moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that the Boulder City Council
approve the purchase of a Public Trail Easement, including access rights for open space purposes,
over property located at 6901 N. Foothills Highway from Raytheon Holdings, LLC for $23,500 per
acre, and with the purchase price of the easement not to exceed $235,000, subject to OSMP and
CAO review and acceptance of due diligence and easement documents. Caroline Miller seconded.
This motion passed four to zero; Michelle Estrella was absent.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters from the Board (3:08:00)
The Board appointed Dave and Caroline to act as a sub-committee for the upcoming Board retreat.
The Board asked if staff could send the Doudy Draw parking lot redesign. Staff said they are still working
on this but would be happy to share via email when available. Additionally, the Board asked some
clarifying questions about the draft CU South Annexation agreement that was released.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m.
These minutes were prepared by Leah Case.