04.06.22 LB Packet
If you need Spanish interpretation or other language-related assistance for this meeting, please call 303-441-1905 at
least three business days prior to the meeting. Si usted necesita interpretación o cualquier otra ayuda con relación al
idioma para esta junta, por favor comuníquese al 303-441-1905 por lo menos 3 días laborales antes de la junta.
1. Call to Order; Oath of Office of New Board Member
2. Approval of minutes from the March 2, 2022 meeting
3. Public Participation for Non-Public Hearing Items
4. Discussion of Landmark Alteration, Demolition Applications issued and pending
• Statistical Report for March
5. Public Hearings under the procedures prescribed by chapter 1-3, “Quasi-Judicial Hearings,” B.R.C. 1981:
A. Public hearing and consideration of an application to amend the designation boundary of 1236 Canyon
Blvd., an individual landmark to include all of Block 13, pursuant to Section 9-11-5, B.R.C. 1981 (HIS2021-
00263). Owner: City of Boulder / Applicant: City of Boulder Landmarks Board.
B. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to construct a rear,
two-story addition at 936 Mapleton Ave., a contributing property in the Mapleton Hill Historic District,
pursuant to Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2021-00313). Owner: Marybeth
Emerson / Applicant: Elizabeth Smith, Fanas Architecture.
C. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to install front railings
at 745 Highland Ave., an individual landmark and contributing property in the Mapleton Hill Historic
District, pursuant to Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2022-00041). Owner: Carrie
and Neville Vere-Nicholl / Applicant: Jeff Borchardt, Jazz Architecture.
6. Matters from the Landmarks Board, Planning Department, and City Attorney
• Nomination of Board Chair and Vice Chair
• Annual Retreat update
• Paint color update
7. Debrief Meeting / Calendar Check
8. Adjournment
The City of Boulder is committed to its core value of community safety and is proactively taking steps to limit potential
social spreading of COVID-19. Because of this, this meeting will be held virtually via video conference. Any and all
interested persons may:
• Speak under public comment or observe the public hearing via:
o Video conference. The conference link will be available 24 hours before the meeting on our website:
www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net or via email historic@bouldercolorado.gov.
DATE: Wednesday, April 6, 2022
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Via video conference
o Call in to the public hearing video conference via telephone. Call 346-248-7799 and use meeting ID: 953
7411 6053 and passcode 944860.
• Submit written comments at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing to historic@bouldercolorado.gov. Please
note that we currently can NOT accept mail. Only email will be received at this time.
• Please note that City of Boulder staff is unable to provide individual technical assistance or one-on-one
communication once a meeting has started as this distracts from their ability to facilitate the live session.
For more information, contact Clare Brandt at
brandtc@bouldercolorado.gov, historic@bouldercolorado.gov, or (303) 441-1994.
Board members who will be present are:
John Decker, Chair
Abby Daniels, Vice Chair
Chelsea Castellano
William Jellick
Ronnie Pelusio
Jorge Boone (ex officio Planning Board representative without a vote)
The Landmarks Board is constituted under the Landmarks Preservation Ordinance (Ordinance No. 4721; Title 9, Chapter
11, Boulder Revised Code, 1981) to designate landmarks and historic districts; review and approve applications for
Landmark Alteration Certificates on such buildings or in such districts; review demolition applications for non-
designated buildings over 50 years old; and recognize buildings as Structures of Merit.
Public hearing items will be conducted in the following manner:
1. Board members will explain all ex-parte* contacts they may have had regarding the item, if the hearing is
2. Those who wish to address the issue (including the applicant, staff members and public) are sworn in, if the
hearing is quasi-judicial.
3. A historic preservation staff person will present a recommendation to the board.
4. Board members will ask any questions to historic preservation staff.
5. The applicant will have a maximum of 10 minutes to make a presentation or comments to the board.
Electronic presentations should be emailed to the Board Secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the
6. The public hearing provides any member of the public three minutes within which to make comments.
(1) At the chair’s discretion, members of the public may pool their time provided all members of the pool
are present. Only one member of the pool may speak on behalf of the pool. Maximum pooled time
allowed is as follows: 2 people = 5 minutes; 3 people = 7 minutes; 4 people = 9 minutes; 5 or more people
= 10 minutes.
(2) Members of the public may, at the chair’s discretion, use Powerpoint, images, or handouts as part of
their presentation. Electronic presentations should be emailed to the Board Secretary at least 24 hours
in advance of the meeting. Time limits (above) apply.
7. After the public hearing is closed, there is discussion by board members, during which the chair of the
meeting may permit board questions to and answers from the staff, the applicant, or the public.
8. Board members will vote on the matter; an affirmative vote of at least three members of the board is
required for approval.
* Ex-parte contacts are communications regarding the item under consideration that a board member may have had
with someone prior to the meeting.
All City of Boulder board meetings are digitally recorded and are available from the Central Records office at (303) 441-
3043. A full audio transcript of the Landmarks Board meeting becomes available on the city of Boulder website
approximately ten days after a meeting. Action minutes are also prepared by a staff person and are available
approximately one month after a meeting.
Note that the Landmarks Board adopted the following QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION
RULE on April 23, 2020.
The Landmarks Board (“Board”) may hold quasi-judicial hearings at a meeting through electronic participation, subject
to the procedures set forth in this Rule. To the extent practical, the Board will use its standard meeting procedures, as
modified by this Rule. To the extent that this Rule conflicts with the procedural rules of the Board, this Rule is intended
to prevail.
A. Applicant’s Written Request. An applicant may request to have its application for a hearing conducted via
electronic participation by completing a written request form provided by the city. The applicant will
acknowledge that holding a quasi-judicial hearing by electronic participation presents certain legal risks and
involves an area of legal uncertainty, and the applicant will acknowledge that moving forward with a quasi-judicial
hearing by electronic participation will be at its own risk.
B. City Manager to Determine Suitability of Conducting Quasi-Judicial Hearing by Electronic Participation. These
procedures create no right in any party to a quasi-judicial matter to a hearing conducted by electronic
participation. Upon receipt of a written request, the city manager will determine whether the city has the
capability to hold the particular type of hearing by electronic participation, what available form of electronic
participation is most appropriate for the type of hearing, and set a date(s) for the hearing(s).
C. Hearings Open to the Public and Subject to Adequate Technology. Hearings will be open to the public and provide
the ability for interested members of the public to join the hearing electronically. The method chosen by the city
manager will ensure the public can view or listen to the hearing in real time and interested parties may speak at
designated times during the hearing. If at any point the city manager or board chair determines it is not possible or
prudent to hold the hearing by electronic participation, whether due to technical issues or an inability to do so
while meeting constitutional due process requirements, the hearing will be continued or vacated, and the matter
will be held in abeyance until any technical problems can be resolved or in-person meetings have resumed.
D. Notice Requirements. In addition to the requirements of the Boulder Revised Code, the city will include additional
notice about how the hearing will be conducted and how the public can access, observe, and participate in the
hearing. The additional notice is intended to reasonably inform interested persons that such hearing will instead
be held by electronic participation; provided, however, this additional notice will not be deemed jurisdictional.
E. Technological Accommodations. The city will make reasonable efforts to accommodate interested parties who
lack necessary computer equipment or the ability to access such equipment by providing call-in or telephonic
access to the meeting. Interested parties will be encouraged to submit written comments in advance of the
hearing, which comments will be made a part of the hearing record.
F. Hearing Procedures. Hearings are for conducting the business of the City of Boulder. Activities that disrupt, delay
or otherwise interfere with the meeting are prohibited. At the onset of the hearing, the board chair will describe the
hearing procedures, including how testimony and public comment will be received. The department that supports
the Board will moderate the electronic meeting. To the extent practical, any person that wants to attend the
meeting will be added to the meeting and will be muted. Any person that wants to testify should inform the
moderator. The moderator will unmute such person during the public hearing to testify for three minutes.
1. Any documentary evidence will be provided to the designated secretary of the Board via email at least 48
hours prior to the beginning of the meeting. Documentary evidence includes, without limitation, materials
related to specific applications and other documents to be shown electronically during the hearing.
2. Any person testifying, including the applicant, shall be sworn in individually.
3. The applicant will be allowed to speak to its application for 10 minutes. City staff will be allowed to speak
to its recommendations for 10 minutes. The applicant or staff may request additional time from the board
chair for more complicated applications. Persons wishing to testify will be allowed up to three minutes to
speak. For electronic hearings, every person will need to testify for themselves. No pooling of time will be
4. The time for speaking or asking questions is limited to facilitate the purpose of the hearing. No person shall
speak except when recognized by the person presiding and no person shall speak for longer than the time
allotted. Each person shall register to speak at the meeting using that person’s real name. Any person
believed to be using a pseudonym will not be permitted to speak.
5. No video participation will be permitted except for city officials, employees and invited speakers. All others
will participate by voice only.
6. The person presiding at the meeting shall enforce these rules by muting anyone who violates any rule.
7. Board members, staff, and applicants shall not use chat features of electronic meeting software except for
the purpose of asking the board chair procedural questions or to request to be recognized by the board
chair to speak.
8. Applicants will be provided the opportunity to speak for up to three minutes prior to the close of the public
9. In order to accurately record board member votes, the board chair will call for a roll call vote on any
motions made during the hearing or taking final action.
G. Record. The secretary of the Board will ensure that all equipment used for the hearing is adequate and functional
for allowing clear communication among the participants and for creating a record of the hearing as required by
law; provided, however, the secretary will not be responsible for resolving any technical difficulties incurred by any
person participating in the hearing.
I, Chelsea Castellano, do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the
United States of America and of the State of Colorado and the Charter and ordinances of the
City of Boulder, and faithfully perform the duties of the office of a member of the Landmarks
Board which I am about to enter.
Chelsea Castellano
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of _______________, 2022.
Board Secretary
6th April
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting
The following are the action minutes of the March 2, 2022 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital
recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central
Records. You may access the archive online at bouldercolorado.gov/records-archive.
Abby Daniels, Vice Chair - present
John Decker, Chair - present
William Jellick - present
Fran Sheets - present
Ronnie Pelusio - present
Jorge Boone, Planning Board representative without a vote - absent
Lucas Markley, Attorney, City Attorney’s Office -present
James Hewat,Principal Historic Preservation Planner -present
Clare Brandt,Historic Preservation Planner – present
Faith Hamman, Historic Preservation Intern – present
Jean Gatza, Moderator -present
Holly Opansky, Co-Moderator -present
1.CALL TO ORDER [00:00.00 audio minutes]
The roll having been called, Chair J. Decker declared a quorum at 6:02 p.m. and the following business was
2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES [00:03.42 audio minutes]
On a motion by J. Decker, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board (5-0) approved the minutes from
the February 2, 2022 Landmarks Board meeting.
The following members of the public spoke:
1. Lynn Segal
AND PENDING [00:08.35 audio minutes]
Statistical Report for February.
5.MATTERS [00:11.40 audio minutes]
•Board discussed Heritage Preservation Month in May
•Staff noted opportunities for board to comment on the draft East Boulder Subcommunity Plan
•Board discussed timeline and nomination of new Landmarks Board member
DRAFT• Board discussed the 2021 Letter to City Council, sent in December 2021
• Caitlin Berube-Smith, Program Manager for the Parks & Recreation Department, gave an update on
the draft Historic Places Plan. Requested the Landmarks Board comment. Noted the document is an
overview of existing conditions and includes the State Historic Preservation Office comments that
are not yet incorporated.
• Board reviewed paint color materials, deciding to prioritize the process to investigate developing a
complete addendum for the guidelines.
• Next regular Landmarks Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, 2022
The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
Approved on _______________, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
______________________________________________, Chairperson
Historic Preservation cases approved, denied or withdrawn in March 2022
Follow this link for dynamic mapping
Approved or LAC issued – the LAC or demo letter was issued (the application was reviewed by staff, LDRC, or Landmarks Board).
Withdrawn – the applicant withdrew the application during the review process (the application was complete and some level of review occurred).
Void – the applicant withdrew the application before the review process began (no review occurred; application might be incomplete in the file.)
Summary of applications closed to date, comparison by year:
2020 2021 2022
Individual Landmark Designation Landmark Alteration Certificate
Non-Designated Accessory Demolition Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation
Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation State Tax Credit
Summary of LAC applications for March:
Applications reviewed and approved by staff: 4
Applications reviewed and approved by LDRC: 2
Applications reviewed and approved by LB: 0
Applications denied: 0
Landmark Alteration Certificate
HIS2022-00050 1634 WALNUT ST
LAC issued for the installation of non-publicly visible 12.2 kWh rooftop solar PV system as detailed on application materials received 03.04.2022
and reviewed by the Landmark design review committee.
Case manager: James Hewat Decision: Closed; on 3/24/2022
Staff review LDRC review Landmarks
Board review
Withdrawn after initial review (not approved)
Returned to Staff for additional review, then approved
Returned to LDRC for additional review, then approved
Called up to Landmarks Board
Called up to LDRC
Landmark Alteration Certificate, continued
HIS2022-00055 1035 PEARL ST
[Approved] LAC issued for non illuminated wall signs as shown on application dated March 9, 2022. Signs should be installed in mortar rather
than masonry if possible.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/31/2022
LAC issued for the replacement of rooftop mechanical equipment at rear of pending landmark as detailed on landmark alteration certificate
application received 03.11.2022.
Case manager: James Hewat Decision: Closed; on 3/28/2022
HIS2022-00060 2303 MAPLETON AVE
LAC issued for the replacement of non-historic front door with half-light and panel door based upon historic photographs as specified on
landmark alteration certificate application received 03.14.2022.
Case manager: James Hewat Decision: Closed; on 3/24/2022
HIS2022-00063 2135 4TH ST
[Approved] LAC issued for re-roof of shingle roof with Owens Corning Duration Shingles in Chateau Green; new K-style gutters and downspouts in
white as detailed on landmark alteration application dated 03.15.2022.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/15/2022
HIS2022-00065 652 CONCORD AVE
[Approved] Installation of new mini split system as shown on application dated 3.16.2022.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/28/2022
Summary of closed Demolition applications for March:
Reviewed and approved administratively (by staff): 13
Reviewed and approved by LDRC: 0
Called up to the Landmarks Board: 1
Applications withdrawn or denied:
Non-Designated Accessory Demolition
HIS2022-00046 711 11TH ST
[Approved] Full demolition of two accessory buildings constructed sometime after 1950 proposed. Full demolition approved finding buildings not
eligible for designation. Approval expires 09.04.2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/8/2022
HIS2022-00059 2135 NORWOOD AVE
[Approved] Full demolition of a garage constructed after 1954 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for
designation. Approval expires September 11, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/15/2022
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Accessory Building
Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation
Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation
Non-Designated On Site Relocation
Administrative Approval LDRC Approval Referred to Landmarks Board
Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation
HIS2022-00034 1665 ORCHARD AVE
[Approved] Full demolition of a house constructed in 1964 and three accessory buildings constructed between 1964 and 2000 proposed. Full
demolition approved finding buildings not eligible for designation. Previously approved under HIS2021-00185. Approval expires 09.05.2022 and
cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/9/2022
HIS2022-00039 855 LINCOLN PL
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal of a street-facing wall) of a building constructed before 1941 and moved in 1941. Building is potentially
eligible for designation, but scope of work would not be detrimental to the potential character of the building. If scope of demolition changes, a
new application is required. Approval expires Sept. 6, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/10/2022
HIS2022-00040 3303 BROADWAY
[Approved] Full demolition of 2 buildings (3303 and 3305 Broadway) constructed 1950 - 1978. Previously approved under HIS2014-00196 and
HIS2014-00197. Full demolition approved, finding buildings not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires 08.31.2022 and cannot be
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/4/2022
HIS2022-00043 3240 6TH ST
[Approved] Full demolition of a house constructed in 1952 proposed. Previously approved through HIS2017-00286 and HIS2018-00340 and
HIS2019-00143 and HIS2020-00068.. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires
08.31.2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/4/2022
Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation, continued
HIS2022-00044 2860 14TH ST
[Approved] Partial demolition (construction in front of a street-facing wall, removal of a street-facing wall to replace siding) of a building
constructed in 1954 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires 08.31.2022
and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/4/2022
HIS2022-00045 711 11TH ST
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal of more than 50% of the roof, removal of more than 50% of the exterior walls, removal of a portion of a
street-facing wall) of a house constructed in 1950 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation.
Approval expires Sept. 6, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/10/2022
HIS2022-00052 2015 GRAPE AVE
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal of a portion of a street-facing wall, removal of more than 50% of the roof) of a building constructed in
1960 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires Sept. 6, 2022 and cannot be
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/10/2022
HIS2022-00053 2340 BALSAM DR
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal of more than 50% of the roof, construction in front of the street facing wall) of a building constructed in
1954 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires Sept. 6, 2022 and cannot be
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/10/2022
Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation, continued
HIS2022-00058 1922 TYLER RD
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal or more than 50% of the roof, construction in front of a street-facing wall, removal of a street-facing wall)
of a house constructed in 1953 proposed. Full demolition approved, finding building not potentially eligible for designation. Approval expires
September 11, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/15/2022
HIS2022-00073 335 16TH ST
[Approved] Partial demolition (removal of more than 50% of the roof, removal of a portion of a street-facing wall, replace?siding; redesigned
proposal from HIS2022-00020.) of a building constructed in 1960 proposed. Building is potentially eligible for designation, but scope of work
would not be detrimental to the potential character of the building. If scope of demolition changes, a new application is required. Approval
expires September 25, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/29/2022
HIS2022-00077 1753 COLUMBINE AVE
[Approved] Partial demolition (construction in front of a street-facing wall) of a building constructed in 1946 approved based on plans dated 2-2-
22. Staff determined there is probable cause to believe the building may be potentially eligible for landmark designation, however, the proposed
scope of work would not be detrimental to the historic character of the building. If scope of work changes, a new application is required.
Approval expires September 26, 2022 and cannot be extended.
Case manager: Clare Brandt Decision: Closed; on 3/30/2022
Amended: March 28, 2022
Last Planning Board Meeting: March 17, 2021
April 2022
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
4 5 6 7 8
CC Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
*Call Up: 777 Poplar Avenue Use
Review (S. Walbert)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be
held virtually – See webpage
for details
LB, 6pm will be held virtually
– See webpage for details
*Public Hearing:1236 Canyon
Designation (J. Hewat)
*Public Hearing: 936 Mapleton
Ave, LAC application (J. Hewat)
*Public Hearing: 745 Highland
Ave, LAC application (J. Hewat)
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
*770 28th Street Site and Use
Review (E. McLaughlin)
11 12 13 14 15
CC Study Session, (Late Start) will
be held virtually – See webpage for
*Matters from City Manager: East
Boulder Subcommunity Plan 90%
Draft for Review and Feedback ( K.
King/J. Gatza)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be
held virtually – See webpage
for details
DAB, 4pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
OSBT, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
BOZA Meeting, 5pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
B&C Orientation
B&C Reception
18 19 20 21 22
CC Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
*Call Up: Vacation of a portion of a
utility easement at 1580 Redwood
Avenue (A. Blaine)
*Call Up: 770 28th Site and Use
Review Approval (E. McLaughlin)
*Call Up: LAC for 936 Mapleton
Avenue (J. Hewat)
*Call Up: LAC for 745 Highland
Avenue (J. Hewat)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be
held virtually – See webpage
for details
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
*3320 28th Site and Use Review
(E. McLaughlin)
*Ordinance to Update the Site
Review Criteria (K. Guiler)
25 26 27 28 29
CC Study Session, (Late Start) will
be held virtually – See webpage for
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be
held virtually – See webpage
for details
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
*334 Arapahoe Avenue Annexation
and Initial Zoning (S. Walbert)
*825 Walnut Street Concept Plan
(S. Bista)
Amended: March 28, 2022
Last Planning Board Meeting: March 17, 2021
May 2022
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
2 3 4 5 6
CC/PB Joint Meeting, 6pm will be
held virtually – See webpage for
*Joint CC/PB Meeting to adopt the
East Boulder Subcommunity Plan
(K. King)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
LB, 6pm will be held virtually – See
webpage for details
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
– See webpage for details
*Board deliberation on a motion to adopt
the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (K.
King) - Continuation of the May 3rd Joint
Meeting with City Council Public Hearing
9 10 11 12 13
CC Special Meeting, 6pm will be
held virtually – See webpage for
*Council deliberation on a motion to
adopt the East Boulder Subcommunity
Plan (K. King) - Continuation of the
May 3rd Joint Meeting with Planning
Board Public Hearing item; PUBLIC
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
DAB, 4pm will be held virtually – See
webpage for details
OSBT, 6pm will be held virtually – See
webpage for details
BOZA Meeting, 5pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
16 17 18 19 20
CC Meeting, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
*Consent: 1st Rdg Ord 8515
amending Site Review Criteria
Update (K. Guiler)
*Consent: 1st Rdg Ord XXXX
amending designation boundary of
1236 Canyon Blvd (J. Hewat)
*Call Up: 3320 28ths St, and 3265
and 3267 30th Street Site and Use
Review Approval (E. McLaughlin)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
– See webpage for details
*Ordinance to Update the Use Table &
Standards (L. Houde)
*Update to the Comprehensive Flood
and Stormwater Master Plan (J. Boom)
*Under Matters - DCS Transportation
Updates Briefing (E. Stafford)
23 24 25 26 27
CC Study Session, 6pm will be
held virtually – See webpage for
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
30 31
Amended: March 28, 2022
Last Planning Board Meeting: March 17, 2021
June 2022
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
1 2 3
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will
be held virtually – See
webpage for details
LB, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
–See webpage for details
6 7 8 9 10
CC Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
–See webpage for details
*Consent: 1st Rdg Ord XXXX to Update
the Land Use Code regarding the Use
Table and Standards (L. Houde)
*Consent: Motion to adopt Resolution
XXXX and 1st Rdg Ord XXXX of
Annexation and Initial Zoning at 302
Arapahoe Ave. & 334 Arapahoe Ave. (S.
*Public Hearing: 2nd Rdg Ord 8515
amending Site Review Criteria Update
(K. Guiler)
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will
be held virtually – See
webpage for details
DAB, 4pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
OSBT, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for
BOZA Meeting, 5pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
13 14 15 16 17
CC Study Session, 6pm will be held
virtually – See webpage for details
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will
be held virtually – See
webpage for details
PB Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
–See webpage for details
20 21 22 23 24
CITY HOLIDAY CC Meeting, 6pm will be held virtually
–See webpage for details
*Public Hearing: 2nd Rdg Ord XXXX to
Update the Land Use Code regarding
the Use Table and Standards (L. Houde)
*Public Hearing: 2nd Rdg Ord XXXX
amending designation boundary of 1236
Canyon Blvd (J. Hewat)
*PRELIM - Item XX - Public Hearing:
Motion to adopt Resolution XXXX and
2nd Rdg Ord XXXX of Annexation and
Initial Zoning at 302 Arapahoe Ave. &
334 Arapahoe Ave. (S. Walbert)
Council Recess
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will
be held virtually – See
webpage for details
Council Recess
Joint Advisory Board Meeting (PB,
EAB, OSBT & PRAB), 6-8 pm, OSBT
Hub at 2520 55th Street
Council Recess
27 28 29 30
Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess
LDRC Meeting, 8:30am will
be held virtually – See
webpage for details
Council Recess