Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave LB Memo 04.06.22 MEMORANDUM TO THE LANDMARKS BOARD April 6, 2022 STAFF David Gehr, Interim Director of Planning and Development Services Charles Ferro, Acting Comprehensive Planning Manager Lucas Markley, Attorney, City Attorney’s Office James Hewat, Principal Historic Preservation Planner Clare Brandt, Historic Preservation Planner Faith Hamman, Historic Preservation Intern LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate application to install front porch railings at 745 Highland Ave., an individual landmark and contributing property in the Mapleton Hill Historic District, pursuant to Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981, and under the procedures prescribed by chapter 1-3, “Quasi-Judicial Hearings, “ B.R.C. 1981 (HIS2022-00041). Owner: Carrie and Neville Vere-Nicholl / Applicant: Jeff Borchardt, Jazz Architecture. Address: 745 Highland Ave Owner/Applicant: Carrie and Neville Vere-Nicoll / Jeff Borchardt Case Numbers: HIS2022-00041 Case Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate Code Section: 9-11-18, B.R.C., 1981 SITE INFORMATION Historic District: Mapleton Hill Historic District Date of construction (house): 1902-03 Zoning: RL-1 (Residential-Low 1) Lot size: 9,300 sq. ft. Existing house sq. ft.: 2,262 sq. ft. Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 1 of 36 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Landmarks Board conditionally approve the application. RECOMMENDED MOTION I move that the Landmarks Board adopt the staff memorandum dated April 6, 2022, as the findings of the board and conditionally approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct front porch railings at 745 Highland Ave., an individual landmark and contributing property in the Mapleton Hill Historic District, as shown on plans dated September 22, 2021, finding that the proposal meets the Standards for Issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981 and is generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines provided the stated conditions are met. Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall be responsible for completing the work in compliance with the approved plans, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit final architectural plans and specifications to staff for its final review and approval to ensure that the final design of the railings are consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval. a. Revised railing detailing to simply reflect design elements found on historic portions of the house, for example the diamond pattern in the front windows. SUMMARY The proposal to construct railings at the front porch, including a quatrefoil decorative element, was referred by the Landmarks Design Review Committee to the Landmarks Board for review on February 16, 2022. BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY • In December 2020, the LDRC reviewed a proposal (HIS2020-00325) to add a porch railing, replace windows and add skylights. The next steps included sending details to staff. However, the final design for the front porch railing was omitted from the approved LAC at the applicant’s request. Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 2 of 36 • On February 16, 2022, the LDRC reviewed a revised proposal (HIS2022-00025) for iron railings at the front porch, wood railing at the rear porch, and decking replacement at the front and rear. The LDRC approved and issued a LAC for the wood railing at the rear and replacement wood decking. The LDRC advised the applicants to simplify the railing detail and eliminate the quatrefoil, or present a new application with those elements to the Landmarks Board for review in a public hearing. • An application (HIS2022-00041) detailing the proposed railing with quatrefoil elements was received on February 25, 2022. • Staff finds that the construction front railings generally meets the Standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate pursuant to 9-11-18(a) & (b)(1)-(4) B.R.C. 1981 and is largely consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines. With the stated conditions, staff recommends approval by the Landmarks Board. • This recommendation is based upon the understanding that the stated conditions will be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION • 745 Highland Avenue is located at the end of the block on the east side of Block 6 in the Mapleton Subdivision within the Mapleton Historic District. • The two buildings currently on the lot include the main house and a non-historic garage built in 1988. Figure 1. Location map, 745 Highland Ave. in the Mapleton Hill Historic District Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 3 of 36 Figure 2. 745 Highland Ave., c. 1986 (Carnegie Library for Local History). Figure 3. 745 Highland Ave., South Elevation (Façade), 2022. Figure 4. Views of the front porch, east elevation (left photo) and southwest (right photo). Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 4 of 36 Figure 5. Detail photo of a column on the front porch. Figure 6. Detail photo of column on the front porch. Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 5 of 36 PROPERTY HISTORY • The house sits on the land that was part of the Tourtellot and Squires Addition. Walter Smith purchased the property in 1891 and sold it to James Moorhead, who built the house in 1902.1 Figure 7. Original subdivision plat. Blue highlight indicates lots 48-50, where the house sits • The house was designed by local architect Watson Vernon. The only other buildings known to have been designed by Vernon are the Washington and Lincoln Elementary Schools. 1 Jane Valentine Barker and Jerry Cleveland, 76 Historic Homes of Boulder, Colorado (Boulder, Colo.: Pruett Pub. Co, 1976). Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 6 of 36 Figure 8. Original architectural drawing. Figure 9. Photo of 745 Highland Ave in 1903. 745 Highland Ave – Building Description • Neoclassical (or Classical-Revival) brick residence; • Neoclassical design reflected in the full height porch: o with four fluted ionic columns with volutes (scroll ornaments). o triangular pediment with no ornamentation o simple entablature Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 7 of 36 o rusticated stone base • Hipped roof with front curved gable covered in shingles. • Second-story window bordered by matching pilasters. • Stone foundation that extends as foundation of the front porch. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK Site Plan • No proposed changes to the footprint of the house Figure 10. Site plan of 745 Highland Ave. South Elevation – Façade • Proposed installation of 36” high railing on three sides of front porch; • 1.5” wide tubular steel posts welded to steel footing plate; • ½“ square hammered balusters with alternating quatrefoil detailing • Anodized bronze • Free-standing design that allows for removal with no damage to the façade or columns; Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 8 of 36 Figure 11. View of South elevation, façade Figure 12. Detail view of porch railing. Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 9 of 36 Figure 13. Details of proposed railing components. East and West Elevation • Installation of railing on east and west sides of porch; • 36” tall railing proposed; • 1.5” wide tubular steel posts welded to steel footing plate; • ½” square hammered balusters with alternating quatrefoil detailing • Anodized bronze • Free-standing design; Figure 14. East elevation Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 10 of 36 Figure 15. West elevation. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD’S DECISION STANDARDS FOR LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATES, 9-11-18, B.R.C., 1981 (a) The Landmarks Board and the City Council shall not approve an application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate unless each such agency finds that the proposed work is consistent with the purposes of this chapter. (b) Neither the Landmarks Board nor the City Council shall approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate unless it meets the following conditions: 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within a historic district? Provided the stated conditions are met, staff finds the proposed work will be generally consistent with the purposes of this chapter, in that, while not a historic feature, the proposed railing is necessary from a life-safety standpoint and its simple design will not damage the historic character of the Neo-classical house. 2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark property? Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 11 of 36 Provided the stated conditions are met, staff considers the proposed railing will not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, and value of the property as the changes are generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines. 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the landmark property? Provided the stated conditions are met, staff considers that the texture, color, and arrangement of the proposed railing will be compatible with the designated property. (c) In determining whether to approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate, the Landmarks Board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design and enhanced access for the disabled. Specific information specific to economic feasibly of alternatives, incorporation or energy- efficiency design and enhance access for the disabled was not submitted with the application. DESIGN GUIDELINE ANALYSIS The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC). The Board has adopted the General Design Guidelines for Boulder’s Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines to help interpret the ordinance. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design and not as a checklist of items for compliance. General Design Guidelines, 3.4 Porches Front porches are a common and important visual element of many historic building styles. The porch roof is generally supported by freestanding columns or by columns resting on a masonry wall. Wood railings are anchored with masonry or wood balustrades. A porch is generally open with the facade of the house plainly visible. .3 Maintain the height, detail and spacing of the original balustrade if replacing, extending or adding balustrades. .5 If a rear or side porch is to be enclosed, the following guidelines apply: Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 12 of 36 • Maintain the sense of openness, scale, proportion, and separation from the structure of the house. The enclosure should not obscure the main architectural details of the porch or house. • Keep the design and materials as simple as possible rather than trying to match the building facade. .8 Porches on new buildings or on non-contributing buildings should be compatible with the architecture of the building, incorporating traditional scale and proportions with updated design details. Analysis • Photographic evidence indicates that the porch never included a railing; • The simplicity and lightness of the proposed railing design will not obscure the architectural details of the house; • The railing design is simple and will complement the architecture of the house, however the quatrefoil element is more typical of a Gothic Revival architecture; • Recommend removing the quatrefoil element or including a detail that is compatible with, and takes cues from, the architecture of the building. For example, the original diamond detailing in the windows in lieu of the quatrefoil pattern. In this case, staff considers the installation of a railing at the front porch appropriate, due to these factors:  The proposed railing is an effective and necessary for life-safety;  The proposed railing is sensitive to the open appearance of the house; it will be subtle and keeps the facade of the house plainly visible;  A 36” tall railing on full height porch is proportional to the two-story volume of the front porch;  The proposed railing is freestanding not connecting to columns or walls, is reversible, and therefore will not damage historic material. Staff considers that the following changes to the proposal are necessary to ensure consistency with the General Design Guidelines for Boulder’s Historic Landmarks:  Modification of the design to better reflect and be more compatible with the Neo- Classical architecture of the building (consider using the diamond form found on windows rather that quatrefoil pattern on the rail). PUBLIC COMMENT Staff has received no public comment regarding this application. FINDINGS Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 13 of 36 Staff recommends the Landmarks Board adopt the following findings: The Landmarks Board finds that with the stated conditions the project meets the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate set forth in Section 9-11-18, “Standards for Landmark Alteration Certificate Applications,” B.R.C. 1981. In reaching this conclusion, the Board considers the information in the staff memorandum dated April 6, 2022, and the evidence provided to the Board at its April 6, 2022 meeting. Specifically, the Board finds, if the stated conditions are met, that: 1. The proposal will be generally consistent with the purposes of this chapter, in that the proposed work will not damage the historic character of the landmark property; 2. The proposed work will preserve, and will not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark; 3. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color and materials used on the building will be compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site; and 4. The proposed work will not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, and value of the landmark property, as it is generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines and will generally comply with Sections 2.0 and 3.3 of the General Design Guidelines and Section 9-11-18(b)(3) of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Applicant Materials Attachment B: Historic Building Inventory Record, 745 Highland Ave (link) Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 14 of 36 PPlanningg && Developmentt Servicess || 17399 Broadway,, 3rdd Floor P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 303-441-1880 boulderplandevelop.net Page 1 of 5 Updated March 2021   Historic Preservation Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC) Application f REQUIRED MATERIALS FOR PROPOSED EXTERIOR WORK TO ALL PROPERTIES IN DESIGNATED HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND INDIVIDUALLY LANDMARKED …Signed application …Current site plan and photographs of the property, including the view from the street. See page 2. …Other materials defined by project type and scope. See page 5 for a checklist or required materials. f TO SUBMIT YOUR LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE (LAC)APPLICATION x Save your materials as PDFs using the naming conventions in the Online Plan Application Guide x Email application to PDSskipatrip@bouldercolorado.gov. Put Historic Preservation in the subject line. x Questions? ContactHistoric Preservation staff at 303-441-1994 or historic@bouldercolorado.gov x Si necesita ayuda para traducir esta información al español, llame al 303-441-1905 f APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Name Phone#Email Address Address City State Zip f OWNER CONTACT INFORMATION SAME AS APPLICANT Name Phone#Email Address Address City State Zip f PROJECT INFORMATION THE WORK WILL NEED TO MEET THE GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ANDANY DISTRICT-SPECIFIC DESIGN GUIDELINES (LINKS BELOW). Project Address Historic District (Check one. Search the map of Landmarks and Historic Districts.) Chamberlain Chautauqua Downtown Floral Park Highland Lawn Hillside Mapleton Hill University Place West Pearl 16th Street Individual Landmark Name: Project Description Date:     Jeff Borchardt 303-402-1234 jazzarchitecture@icloud.com 2820 Dover Dr Boulder CO 80305 Carrie and Neville VereNicoll (303) 579-9879 carrievn@gmail.com 745 Highland Ave.Boulder CO 80302  Proposed guard railings at existing hazardous porches. Replacement of deteriorating deck surfacing. Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 15 of 36 Jazz Architecture February 24, 2022 City of Boulder Landmarks Design Review Committee RE: 745 Highlands Avenue The owners have the greatest respect for the historic integrity of this home. We have been working quite successfully with Landmarks in preserving the character of this landmark and they look to maintain this stunning example Greek Revival style for the communities enjoyment. The proposal below is one of the few visible exterior changes sought and only brought about for the protection of grand children and guests. What the owners are asking for from the board is that the proposed railing be allowed to better match the character and elegance of the existing house. Agreements and accommodations with Landmarks to date include: • Reusing/ refurbishing the existing cord sash windows, replacing only glazing as required to meet present safety (tempered glass) codes. • New emergency egress windows and wells at basement level were installed within historic window openings, foundations elements and masonry openings, under and within the width of existing stone lintels. Local buff sandstone lined and capped window wells structures, matching adjacent existing foundation and lintels. All was cropped low to existing grade and out of site from the street view. • New rear porch railing replacing historic to closely match materials and design of existing but at present code required height. • Owners have accepted Landmarks request to maintain existing wood surface porch instead of the preferred, more durable, waterproof and slip resistant synthetic decking requested. At present the front porch has no required guard railing. The front entry porch has a substantial drop, over 4 feet. This is serious life safety issue we need to address. Past correspondence between Landmarks and previous owners, suggestion was made to minimize the impact of a new guard railing by making it as transparent as possible. We agree with that intention and believe we have achieved that with the proposed design and with a complimentary style. Shown on the plans and elevations is the proposed code minimum railing that we feel might achieve that minimal look and letting the facade read through as much as possible. The railing design minimizes visibility with its matt black finish and thin profiles, receding on the light brick and trim allowing the columns and façade to stand proud. This while maintaining the required safety and structural code requirements. The last made more challenging by efforts to not attach at the ends to the columns or brick facade of the house. The proposed railing structural frame is composed of narrow 1.5” wide tubular steel newel posts, midpoint and ends, welded to a substantial steel footing plate bolted to structure. This provides us the rigidity required for this self supporting railing while maintaining a thin profile. The infill balusters; 1/2” square plain wrought iron alternate with quatrefoil balusters that would be contemporary with the historic style and age of the house. The soft foundry iron finish is to receive a non-reflective matt black finish that will help the railing to recede from view, allowing the much brighter white columns, trim and the buff brick facade to dominate. Jazz Architecture 2820 Dover Drive Boulder CO 80305 303 402-1234 jazzarchitecture@icloud.com of exist matchin out of s •New r but at p •Owne of the p At present drop, over 4 between La guard railin have achiev and elevatio look and let Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 16 of 36 Jazz Architecture We understand that the National register prefers a distinct break with materials, texture and even style to distinguish between new and old construction. At present this house is not Nationally landmarked. We are asking to not be held to that standard. The owners are not opposed to National Historic landmark status in the future but want the new railing to compliment not contrast with the existing house. If that status is considered in the future and the railing is an obstacle for designation, the free-standing design of the proposed railing allows for complete removal without any damage to the façade or columns. No handrail is proposed at the existing stone grand entry stairs as a railing there would require attachment to stone. The double-curved, flowing stone side caps and faceted finials, are wide enough to guard from falls and, we feel, are too gracious to touch. Every effort has been made, inside and out, to honor this treasured house and we invite you to view the finished project, hopefully soon. Jeff Borchardt Jazz Architecture 2820 Dover Drive Boulder CO 80305 303 402-1234 jazzarchitecture@icloud.com 5"1"6'-10 1/2"8"21'-2"8'-7"7'-8"8'-7"19'-4"9"3"14'-0"8'-3"9'-10"7'-5"4'-6"35 -81/4 EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE EXISTING SWAMP COOLER COFFERED PANEL AT NEW STAIR Guest BathM-Bed New Stair 9'-5"5"1"68"OFFERRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEED PAPPNEL T NEWWWWWWW STAAAATTIR Gue t BathM-Bed NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSttttttttttaaaaaaaaaa rrrrrrrNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSttttttttttaaaaaaarrrrrrrNNNNNNNNNNNNNeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStttttttttttaaaaaaaiiiirrrrr444444444444444NNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSS444444444444444444444444444444444'444'''444444---66666---66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"""6666""""66666666"""77777777777777777777777777''777--777----------555-5555-55555555555555555555555555"""SSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTT EEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXX SSSSSSS NNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEXXXXXXXTTTTT East Elevation Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0"9998989"99999999"9838385 83838333838'-738-5 33"39 -9 33-79 559'5"5--5-55 7"5"'79 5"70 ' 24'-04 2 221'-222"0 21-200 77-218-114 72020"7214 700 22 7'14 22 7'2 2"2"0 28"2 7-821"218'-3'8-883888-3838833"88388"8883383"East E evation Scale 1/4/"=1'-0" ORIGINALL TRIPLEE WYTHEE BRICKK WALLS EXISTING SKYLIGHT PROPOSED NEW REAR RAILING TO MATCH EXISTING WOOD PAINTED RAILING: 4x4 POSTS W/ 2x2 BALLUSTERS. @ 5" O.C. MAINTAIN EXISTNG DRAIN THROUGH DECKING SYSTEM. PROPOSED/ NEW FRONT PORCH GUARDRAIL 36" TALL MINIMUM.3'-1"MinimumEXISTING 21" HIGH RAILING (BEYOND. SHOWN FOR REFERENCE) Rear railing changes granted earlier by Landmarks Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 17 of 36 Jazz Architecture Jazz Architecture 2820 Dover Drive Boulder CO 80305 303 402-1234 jazzarchitecture@icloud.com8'-7"33'-1"3'-8"333333333333333333333''3333''3333333'''-----8888888888888888888888888888888888888888"""""""""33333333Southh Elevation Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" PProposedd Porchh Railingg Plan 1/4"" == 1'-0"1 5 10 200 33 133-1"-1"3 -133'333 --33 "3 "3 -1""3333333 --1-33333333333333 2'-7" 51/2"10" 51/2"10" -----4'-8 1/2"4'-8 1/2"33/4"4"4"3"81/2"81/2"4'-8 1/2"4'-8 1/2"33/4"4"4"3"81/2"81/2" 3'-10"3'-10" 3'-10" 2.5x1. 5x. 2 5" S T E E L T U B E P O S T S AN D CAP R AI L W E L D E D T O 10x5x0. 2 5" B A SE P L A T E, T Y PI C A L. 81/2"81/2" 3'-10"3'-10" NEW DECKING ON 3/4" SLEEPERS TO DRAIN TO ICE AND WATER SHIELD OVER EXISTING WOOD DECKING. Existing painted wood decking surface to be refurbished and if necessary, replaced, with similar wood surface and thin profile. Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 18 of 36 Jazz Architecture Jazz Architecture 2820 Dover Drive Boulder CO 80305 303 402-1234 jazzarchitecture@icloud.com Baluster materials to be used: 16mm (1/2”) Ductile Iron Baluster, with hollow cross/ quatrefoil design in an alternating pattern with plain square, Both balusters are 1/2” square profile iron. Foundry finish wrought iron to be painted or powder coated matt black. Structural components (Newels and Cap railing) 2.5x1.5x.25” Steel Tube Posts And Cap Rail Welded To 10X5X0.25" Steel Base Plate. Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 19 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 20 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 21 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 22 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 23 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 24 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 25 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 26 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 27 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 28 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 29 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 30 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 31 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 32 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 33 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 34 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 35 of 36 Attachment A - Applicant Materials Item 5C - 745 Highland Ave. LB Memo 04.06.2022 Page 36 of 36