Safe Streets and Twenty is Plenty PresentationUpdate on the Safe Streets Report and 20 is Plenty March 8, 2022 City Council Special Meeting Agenda 1 2 3 4 Key findings Relationship to Core Arterial Network Vision Zero Action Plan Next steps Key findings –Safe Streets Report Key Findings –20 is Plenty 1 Speeds remain largely unchanged 2 Street design had a demonstrable impact on vehicle speeds3 Boulder’s results in line with other cities who have reduced speed limits 5 Findings align with the Safe Streets Report –severe crashes happening on arterials, not local streets 6 Findings inform future speed management strategies 7 Findings align with recent Council direction to adjust the city’s speed management strategies and programs 4 Changing street design is most effective approach to reduce speeds Relationship to Core Arterial Network Map of All Crashes (2018-2020)Proposed Core Arterial Network Relationship to Core Arterial Network •65% of severe crashes occurred on arterial streets. •Most speeding crashes, particularly those that result in severe crashes, occur on arterial streets. •Programs to address local streets require extensive community engagement and staff time. •The highest benefit-cost ratio in terms of potential crash reduction can be achieved focusing on arterial streets. Relationship to Core Arterial Network •Many projects along arterials are already underway: o 30th St./Colorado Ave. Protected Intersection (Construction) o North Broadway Reconstruction (Construction) o 28th St. Improvements Project (Design) o 28th St./Colorado Ave. Protected Intersection (Design) o 30th St. Vertically Separated Bike Lanes (Design) o Iris Ave./15th St. Pedestrian Crossing Enhancement (Design) o E. Arapahoe Ave. Multi-Use Path Enhancements (Design) •Key focus areas: pedestrian and bicycle facility enhancements and traffic signal system upgrades Vision Zero Action Plan Seamlessly integrate into departmental work plans Allow for direct and candid dialogue with TAB and City Council Serve as playbook to achieving Vision Zero Assure accountability and bold thinking Vision Zero Action Plan •Use data-driven approach •Identify proven safety countermeasures o Reactive, crash patterns o Proactive, systemic/risk factors •Complement and enhance the Core Arterial Network Next Steps Finalize Safe Streets Report, 4th Edition 20221 Begin update to Vision Zero Action Plan 2 Finalize Evaluation of 20 is Plenty Summary Report 3 4 Begin work on Core Arterial Network projects Questions for Council 1.What feedback does Council have regarding the Draft Safe Streets Report, 4th Edition, 2022? 2.What feedback does Council have regarding the 20 is Plenty Evaluation? 3.What feedback does Council have regarding the proposed approach for completing the Vision Zero Action Plan in 2022? Contact Devin Joslin, PE, PTOE Principal Traffic Engineer 303-441-3289 joslind@bouldercolorado.gov