5A 1300 Canyon Blvd Landmark Designation PresentationAgenda Item 5A
Second reading and consideration of a motion to adopt Ordinance 8496 designating the
property at 1300 Canyon Blvd., City of Boulder, Colorado, also known as the Midland Savings
and Loan –Atrium Building, a landmark under Chapter 9-11, “Historic Preservation,” B.R.C.
1981, and setting forth related details.
Owner/Applicant: City of Boulder / Historic Boulder, Inc.
Planning & Development Services | Landmark Designation
1.Council members reveal ex-parte contacts
2.Staff presentation; Council may ask questions
3.Owner presentation; Council may ask questions
4.Public hearing opened for public comment;
Council may ask questions
5.Owner response
6.Public hearing closed; City Council discusses
7.A motion requires an affirmative vote of at least 5
Council members to pass motion.
Quasi-Judicial Public
Hearing Procedure
Planning & Development Services
Landmark Designation