Item 1C - City Attorney Recruitment Update PresentationCity of Boulder Human Resources City Attorney Recruitment 1 Timeline & Process Process Week of Activity Status Position Review 07/26/21 •Position profile updated and review by hiring subcommittee and council Complete Active Recruitment 07/26/21 – 08/30/21 •Visibility campaign, active recruitment and outreach begins Jul. 30 •Candidate applications due Aug. 30 Complete Candidate Review 09/06/21 •Candidate materials presented to hiring subcommittee. Subcommittee selects semi-finalists. Complete Virtual & In- Person Semi- Finalist Interviews 09/13/21 – 09/24/21 •Hiring subcommittee, city leadership representatives, city attorney office representatives interview semi-finalist candidates. Hiring subcommittee solicits feedback from representatives •Council reviews semi-finalist candidate materials. Hiring subcommittee shares feedback with council about semi-finalist interviews and answers their questions about candidates. Hiring subcommittee recommends finalists In Progress In-Person Finalist Interviews 09/27/21 •Council selects/votes on finalists at council meeting Sept. 28 •Council interviews finalists 2x2 Oct. 1. Hiring subcommittee solicits feedback from council. Hiring subcommittee recommends final candidate Not Started Hiring 10/11/21 •Council selects final candidate at council meeting Oct. 12 •City Attorney start date to be determined Not Started City of Boulder Human Resources City Attorney Recruitment 2 Active Recruitment •Position posted in national publications, websites and social media •Recruiter outreached more than 260 tailored applicants through a combination of targeted emails and phone calls Candidate Overview •13 candidates are from four (4) different states, with the largest number of applicants coming from Colorado (9) •7 qualified candidates were presented to the subcommittee •The 5 most highly qualified candidates were selected by the subcommittee as semi-finalists City of Boulder Human Resources City Attorney Recruitment 3 Council’s Role & Next Steps Semi-Finalist Interviews •Sept.15 –24: Receive and review semi-finalist applications •Sept. 19 –24: Hear from the hiring subcommittee 1x1 about semi-finalist interviews (taking place Sept. 17 & 18) and ask your questions about the candidates. The hiring subcommittee will recommend 2-3 finalists based on the feedback received Finalist Interviews •Sept. 28: Select finalists at council meeting •Oct. 1: Interview finalists 2x2. The hiring subcommittee will recommend 1 finalist based on the feedback received Hiring •Oct. 12: Select final candidate at council meeting