Public Comment 11-24-2020 WoodFrom:Jan Wood
To:Historic Preservation
Cc:David Wein
Subject:643 Mapleton Avenue
Date:Tuesday, November 24, 2020 10:48:28 AM
External Sender
To: City of Boulder - Planning and Development Services
Re: 643 Mapleton Avenue
Property Owner: David Wein
Application: To construct 23' x 12.5' inground swimming pool
From: Kenneth & Janet Wood
704 Mapleton Avenue
To Whom it May Concern:
We live catty corner from 643 Mapleton Avenue, Boulder, Colorado the proposed
site for an inground swimming pool. Please be advised that we have no
objection to and in fact support David Wein's construction of an inground
swimming pool on his property.
Ken & Jan Wood
Cell phones: 610-637-9790 & 720-254-6532