Public Comment 11-24-2020 BennettFrom:Larry Bennett To:Historic Preservation Subject:643 Mapleton Avenue - Swimming Pool Construction Date:Tuesday, November 24, 2020 11:55:53 AM External Sender To: City of Boulder - Planning and Development Services Re: 643 Mapleton Avenue Property Owner: David Wein Application: Construction of 23' x 12.5’ in-ground swimming pool From: Larry & Christine Bennett 625 Mapleton Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 To Whom it May Concern, We live at 625 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, Colorado. Our house is located two houses west from David Wein’s house at 643 Mapleton Avenue which is the proposed site for an in-ground swimming pool. We have lived in this house since January 2003. We wanted to let you know that we have no objection to David Wein's construction of an in-ground swimming pool on his property. We are in full support of that project and believe it will be a nice addition to the neighborhood. Please feel free to call or email us if you would like to discuss this further. Sincerely, Larry & Christine Bennett Larry Bennett e: larrybennett@mac.com p: 720.232.0434 Christine Bennett e: cbennett625@gmail.com p: 303.507.8698