Public Comment 11-23-2020 SchweigerFrom:Hewat, James
Cc:David Wein; Luke Sanzone
Subject:FW: 643 Mapleton pool application HIS2020-00218
Date:Monday, November 30, 2020 8:41:16 AM
See letter below from Catherine Schweiger addressing the proposed pool at 643 Mapleton Avenue on the December 2nd Landmark Board’s agenda.
James Hewat
Senior Historic Preservation Planner
Cell # 303.441.3207
Planning Department
1739 Broadway | Boulder, CO 80306
From: schweige <>
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 5:31 PM
To: Hewat, James <>
Subject: 643 Mapleton pool application HIS2020-00218
External Sender
I own the property at 2427 7th Street which is to the immediate north of the Wein property at 643 Mapleton, a corner lot. Our lots are not typical as there are houses on all sides of the 600 block between
Mapleton and Maxwell. Corner lots, on this block, have very short rear yards. My rental is located in what would be the backyard of an interior lot fronting on Mapleton. The house at 2427 7th sits on a shallow
rubble stone foundation and very shallow crawl space below the south facade. The rubble foundation appears to be stable but I am concerned that excavation for a pool this close to my structure would present
problems for my structure.
Comments in bold are taken from the guidelines for historic district.
Landscaping that has the potential for damaging a landmark structure will not beapproved. In the event that a dispute exists between the applicant
and the LandmarksDesign Review Committee concerning whether a proposed landscape design willdamage the landmark structure, the Landmarks
Board will review the application.
The backyard of 643 Mapleton is totally visible from 7th Street.
In most cases, the introduction of a pool will be so detrimental to the character of the site or the streetscape that such construction will beinappropriate
On corner lots, pools should be located at the portion of the rear yard farthest from the public rights-of-way. It may not be possible to locate a pool on a
corner lot in a way that is not visible from a public right-of-way
A back yard planted area should be preserved when locating the pool, maintaining the appropriate proportion of paving and other hardscape to planting on
the property.
A search of the city website did not turn up the application for this project. Please send me a link to the application so I may review it and make further comments as appropriate.
I find it hard to find support for this project in my cursory review of the guidelines.
Catherine Schweiger