05.20.20 BJAD PresentationBJAD Commissions COMMUNITY VITALITY COVID BUDGET IMPACT AND STRATEGIES MAY 20, 2020 Current COB Impact/Central Finance Guidance Prioritized proposed reductions up to 10% of 2020 budget (all funds) and reductions of up to 10% for 2021 (2020 ongoing reductions included) Evaluate all programs and projects through the following lenses: ◦Budgeting for Resiliency ◦Four Categories: ◦Essential, Important, Helpful (Flex Rebate), or Amenity (Event support) ◦Whether service should reasonably be provided during next 6-12 months ◦Revenue impact ◦Racial Equity ◦Citywide goals (Sustainability + Resilience Framework), Dept. Strategic Plans, Collaboration Budget reductions for 2020 are currently being evaluated Adapting Framework to CV Strategic plan ◦Access for People ◦“Invest in existing infrastructure to enhance and extend life of district-owned assets and develop a strategic asset plan for future opportunities.” ◦“Set and achieve customer service enhancements such as, reducing in-person wait times, setting standards for responsiveness to customer issues, and further development of partnerships.” ◦Vision of Place ◦“Utilize existing programs to contribute to the city-wide Vision Zero goals; safety enhancements for pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles.” ◦Pursuit of Vitality ◦“To facilitate a diverse and dynamic economy where residents and businesses grow and succeed together through strategic partnerships (internal and external), policies, and programs.” Adapting Framework to CV CIP project prioritization criteria: 1.Project addresses Life/Safety issue 2.Project addresses deferred maintenance as outlined in CIP/Farnsworth and/or maintenance costs increase without addressing 3.Project is critical to generate and/or increase revenue 4.Project is related to a type of service (Essential, Important, Helpful, Amenity) 5.Project advances CV Strategic Objective(s) Adapting Framework to CV ➢Reductions a mixture of one-time and ongoing ➢Reductions made over a two-year budget horizon (2020-2021) ➢Reductions prioritized against CV Strategic Plan ➢CV-COVID Recovery activities should also be considered CAGID Revenue Impact -100.0% -90.0% -80.0% -70.0% -60.0% -50.0% -40.0% -30.0% -20.0% -10.0% 0.0% Mar-9 - Mar-15 Mar-16 - Mar-22 Mar-23 - Mar-29 Mar-30 - Apr-5 Apr-6 - Apr-12 Apr-13 - Apr 19 Apr 20 - Apr-26 Apr-27 - May-3 May-4 - May-10 May-11 - May-17 May-18 - May-24 May-25 - May-31 Jun-1 - Jun-7 Jun-8 - Jun-15 Jun-16 - Jun-22 Jun-23 - Jun-29 DECLINE FROM 2019 UTILIZATIONDECLINE IN PARKING GARAGE UTILIZATION FROM 2019 (%) CV Funds -Projected Financial Impact on Revenue Fund 2020 Adopted Budget Revised 2020 Revenue Surplus (Shortfall)% Change from Adopted General**$5,742,000 $3,435,065 ($2,306,935)-40% UHGID $558,374 $477,207 ($81,167)-15% CAGID $10,453,063 $7,854,166 ($2,423,354)-25% BJAD –Parking $603,094 $569,437 ($33,657)-6% BJAD –TDM $580,074 $580,074 -0 --0 - TOTALS $17,936,605 $12,915,949 ($5,020,656)-28% **Includes on-street meters, NPP, and parking violations Fund Balances and Application Fund 2020 Beginning Fund Balance 2020 Operating Reserve 2020 Ending Fund Balance ($) % to 2021 Projected Operating Uses CAGID $14,984,155 $1,601,507 $11,711,153 135% UHGID $1,122,191 $105,601 $940,923 159% BJAD –Parking $67,563 $60,542 $4,699 1.3% BJAD –TDM $451,327 $52,937 $489,979 100% Short-Term Impact on BJAD Funds TDM ➢No immediate revenue impact ➢RTD EcoPass partial reimbursement likely (~$35,000) ➢Changes in RTD service will be monitored ➢Property values will be monitored PARKING ➢Short-term parking revenue impact ➢Likely 50% decline from 2019 revenues ($18,533) due to stay-at-home order and transit reductions ➢Long-term permit revenue impact ➢Permit sales likely to be impacted –current projection is 25% decline from 2019 revenues (~$12,000) CV Potential Strategies to Address Gap Fund Balance Applied UHGID & CAGID CIP Delays/Cancellations Affordable Commercial Pilot Technology Improvements Limited Flexibility on Large Projects EcoPass Reduction Expected Reimbursement from RTD Furlough Savings Limited financial impact Other Operational Reductions 10% ongoing reduction recommendations (city-wide) Long-Term Planning and Future Funding ➢Continued need for long-term planning for both districts to inform budget recommendations ➢BJAD Commissions retreat ➢Council subcommittee on budget will impact city-wide prioritization ➢Departments will be asked to assume a fiscally-constrained environment until long-term COVID impacts are known Budget Process ➢Reductions being considered this month ➢Additional guidance may be forthcoming from Central Finance for 2020 & 2021 ➢Capital Improvement Plan review is proceeding ➢Department budget (draft) is due June 8 ➢Expect BJAD Commissions to review a close to final budget in July