05.20.20 BJAD Minutes
MEETING DATE: May 20, 2020
Board Members: TDM: Bush, Knapp, Prant, Shriver
Parking: Bush, Knapp, Cook
Staff: Bowden, Jones, Woulf, Hayward
PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Heather Hayward (303) 441-4191
Roll Call BJAD-TDM and BJAD-Parking – Completed. Meeting called to order at 4:02 pm
Approval of January 15, 2020 Minutes
Cook moved to approve the January 15, 2020 minutes. Knapp seconded. All in favor.
Public Comment
Consent Items – No questions. Shriver moved to approve. Prant seconded. All in favor.
Matters from Staff
New Commissioner Introduction and Orientation
Jones introduced and welcomed new TDM Commissioner, Jennifer Shriver. Jones will follow up
with Shriver after the meeting regarding scheduling orientation. Prant volunteered to be mentor
to Shriver.
COVID Budget Impact on BJAD and Funding Strategies
Woulf discussed significant impact of COVID-19 across many funds. There has been a
significant impact on sales tax and parking revenue. Community Vitality has been asked to
propose up to 10% reductions of 2020 budgets as well as to the ongoing 2021 budget. They are
budgeting for resiliency and to ensure the budget is in alignment with our CV strategic plan.
They are also looking at Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) prioritization. Reductions will be a
mixture of one-time and ongoing. They’re anticipating a $5 million impact to CV overall. They
project a slow recovery. Woulf stated that he doesn’t believe we’ll need to use BJAD TDM
operating reserve at this point. For Parking, there is an operating reserve, but if they apply it,
they’ll be close to being underwater. He doesn’t want to them in a position to be reliant only on
future revenue coming in.
Woulf reported that there is no immediate revenue impact to the TDM at this time. He also
discussed that they should be receiving an RTD EcoPass partial reimbursement of approximately
Woulf stated that Parking will be significantly impacted by changes to revenue. They’re
projecting about a 50% decline from 2019 short-term parking revenues. They are projecting
about a 25% decline in long-term parking revenue, but this is a moving target at this point.
Parking has a very small reserve balance going into 2020.
Woulf discussed some of the potential strategies to address gap, including:
• Applying fund balance
• CIP delays/cancellations
• EcoPass reduction
• Furlough savings
• Other operation reductions (10% on-going reduction recommendation city-wide)
Long-Term Planning for BJAD Budget
Woulf stated that they expect to have a near-final budget for the commission’s review in July. He
also said they would like to avoid using the operating reserve for BJAD parking.
Bush said that many people may want to keep their permits due to people feeling less
comfortable with public transportation. He said there might be strategies to address this moving
Parking & Access Recovery & Restoration
Jones reported on the plan and timeline for ramping back up of parking enforcement. During this
time, there have minimized enforcement activities. The City’s parking enforcement team was
called on to redirect services to assist OSMP with trailheads. They are currently working on
restoration of enforcement but are still focused on safety violations. Jones stated that during this
response time they had no charges at garages. This week they started to charge again in
downtown garages. They didn’t make any changes to charging at Boulder Junction garages
because those are owned by multiple partners.
Jones reported on damage to the gates at Boulder Junction that occurred at the beginning of this
event. There was over $20,000 of damage. Rather than paying for these repairs, they are moving
forward with gateless technology that will be completed by July. Jones discussed the new
reduced rate downtown garages with a daily $8 cap. They are encouraging parkers to move to the
garages. They have added zones for curbside pickup for downtown businesses. This is a pilot
that could be expanded throughout the districts, as requested.
Bush asked about outdoors cafes. Bowden said that they had a conversation with Council last
night on this and city staff recommended a complete waiver of retail minimum parking
requirements. They have created 4-5 options for businesses and anticipate a permit process that
will have no cost for businesses. They’ve received provisional guidance from the Governor’s
office. They’ve scheduled industry-specific webinar next Tuesday, in concert with the Chamber
and Downtown Boulder. Staff has approached this from a city-wide perspective, not district
perspective. They will need to find out from the Governor if he will reduce the number of days
required for alcohol permitting.
AMPS Implementation Update
Jones stated that at last night’s council meeting there was an item for an adjustment to base for
Transportation to help fund AMPS implementation work. The second reading will be next week.
Presuming the funding is approved, they can proceed with this work in 2020.
Commission Retreat
Jones stated they would like to resume planning for a commission retreat in July. Hayward will
send out dates.
Matters from Commissioners
Bush discussed outreach with tenants. He stated that they’ve met with each of 12 tenants on their
return-to-work plan. People are returning to work slowly. They anticipate approximately 10% of
space will be occupied by end of May and 50% occupied by end of June. Tenants may move
forward with a percentage of their work force working from home and my not return at the same
numbers. Bush stated that this may impact city services.
Bush reported on the alliance on the construction side that included Bush’s group, Knapp’s
group and Laura from BHP. They’ve been working on enforcement social distancing and masks.
They’ve created COVID observers and been meeting regularly with their contractors to report on
best practices and latest ideas. Knapp mentioned that through these practices they’ve not had any
positive cases. This has been a successful group effort and will be an ongoing process.
Knapp requested that the Commissions’ goals be added back to future packets.
Matters for Next Meeting Agenda - Nominate and vote for Chair.
Meeting adjourned at 5:01 pm
July 22, 2020 Location: Virtual Meeting Commission Retreat
Attest: _____________________ ________________________________
Heather Hayward, Secretary Ryan Cook, Chair, Parking
Andrew Bush, Chair, TDM
Ryan Cook (Jul 20, 2020 08:11 MDT)
Ryan Cook
Andrew Bush (Jul 23, 2020 13:15 MDT)