06.03.20 LB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD MEETING ACTION MINUTES June 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Virtual meeting The following are the action minutes of the June 3, 2020 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records at 303-441-3043. You may also listen to the recording on-line at www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Abby Daniels, Vice Chair - absent John Decker, Chair - present William Jellick - present Fran Sheets - present Ronnie Pelusio - present TBD, Planning Board representatives without a vote - absent STAFF MEMBERS: Lucas Markley, Assistant City Attorney II -present James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner -present Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner II -present Clare Brandt, Administrative Specialist -present Ryan Hanschen, Engagement Specialist and moderator -present 1. CALL TO ORDER [00:00.00 audio minutes] The roll having been called, Chair J. Decker declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES [00:05.14 audio minutes] On a motion by J. Decker, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board approved (4-0) the minutes from the May 13, 2020 Landmarks Board meetings. 3.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS [00:06.13 audio minutes] 1.Kathryn Barth 2940 20th St. 80304 Noted that she, and other members of the public were attending the meeting to experiment with the virtual format. 2.Joe Stepanek 720 11th St. 80302 Thanked the Board for holding the meeting using the virtual format and for progressing with the Landmark designation of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse. 4.DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING [00:09.43 audio minutes] •No pending stays of demolition • Statistical Report for May 5. PUBLIC HEARING [00:13.12 audio minutes] A. [00:14.00 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the property at 2962 11th Street as an individual landmark, pursuant to Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2020-00062). Owner/Applicant: Janice Estey Ex Parte Contacts J. Decker: Site visit W. Jellick: Site visit F. Sheets: Site visit R. Pelusio: None Staff Presentation M. Cameron presented the case to the board, recommending that the board approve the application. Applicant’s Presentation Janice Estey (2962 11th Street) spoke about the history of the property. Public Comment 1. Kathryn Barth 2940 20th St. 80304 Spoke in support of the application and admired the photographic documentation presented. Motion On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board voted (3-1, W. Jellick dissenting), to adopt the staff memorandum dated June 3, 2020, as findings of the board and recommend to the City Council that it designate the property at 2962 11th St. as a local historic landmark, to be known as the Austin-Estey House, finding that it meets the standards for individual landmark designation in Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981. W. Jellick’s dissenting vote was based on consideration that the property does not have a special character and historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. B. [01:08.28 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of an application construct a new 1,120 sq. ft., one- & one-half story accessory building on the contributing property at 845 14th Street in the University Place Historic District, pursuant to Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981 (HIS2020-00102). Owner/Applicant: Victoria and Joel Marks Ex Parte Contacts J. Decker: LDRC review of a different application on this property W. Jellick: None F. Sheets: LDRC review of a different application on this property R. Pelusio: None Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the case to the board, recommending that the board conditionally approve the application. Applicant’s Presentation Victoria Marks (845 14th Street) spoke about the property’s connection to the University of Colorado, the character of the neighborhood, and generally in support of the application. Joel Marks (845 14th Street) answered questions regarding the size of the proposed building. Public Comment 1. Steve Morgan 830 14th Street 80302 Spoke about preserving the character of the neighborhood. 2. Ruth Schrok 860 14th Street 80302 Raised concerns of increased density and traffic, and for vehicles traversing the curb cut. Motion On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board voted (4-0), to adopt the staff memorandum dated June 3, 2020, as findings of the board and conditionally approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a one-& one-half story accessory building on the contributing property at 845 14th Street as shown on plans dated April 1, 2020, finding that if the stated conditions of approval are met, the proposal will meet the Standards for Issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981 and is generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the University Place Historic District Design Guidelines. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit to the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc), for its final review and approval: 1. Revised drawings showing: a. A reduction in mass and scale of the proposed accessory building to about 700 sq. ft.; b. A simplified roof form; c. Revisions to fenestration to simplify profile of windows, unify location, size and proportion of window types and revisions to more traditional garage door(s); d. Change of concrete driveway/apron material to gravel or other pervious material. 2. Final architectural plans that include details including stone, brick, stucco, and roof materials, porch details and materials, door and window details, and proposed hardscaping on the property to ensure that the final design of the building is consistent with the General Design Guidelines, the University Place Historic District Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval. 3. Consider removing the curb cut and side drive on the property. 7. MATTERS [03:06.00 audio minutes] • National Park Service 2020 Quadrennial Certified Local Government (CLG) Evaluation (virtual) – Erica Duvic, preservation planner with History Colorado • Pool Design Guidelines • Ideas for Landmarks Board to honor underrepresented communities 8.DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK •Next Landmarks Board meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2020. 9.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 09:42 p.m. Approved on _______________, 2020 Respectfully submitted, ________ , Chairperson