04.23.20 LB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER
April 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting
The following are the action minutes of the April 23, 2020 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A
digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are
retained in Central Records at 303-441-3043. You may also listen to the recording on-line at
Abby Daniels, Vice Chair - present
John Decker, Chair - present
William Jellick - present
Fran Sheets - present
Ronnie Pelusio - present
Lupita Montoya/Sarah Silver, Planning Board representatives without a vote - absent
Lucas Markley, Assistant City Attorney II -present
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner -present
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner II -present
Clare Brandt, Administrative Specialist -present
Michelle Mikoni, Historic Preservation Intern -absent
Sarah Huntley, Engagement Manager and Moderator -present
1.CALL TO ORDER [cut off from audio]
[00:05.51 audio minutes] The roll having been called, Chair J. Decker declared a quorum at 6:12
p.m. and the following business was conducted.
A.[00:10.28 audio minutes] Consideration of Quasi-Judicial Hearing Electronic Participation Rule.
On a motion by J. Decker, seconded by R. Pelusio, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0), to adopt the
rules, with amendments.
2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES [00:13.24 audio minutes]
On a motion by J. Decker, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the minutes
from the March 4, 2020 Landmarks Board meetings.
ISSUED AND PENDING [00:14.58 audio minutes]
•No pending stays of demolition
•Statistical Report for March
5.PUBLIC HEARING [00:21.17 audio minutes]
A. [00:22.00 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate
application for the removal of a rear addition and the construction of a new 769 sq. ft. addition to a
contributing house, the on-site relocation of a contributing accessory building, and the construction
of a 259 sq. ft. garage; all at 1044 Maxwell Ave. located in the Mapleton Hill Historic District,
pursuant to Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981. (HIS2020-00078). Owner: Max and
Sabrina Clauson / Applicant: Joel Smiley and Laura Schaeffer.
Ex Parte Contacts
A. Daniels: None
J. Decker: LDRC
W. Jellick: None
F. Sheets: LDRC, site visit, conversation with neighbor regarding house
R. Pelusio: None
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat presented the case to the board, recommending that the board conditionally approve the
Applicant’s Presentation
Joel Smiley (PO Box 4820, Boulder 80306) presented information about previous changes to the
property elaborating on how the proposed changes would better interpret the house’s historic
character and setting.
Public Comment
1. Stephen Hoerler
1100 Maxwell Ave.
Spoke to the poor state of repair of the property (building and
On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0), to adopt the
staff memorandum dated April 23, 2020, as findings of the board and conditionally approve the
removal a non-historic additions, reconstruction of the historic porch, construction of a 769 sq. ft.
addition to the contributing house, relocation of the contributing accessory building, and
construction of a 259 sq. ft. garage, as shown on plans dated March 4, 2020. Provided the stated
conditions are met the proposal will meet the Standards for Issuance of a Landmark Alteration
Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981 and be generally consistent with the General Design
Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines.
Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration
Certificate, the applicant shall submit to the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc), for its
final review and approval:
1. The applicant shall be responsible for completing the work in compliance with the approved
plans dated March 4, 2020, except as modified by these conditions of approval.
2. To ensure that the final design of the building is consistent with the General Design Guidelines
the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval:
a. Reduce the height of the addition to the house by about 2 feet;
b. Provide details on the proposed relocation and rehabilitation of the contributing garage;