02.20.20 Use StandardsSubcmte Mtg Notes FINALDRAFT 1 Use Standards & Table Review Subcommittee 02/20/2020 Meeting Summary Notes 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Municipal Building - 1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302 (W-100 Conf. Room) Meeting materials including the audio recording of the meeting are available online: https://documents.bouldercolorado.gov/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=171835&dbid=0&repo=LF8PROD2 Subcommittee members: David Ensign (Chair), Sarah Silver, Bryan Bowen Staff: Karl Guiler, Andrew Collins 1) Welcome and Ground Rules 2) Public Comment Period – Three members of the public provided comments. L. Spalding – Would like to understand more about the “String of Pearls” concept that the subcommittee has been discussing. What is meant by it? L. Segal – Concerned about the recent removal of the Medium Density Overlay Zones from the University Hill area. We need to put more services into neighborhoods, encourage smaller living spaces that are inherently more energy efficient through the sharing of living spaces. D. Takahashi – We are all in a climate emergency. The city should connect its policies to its Climate Action Plan and consider changes to uses that promote reduced carbon emissions and reduced vehicle miles traveled – ideas such as smaller residential units and greater walkable access to a mix of uses. • Also consider updating and/or defining Live/Work use during the subcommittee’s discussions. Subcommittee and staff comments: The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan has specific policies regarding neighborhood centers, and string of pearls is a term of art when talking about the concept of walkable neighborhood centers that provide a mix of neighborhood serving uses at the scale appropriate to the neighborhood context. String of pearls has also been used when discussing the broad concept of neighborhood centers that are linked along the Broadway corridor. In addition, the updated subcommittee goals and polices chart has information regarding the concept and key areas of consideration about these about centers and a string of pearls. 3) Acceptance of the Feb. 7, 2020 Subcommittee meeting summary notes Approved. 4) Use Table and Zoning Districts work session – Mixed-Use zones (MU) General Discussion: DRAFT 2 • Concern about vacant storefronts in the MU-3 zones along the east side of Pearl Street. • As offices have seemingly moved eastward away from the central Boulder core, how can we fill these urban Mixed-Use zones with active ground floor uses? Residential Uses • In MU-3, residential uses are a Conditional (C) use that mandates a 20’ deep commercial space along the ground floor, per section 9-6-4(j), B.R.C. 1981. Consider modifying this conditional use to allow for a use review when the specific conditions cannot be met, given concerns about vacant storefronts. • Consider adjustments to this section to be more flexible in order to meet future needs, with the goal to enhance and encourage active ground floor of buildings. • In MU-3 for Efficiency Living Units (ELUs), not sure the L2 limitation makes sense (allowed by right if at least 50% of the floor area of the building is for residential use and the nonresidential use is less than 7,000 square feet per building, otherwise by use review only), given that ELUs would be limited to no more than 40% of the residential use mix. • In MU-4, consider changing Custodial Care from Prohibited use to a Use Review, consistent with the other MU-zones. • Fraternities, Sororities, and Dormitories use in MU-3, consider changing from a Use Review to Prohibited use. Taking into account possibly splitting dormitories out as a separate use from fraternities and sororities, as discussed in prior subcommittee meetings. Dining and Entertainment Uses • Like the L6 limitation in place for many of these uses – encourages small businesses (Allowed by right for 2,000 square feet or less of floor area per lot or parcel, otherwise by use review only). • In MU-1, MU-2, and MU-3, consider changing Museums from a Prohibited use to a Use Review. Or possibly a Limited Use allowed up to a smaller square footage (7,000 sf for example), above which would require a Use Review. • In the MU zones, consider re-evaluating the Mobile food vehicle on private property use conditional regulations if overlay stringent. Currently a conditional use in the MU zones. • Consider changing Indoor Amusement Establishment use from prohibited to a Limited use to one degree or another, providing greater mix of possible uses/small businesses on the ground floor in the MU- zones. • Restaurant and like uses in the MU zones – evaluate simplifying and consolidating these uses, possibly using the Limited Use structure, and part of a rework of these uses across all the zoning districts. • In MU-1, MU-2, and MU-3 consider changing small theater or rehearsal space from a Prohibited Use to a Use Review (or Limited Use perhaps), consistent with the MU-4 zone. Public and Institutional Uses • Day shelters and overnight shelters in the MU zones – take a look at the Conditional and Use Review standards in 9-6-7(b) through the lens of improving the homeless situation, in order to better align with the policy direction of council. • In MU-1, MU-2, and MU-3 consider changing mortuaries and funeral chapels from a Prohibited Use to a Use Review, consistent with the MU-4 zone. DRAFT 3 Office, Medical, and Financial Uses • These appear to be consistent with BVCP policy and require no change.. Parks and Recreation Uses in BC zones • Outdoor entertainment uses in the MU zones - currently prohibited in the MU zones. Per previous subcommittee meetings – consider revising the definition of Outdoor Entertainment, with appropriate sub-uses, such as a small amphitheater, considered for allowance to one degree or another. Commercial, Retail and Industrial Uses Service Uses: • Animal hospital or veterinary clinic in the MU-1, MU-2, and MU-3 zones - consider changing from prohibited to a Use Review, consistent with the MU-4 allowance. • “Neighborhood Business Center” uses should be looked at closer. o Staff: These are non-residential uses that are permitted to a limited degree in residential zones. May provide a framework or starting point for fostering 15-minute neighborhoods. This is a use we’d like to take a look as part of the 15-minute neighborhoods goal for the low density residential zones. Retail Sales Uses: • Retail Sales use in the MU-1 zone - consider changing from a prohibited use to a limited or Use Review use to allow small sized retail. Possibly U1 (Use Review required for 2,000 square feet or less of floor area per lot or parcel, otherwise prohibited). MU-2 and MU-3 allow it as a U2 up to 5,000 sf via Use Review, and MU-4 allows retail as L11 up to 20,000 sf by-right, otherwise by Use Review. • Consider breaking out grocery stores as a separate use from Retail Sales use. o Currently it’s encompassed within the Retail Sales use. • Consider updating and modernizing the Personal Service uses definition, to more accurately reflect modern uses. o Current definition: Personal service use means an establishment that provides personal services for the convenience of the neighborhood, including, without limitation, barber and beauty shops, shoe repair shops, bicycle repair shops, dry cleaners, laundries, self- service laundries, bakeries, travel agencies, newsstands, pharmacies, photographic studios, duplicating services, automatic teller machines, and the healing arts (health treatments or therapy generally not performed by a medical doctor or physician such as physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, yoga, audiology, and homeopathy). Vehicular-Related Uses: • In MU-4 zone, consider prohibiting Service of Vehicles with No Outdoor Storage use. Currently a Use Review in MU-4, and prohibited in all other MU zones. DRAFT 4 Industrial Uses: • Manufacturing Uses in the MU-4 zone, consider change from a Limited use to a Prohibited use. Particularly if no existing manufacturing uses exist in the MU-4 zone. o Staff: intention of allowing manufacturing uses was probably to prevent creating nonconformities for pre-existing manufacturing uses. However, it may be very likely that those manufacturing uses no longer exists in MU-4 zoned parcels. • Consider allowing more limited service/impact industrial uses into the MU zones with appropriate restrictions, and in locations that make sense. Next Steps • Continue the subcommittee deep-dive into the Use Table: o DT zones focus • Staff to send out updated project timeline to subcommittee members, and post it to the online city documents archive. • Next subcommittee meeting - Friday March 13th at the Planning Department, Park Central Building, Room 401.