2020.3.1 Ertl REFrom:Rett Ertl
To:Sophia Stoller; Brandt, Clare
Cc:Anton Relin; Cholpon Minbaeva; Gavhar Asimova; David Heath; Jeffrey Magnunson; Miriam Allen; Cholpon
Kozubekovna Minbaeva; Peter Stoller; Nathan Paul Jones; Gavhar Osimi; Joe Stepanek; Aldona; Maya
Vakhobova; Peter Kleinman; Carolin Maertens; Lenny Martinelli; Simon, Mark; Bob Yates; Vern Seieroe; Mary
Axe; Jancy Campbell; Shawhin Roudbari; Castro, Joe
Subject:RE: Teahouse Landmark meeting
Date:Sunday, March 1, 2020 11:01:25 AM
External Sender
Thanks for this, Sophia. If anyone else will be at the meeting on Wednesday, please let me know. I
plan to present my take on the idea – which will of course differ from Sophia’s, while not
contradicting it. If you won’t be able to go to the meeting, please let me know your take on the
issue of landmarking, if you have a strong opinion.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Sophia Stoller
Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 9:20 PM
To: brandtc@bouldercolorado.gov
Cc: Anton Relin; Cholpon Minbaeva; Gavhar Asimova; David Heath; Jeffrey Magnunson; Miriam
Allen; Cholpon Kozubekovna Minbaeva; Peter Stoller; Nathan Paul Jones; Rett Ertl; Gavhar Osimi; Joe
Stepanek; Aldona; Maya Vakhobova; Peter Kleinman; Carolin Maertens; Lenny Martinelli; Mark
Simon; Boulder City Council Bob Yates; Vern Seieroe; Mary Axe; Jancy Campbell; Shawhin Roudbari;
Anton Relin; Cholpon Minbaeva; Gavhar Asimova; David Heath; Jeffrey Magnunson; Miriam Allen;
Cholpon Kozubekovna Minbaeva; Peter Stoller; Nathan Paul Jones; Rett Ertl; Gavhar Osimi; Joe
Stepanek; Aldona; Maya Vakhobova; Peter Kleinman; Carolin Maertens; Joe Castro
Subject: Teahouse Landmark meeting
Dear Clare,
Please find attached a letter I have written to share with the Landmarks Board
regarding the upcoming meeting March 4th about the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse.
My husband and I will be out of town March 4th on family business and will not be
able to attend the meeting.
Thank you.
Sophia Stoller