2020.2.19 Berg letter mailed 4
February 19, 2020
City of Boulder Landmarks Board
1739 Broadway, 4th Floor
PO Box 791
Boulder, CO 80306
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to express my support for landmark status for the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse.
The gift of the traditional Tajik teahouse from the City of Dushanbe, Tajikistan, to the City of
Boulder, represents all that is good and right in international relations. We all, as citizens of the
world, have so much in common, including the sharing of our cultural heritage with each other.
The teahouse is a visible witness to peaceful international community. It is beautiful,beautifully
located, and adds so much to our city center. Its proximity to the park and Farmers Market and
downtown Boulder provides a rich and colorful backdrop to the best of what is Boulder—its
commerce, its recreation, its natural beauty, its people. It would be a terrible,to be regretted
thing if in some future time, its presence in just that spot were to be minimized and unknown
others only see a commercial benefit to the property rather than the cultural benefit of the
Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse just where it is.
We are fortunate in so many ways with the goodness of Boulder. This gift from Dushanbe,
Tajikistan, is yet another goodness to be cherished and protected. Please extend landmark status
to the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse and ensure this goodness for future generations.
Shirley Berg
Executive Director
The Academy Boulder
970 Aurora Avenue,Boulder,Colorado 80302 1 303.938.1920 1 theacademyboulder.com I fax:303.447.3333