Item 5A - Friends of the Teahouse memo 3.4.2020MEMORANDUM TO THE LANDMARKS BOARD March 4th, 2020 Staff Jim Robertson, Comprehensive Planning Manager Lucas Markley, Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner II Clare Brandt, Administrative Specialist II Michelle Mikoni, Historic Preservation Intern Consideration of Historic Preservation Organization Public hearing and consideration of recognition of Friends of the Boulder– Dushanbe Teahouse as a historic preservation organization, as defined in 9-16, Boulder Revised Code, 1981. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Landmarks Board recognize Friends of the Boulder– Dushanbe Teahouse as a historic preservation organization. Recommended Motion I move that the Board recognize Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse as a historic preservation organization as defined in section 9-16-1 of the Boulder Revised Code by adopting the attached resolution (Attachment A). Purpose The purpose of this item is for the Landmarks Board to consider whether Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse meets the definition of a “historic preservation organization” as defined in Section 9-16 of the B.R.C. and whether it should be recognized as such. Analysis Item 5A - 3.4.2020 LB memo - Friends of the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse Page 1 of 4 The Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse is an unincorporated nonprofit association established in the early 1990s and comprises several individuals who share a goal to support the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse and oversee preservation of the building. Members of the organization include Vern Seieroe, Kathryn Barth, William Bechhoefer, Karl Anuta, and Joe Stepanek. Vern Seieroe has been a longtime architect for the Dushanbe Teahouse, beginning with the building’s assembly. He worked closely with Lado Shanidze, the architect for the design and fabrication of the Tajik portion of the teahouse. Vern has overseen several additions to the teahouse, such as the kitchen addition, acting with great care to follow landmark design guidelines to preserve the historic fabric of the building. In addition to the Teahouse, Vern has worked on a substantial number of preservation projects around Boulder, including rehabilitation of the Macky Auditorium Concert Hall and the Citizen’s National Bank Building on Pearl St. Kathryn Barth has been a member of the AIA since 1983. She has been a registered architect in the state of Colorado since 1988 and has served as both a member of the Boulder Landmarks Board and Historic Boulder, Inc. Kathryn has worked on several architectural surveys, cultural reports, and historic structure assessments, as well as co-authored two books related to Colorado’s heritage. She has a noticeable presence in the preservation community and holds various awards in design and preservation, including a 2012 Statewide Steven H. Hart Award. William Bechhoefer received his M.Arch in 1967 from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He has worked as an educator since 1968, teaching in Tunisia and Afghanistan before becoming a professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. William has practiced architecture both independently and as a professional consultant and advisor. Throughout his career, William has had a considerable amount of work published, from scholarly articles to full-length books. His most recent work can be found in the preface of the 2019 publication An Architecture of Dialogue: Learning from the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse. Karl Anuta and Joe Stepanek are both highly active participants within Boulder’s preservation community. Karl has been a longtime advocate for the conservation of the Teahouse and Joe is an active member of the Boulder Dushanbe Sister Cities organization. Joe also is the homeowner of a Boulder residence listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Together, these individuals make up a diverse team with complimenting backgrounds. They demonstrate both professional training and personal experience in historic preservation, making them a competent group to represent the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse. Item 5A - 3.4.2020 LB memo - Friends of the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse Page 2 of 4 The Boulder Revised Code defines a “historic preservation organization” as “an organization with demonstrated experience and expertise in historic preservation that has been recognized by the Landmarks Board”. Staff considers that the Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse meets the definition of a historic preservation organization as defined in 9-11-17 of the Boulder Revised Code. Attachments A: Draft Resolution Recognizing Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse as an “historic preservation organization”. Item 5A - 3.4.2020 LB memo - Friends of the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE FRIENDS OF THE BOULDER– DUSHANBE TEAHOUSE AS A HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORGANIZATION AS DEFINED IN SECTION 9-16-1 OF THE BOULDER REVISED CODE, 1981 WHEREAS, the Landmarks Board of the City of Boulder, Colorado, has considered the history, membership, and qualifications of the Friends of the Boulder– Dushanbe Teahouse, an unincorporated nonprofit association; and WHEREAS, the Landmarks Board of the City of Boulder, Colorado, hereby finds that Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse is an historic preservation organization as defined in section 9-16-1 of the Boulder Revised Code, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LANDMARKS BOARD OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO, THAT: Friends of the Boulder–Dushanbe Teahouse is recognized as an organization with demonstrated experience and expertise in historic preservation. INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of March, 2020 _____________________________ Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Chair Attest: ______________________________________ Staff Liaison to the Landmarks Board Item 5A - 3.4.2020 LB memo - Friends of the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse Page 4 of 4