Item 4B Aloha Subdivision TEC2019-00045 2800 5th Street
Figure 1: Vicinity Map
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Jon White, Case Manager
DATE: February 21, 2020
SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Aloha Subdivision (TEC2019-00045): Request for approval of a two-lot subdivision
of a 14,499-square foot property located at 2800 5th Street. Following subdivision, Lot 1 will be
7,003 square feet and Lot 2 will be 7,496 square feet. A residence previously located on Lot 2 has
been demolished. The call up period expires on March 3, 2020.
Attached is the disposition of the conditional approval (see Attachment A) of subdivision of a residential property
within the Residential - Low 1 (RL-1) zoning district to create one additional lot that will front on 5th Street. A
former residence on Lot 2 has been demolished. The resulting lots will contain building envelopes suitable for the
construction of a single-family home. Pursuant to Chapter 12 of the land use code a final plat is required to
subdivide the property (see Attachment B for approved Final Plat).
Process. The proposed subdivision is within the Potential Mass Movement Hazard and Consolidation/Swell
Constraint area of the Pendleton Map in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and is, therefore, a “Steep
Slope” property that requires the review of a soils engineering and geological report and a drainage plan. Per
Section 9-12-5(b)(3), B.R.C. 1981, a replat that requires engineering plans cannot be completed through the
Minor Subdivision process. Since the proposed subdivision of land i exceeds the limitations of a Minor
Subdivision the proposal requires approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat (Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981).
The Preliminary Plat (Attachment C) was approved by staff on November 20, 2019. Preliminary Plat review is a
staff-level decision not subject to call-up pursuant to Section 9-4-2, “Development Review Procedures”, B.R.C.
1981. Pursuant to Sections 9-4-2 and 9-12-10, B.R.C. 1981, approval of a final plat is subject to planning board
call-up and to appeal by any person aggrieved by the decision. If the decision is not called up or appealed, then
it will become final fourteen days after the date of the initial approval.
Background. The 0.3-acre property is located
at the northeast corner of Balsam Avenue and
5th Street (refer to Figure 1). All structures,
including the detached single-family dwelling
unit and frame shed, have been demolished.
Nearby properties primarily consist of single-
family detached homes.
The property and surrounding neighborhood
are zoned RL-1 (Residential- Low 1), which is
defined as “single-family detached residential
dwelling units at low to very low residential
densities" per Section 9-5-2(c)(1)(A), B.R.C.
1981. Pursuant to Section 9-8-1, Table 8-1,
“Intensity Standards,” the minimum lot area in
the zone district is 7,000 square feet.
The subject property is 14,499 square feet
(0.33-acres). As indicated above, the
proposed subdivision will result in a replat to
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create two vacant, developable lots: Lot 1 to be a 7,003-square foot lot and Lot 2 to be a 7,496-square foot
corner lot. The proposed lots will exceed the minimum lot size required by the RL-1 zone district (7,000 square
feet). A Subdivision Agreement (Attachment D) has been signed for the future construction of a sidewalk along
Balsam Avenue. There are existing street trees along Balsam Avenue on Lot 2 that would require removal
should the sidewalk be constructed. In the interest of preserving the public trees, the Subdivision Agreement
allows the construction of the improvement to occur at the time when the Director of Public Works determines it
to be necessary for the protection of the area residents and public welfare generally rather than at the time of
Public Comment. Required public notice was provided in the form of written notifications to adjacent property
owners of the subject property. In addition, a public notice sign was posted on the property. Therefore, all public
notice requirements of Section 9-4-3, “Public Notice Requirements,” B.R.C. 1981 were met. Staff did not receive
any public comments or inquiries on the subject application.
Conclusion. Staff finds that this application is consistent with the intent of the Subdivision standards found in
Chapter 9-12, B.R.C. 1981 and meets the applicable Final Plat criteria set forth in Section 9-12-8(b),
B.R.C. 1981.
Per Section 9-12-10, “Final Plat Procedure,” B.R.C. 1981, the city manager is required to notify the Planning
Board in writing within seven days of the disposition of the final plat application. Staff has reviewed the
application for compliance with the Subdivision Regulations of Chapter 9-12, “Subdivision,” B.R.C. 1981 and
finds that the proposal would meet the Standards for Lots and Public Improvements, as set forth in
Section 9-12-12, B.R.C. 1981.
Staff has attached the approved final plat (Attachment B) for the Planning Board’s review. The proposal was
approved by Planning and Development Services staff on February 18, 2020 and the decision may be called up
before Planning Board on or before March 3, 2020. There is one Planning Board hearing scheduled during the
required 14-day call-up period on February 27, 2020. Questions about the project or decision should be directed
to the Case Manager, Jon White at (720) 564-2314 or at
Attachment A: Disposition of Approval
Attachment B: Approved Final Plat
Attachment C: Approved Preliminary Plat
Attachment D: Subdivision Agreement
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Flatirons, Inc.Surveying, Engineering & Geomaticswww.FlatironsInc.comATTACHMENT BAgenda Item 4B Page 5 of 17
Flatirons, Inc.Surveying, Engineering & Geomaticswww.FlatironsInc.comATTACHMENT BAgenda Item 4B Page 6 of 17
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