02.27.20 PB Action SummaryCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION SUMMARY Thursday, February 27, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: 6:02 p.m. Bryan Bowen Present Sarah Silver Present David Ensign Present Peter Vitale Present John Gerstle Present Harmon Zuckerman Present Lupita Montoya Present 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 6, 2020 Approved 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one spoke 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSTIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS / CONTINUATIONS A. CALL UP ITEM: 250 and 260 Pearl Subdivision (TEC2019- 00027): Final Plat to combine unplatted tracts at 250 and 260 Pearl as one 43,914 square-foot lot, dedicate right-of-way for 3rd Street, and dedicate public access and flood control easements. The call up period expires on February 27, 2020. No Action B. CALL UP ITEM: Aloha Subdivision (TEC2019-00045): Request for approval of a two-lot subdivision of a 14,499- square foot property located at 2800 5th Street. Following subdivision, Lot 1 will be 7,003 square feet and Lot 2 will be 7,496 square feet. A residence previously located on Lot 2 has been demolished. The call up period expires on March 3, 2020. No Action 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and Planning Board recommendation to the city manager on a request for occupancy higher than 12 persons for an existing not-for-profit permanently affordable cooperative housing unit (“Ingram Court Community Housing”) at 4662 Ingram Court. The proposed occupancy for the property is 16 persons. Case no. CHL2019-00004. Recommend to the city manager to authorize an occupancy of 16 persons at the Ingram Court Community Housing cooperative housing unit Comments: B. AGENDA TITLE: CONCEPT PLAN & REVIEW for a redevelopment of the property located at 1313 Broadway. Proposed is a 198-room hotel along with ground floor retail, co-working office space, plaza space and below grade parking within the University Hill Business District. Reviewed under case no. LUR2020-00004. No Action Comments: Since this is a Concept Review, no action is required on behalf of the Planning Board. 6. MATTERS FROM PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, CITY ATTORNEY 7. DEBRIEF / CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT: 10:33 p.m.