Prelim. Timeline word 2020 draftDRAFT 2/1/2020 v1 USE TABLE CODE AMENDMENT PRELIMINARY TIMELINE – INITIAL IDEAS Phase 1 O.Z. zones: RH, MH, BMS, BC, BCS, BT BR, RM zones Phase 2: Use Table Subcommittee Meetings Deep-dives Nov. 12, 2019 - RMX zones (complete) Dec. 20, 2019 – A & P zones (complete) Jan. 24, 2020 – BC zones Feb. 7, 2020 – Finish BC zones, Start on DT or MU zones Feb. 20, 2020 – Finish DT and MU zones March 13, 2020 – RH and RM1 and RM3 March 20, 2020 – Use Modules R1 and R2 (RE, RR, RL, RM-2) April 3, 2020 – Industrial Zones ideas can be incorporated into the separate work project (part of implementation of the EBSCP). April 17, 2020 – Review community engagement and test drive mapping exercise *Schedule more time for last two meetings? Or additional meetings as needed? Staff compiles Deep-Dive Use Table suggestions and potential edits, refines, and creates potential options for changes. Late March/April 2020 Staff creates Community Engagement plan. Level of Engagement is Consult. Subcommittee is Involve. o Subcommittee Review of Review community engagement plan – early April 2020 o Meet with Julie Causa to discuss outreach channels of communication with public about open houses code-a palooza – NextDoor, city email blasts, webpages, et al. o Update project website and include What’s Up Boulder and update on upcoming engagement events in the Boulder digital newsletter / planning newsletter o What’s Up Boulder event April -Community awareness about upcoming code-a-palooza events and/or Use table open houses. Check-in with PB and/or Council before community outreach/ code-a-palooza? I.P.? Get sign- off on engagement? DRAFT 2/1/2020 v1 May to July 2020 Community Engagement with the public Public comment and review of subcommittee ideas and suggestions for Use Table revisions (at a higher level than specifics of changing a C to an a): For example- Consider allowing farm to table restaurant uses in the Agricultural zones. • Good idea, bad idea? Other ideas? • Comment cards, sticky notes Facilitated Map exercise at tables of 5 or so people: o Each table as a group marks up a consensus map (potentially overlaid with the retail deserts and 15-min. neighborhood mapping from Community Vitality and Transportation) - identifying the areas where additional mix of uses that would support walkability, local small neighborhood centers, string of pearls, nodes) should occur and what types of uses they’d like to see. o This will inform updates to the regulations to help encourage these concepts via the Use Table & Standards update. o Allow for additional comment cards to express individual thoughts. July or August 2020 Check-in with the subcommittee on feedback from the public, alternative options etc. What we’ve heard. August to September 2020 Conduct targeted outreach, refine and draft recommended changes & options o Conduct internal meetings with zoning/planning staff for feedback on the potential use table changes. o Direct outreach to stakeholders and affected parties’ whether residents or businesses in certain zones, the Chamber, etc. in areas with significant changes proposed. o Draft proposed land use code changes, checking-in with Subcommittee and/ or Planning Board. o Refine options and draft recommendation for a public open house and council consideration September / October 2020 — Hold open house(s) to present recommended draft Use Table changes. October / November 2020 — Planning Board public hearing and recommendation on proposed changes. November / December 2020 – City Council consideration and adoption of the Use Table changes.