903 Pine St. - Additional InformationFrom:Cameron, Marcy To:landmarksboard Cc:Lisa Egger Subject:903 Pine St. - Additional Information Date:Friday, January 3, 2020 3:26:29 PM Attachments:903 Pine narrative.pdf Dear Landmarks Board Members, Please read the attached narrative and note some corrections on page 12 of the memo for 903 Pine St.: The new accessory building is proposed to be clad in vertical siding It is proposed to be located 13’ to 15’4” from the alley Paint colors have not been submitted yet and would be reviewed by the LDRC or staff Have a good weekend, Marcy Marcy Cameron Historic Preservation Planner II O: # (303) 441-3209 cameronm@bouldercolorado.gov Planning Department 1739 Broadway | Boulder, CO 80306 Bouldercolorado.gov