Item 2 - 12.4.2019 LB meeting minutes DRAFTDRAFTCITY OF BOULDER
December 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
1777 Broadway, Municipal Building, Council Chambers
The following are the action minutes of the December 4, 2019 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting.
A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are
retained in Central Records at 303-441-3043. You may also listen to the recording on-line at
Abby Daniels, acting Vice Chair - present
John Decker, acting Chair - present
William Jellick - present
Fran Sheets, Chair - absent
Ronnie Pelusio - present
Sarah Silver, Planning Board representative without a vote - present
Lucas Markley,Assistant City Attorney II -present
James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner -present
Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner II -present
Michelle Mikoni, Historic Preservation Intern -present
Clare Brandt, Administrative Specialist -present
1. CALL TO ORDER [00:00.00 audio minutes]
The roll having been called, acting Chair J. Decker declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following
business was conducted.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES [00:00.14 audio minutes]
On a motion by W. Jellick, seconded by R. Pelusio, the Landmarks Board approved (4-0, F. Sheets
absent) the minutes from the November 6, 2019 Landmarks Board meetings.
1.Kathryn Barth
2940 20th St.
Asked the Landmarks Board to consider requesting that the Landmarks
Board meetings be televised.
ISSUED AND PENDING [00:02.43 audio minutes]
•Statistical Report for November
•2250 Bluebell Ave. – Stay-of-Demolition expires Feb. 15, 2019
On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board agreed (4-0, F.
Sheets absent) to hold a hearing at the next scheduled Landmarks Board meeting to consider
lifting the stay-of-demolition placed on the demolition application for the buildings at 2250
Bluebell Ave.
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5. PUBLIC HEARING [00:15.04 audio minutes]
A. [00:15.37 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the
property at 891 12th St. as an individual landmark, pursuant to Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder
Revised Code 1981 (HIS2019-00227). Owner: 891 12th Street LLC / Applicant: Historic Boulder,
Ex Parte Contacts
A. Daniels: none
J. Decker: none
W. Jellick: none
F. Sheets: absent
R. Pelusio: none
Staff Presentation
M. Cameron presented the case recommending individual landmark designation of the property.
Owner’s Presentation
John Kirkland, owner and developer of 891 12th Street, LLC, expressed his opposition to
landmark designation of the property as the building is not threatened by demolition or significant
change. He related there has been a lack of communication between city staff and the seller/buyer
of the property but that his own interests align with those of the Landmarks Board, in that he has
full intention of preserving the historic character of the property.
Applicant’s Presentation
Jamie Boyle, Interim Executive Director of Historic Boulder presented a letter from Cheri Belz
stating that Historic Boulder supports the designation of 819 12th St., stating that landmarking the
property would help maintain the architectural integrity as well as provide the opportunity to take
advantage of tax incentives to offset rehabilitation costs.
Public Comment
1. Sue-Ellen Harrison
840 12th St.
Spoke in favor of landmarking 819 12th St., stating that the
property clearly meets the criteria for designation
2. Jim Scarboro
735 12th Street
Pooling time with Ann Scarboro. Stated that landmarking of
819 12th St. would help clearly establish guidelines for moving
forward with development of the property.
3. Doug Burdin
870 12th Street
Spoke in support of staff’s recommendation to landmark the
4. Jay Madtson
1101 Aurora Ave
Spoke in favor of landmarking 819 12th St., stating that it is a
culturally important building.
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DRAFT5. Leslie Hays
6500 Arapahoe Ave
Spoke in opposition to landmarking 819 12th St. as a result of
recent negative events associated with the property.
6. Ginger Wolff
3005 47th St.
Supported Mr. Kirkland’s intentions of preserving the property
and spoke against landmarking 819 12th St.
7. Waylon Lewis
838 University Ave
Expressed sympathy about the negative events associated with
property but that 819 12th St. is historically important. Stated
that if the owners’s intentions of preserving the historic quality
of the property are true, the landmark designation of 819 12th
St. should not pose an issue.
8. Stephen van der Mersch
907 12th Street
Pooling time with Joe Stepaneck, David Rodriguez, Stacy
Silverstein. Expressed support for the designation of the
property and discussed the quality of historic stewardship
exhibited by Mr. Kirkland.
9. Lisa Spalding
1135 Jay Street
Spoke in favor of landmarking 819 12th St., quoting the benefits
of local landmarking from the National Trust from Historic
10. Jyotsna Raj
863 14th Street
Spoke in favor of landmarking 819 12th St., stating that the
architecture it reflects the history of the university and it is
important presence on University Hill.
11. Rob O’Dea
891 12th Street
Spoke against designation over the owner’s objection against
the will of a private property owner.
12. Steve Kelton
800 12th St.
Spoke in favor of landmarking 819 12th St. to preserve the
exterior of the property.
13. Anna Schissler
Recited a letter from Justin Rezzonico, a longtime resident of
Marpa House. The letter expressed opposition against
landmarking 891 12th St. stating that the designation would give
recognition to a corrupt organization.
On a motion by R. Pelusio, seconded by W. Jellick, the Landmarks Board voted (4-0, F. Sheets
absent), to recommend to the City Council that it approve the application to designate property at
891 12th St. as a local landmark, to be known as the SAE-ZBT-Marpa House, finding that it meets
the standards for individual landmark designation in Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981, and
adopt the staff memorandum dated Dec. 4, 2019, as the findings of the board.
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DRAFTB. [02:02.52 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of a proposal to construct a patio
enclosure at the Boulder Jaycees Train Depot at 2366 Junction Place, an individual landmark,
pursuant to Section 9-11-18 B.R.C. 1981 (HIS2019-00133). Owner: City of Boulder / Applicant:
Depot Square Owners Association LLC and John Matthews, M.A. Architects
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat read a letter from the applicant, John Matthews, MA Architects requesting to withdraw
the application and to work with the Landmark Design Review Committee.
None. Application withdrawn by applicant.
6. MATTERS [02:05.00 audio minutes]
• Update Memo
- Council adoption of the 2019 Historic Preservation Plan
- Chautauqua Sustainability & Resilience Strategy
• Annual letter to City Council
The meeting adjourned at 09:23 p.m.
Approved on _______________, 2019
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________, Chairperson
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