11.09.16 OSBT PacketOPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway MEETING AGENDA (Please note that times are approximate.) 6:00 I. Approval of Minutes 6:05 II. *Public Participation for Items Not Identified for Public Hearing 6:20 III. Matters from the Department A. Update on the 2013 Flood Recovery B. Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan: Proposed updates to the Land Use and Planning Area Maps reflecting Open Space Board of Trustees and City Council approved changes from 2011 to the present. 7:40 IV. Matters from the Board A. Board and Commission Feedback for the January 2017 City Council Retreat – Discussion B. CAMP Update 9:00 V. Adjournment * Public hearing Open Space Board of Trustees 2016/2017 Tentative Board Items Calendar (updated Oct. 31, 2016) November 9 December 14 January 11, 2017 Action Items: Matters from the Department:  Update on 2013 Flood Recovery  BVCP – Draft updates to the Land Use and Planning Area Maps Matters from Board:  Discuss response for Council Retreat  CAMP Update Action Items:  BVCP – 1) Trails Map 2) Trails, Nat. Env & Food/Ag Policies Rev & Rec to CC; 3) BVCP – Updates to the Land Use and Planning Area Maps Rev & Rec to CC  NCWCD pipeline easement (disposal) Matters from the Department: Matters from Board  Finalize response for Council Retreat  50th Anniversary Action Items:  BVCP - CU South – Possible Rev & Rec to CC OR Verbal Update Matters from the Department:  Prairie Dog Working Group  Boulder Creek Restoration Update Matters from Board:  CAMP Update February 8 March 8 April 12 Action Items:  Pending Acquisition Matters from the Department:  Review of Ag Plan  Community Ranger Program Matters from Board  50th Anniversary Action Items:  Ag Plan approval and recommend to City Council (to council in Apr) Matters from the Department:  Prairie Dog Working Group Matters from Board  CAMP Update Action Items:  Prairie Dog Working Group results?  Pending Acquisition? Matters from the Department:  Budget - CIP Background info  Disposal Procedures Matters from Board  50th Anniversary AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE 1 OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Action Minutes Meeting Date October 26, 2016 Video recording of this meeting can be found on the City of Boulder's Channel 8 Website. (Video start times are listed below next to each agenda item.) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Frances Hartogh Molly Davis Kevin Bracy Knight Tom Isaacson Curt Brown STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Winfree John Potter Mark Davison Jim Reeder Abbie Poniatowski Brian Anacker Dan Burke Luke McKay Phil Yates Steve Armstead Cecil Fenio Mark Gershman Bethany Collins Keri Davies Leah Case Alycia Alexander GUESTS Jan Burton, Council Sub-Committee member Joe Taddeucci, Water Resources Manager, Public Works/Utilities Janet Michels, Assistant City Attorney Jeff Moline, Agricultural Resources Manager, Boulder County CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1 – Introduction of Council Sub-Committee member, Jan Burton. (16:33) AGENDA ITEM 2 – Approval of the Minutes (31:53) Kevin Bracy Knight moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from Sept. 14, 2016. Curt Brown seconded. This motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (32:21) Susan Douglass, Boulder, presented a piece of art illustrating subsequent decision events which lessen the integrity of Open Space lands leading to the steady taking of habitat. She asked the Board to not forget past compromises in future decisions. Jim Crain, Littleton, said the Open Space Charter limits the uses on Open Space land. He asked the Board to set a limitation for the conveyance of Open Space to other departments or to the public as well as make sure any protected species are identified. AGENDA ITEM 4 – Proposed changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Trails Map as part of the 2015 Major Update to the Comprehensive Plan. (42:30) Steve Armstead, Environmental Planner, presented this item. Public Comment None. The Board decided to continue this item to the December 14 Board meeting. AGENDA ITEM 5 – Boulder joint ownership/management IGA renewal (1:48:17) Mark Gershman, Environmental Planning Supervisor, presented this item. AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE 2 Public Comment None. Motion Tom Isaacson moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend City Council’s approval of an ordinance to adopt an Intergovernmental Agreement with Boulder County concerning the Management of Certain Open Space and Mountain Parks Properties with Joint Fee Ownership. Frances Hartogh seconded. This motion passed unanimously. Kevin Bracy Knight moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that city and county staff develop and City Council approve, a motion for consideration by the City Council and Boulder County Board of Commissioners that would establish prescribed fire, as determined by the lead agency, as an approved use in the context of any conservation agreement applicable to the properties subject to the IGA. Curt Brown seconded. This motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 6 – Request for a recommendation to approve the purchase of approximately 49 acres of land, associated agricultural outbuildings and appurtenant mineral and water rights, including a quarter share of Cottonwood Ditch, located at a portion of 1538 North 75th St. and 7770 Arapahoe Rd. from Michael Patrick Ryan and the Charlene Rosenblatt Trust dated Jan. 26, 2015 for $1,750,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes. An additional expenditure of up to $152,000 is being requested for immediate needs. (2:21:35) Luke McKay, Property Agent, presented this item. Public Comment None. Motion Molly Davis moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that the Boulder City Council approve the purchase of approximately 49 acres of land, associated agricultural outbuildings, and appurtenant mineral and water rights, including a quarter share of Cottonwood Ditch, located at a portion of 1538 North 75th St. and 7770 Arapahoe Rd. from Michael Patrick Ryan and the Charlene Rosenblatt Trust dated Jan. 26, 2015 for $1,750,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes, as well as an additional expenditure of up to $152,000 for immediate needs. Curt Brown seconded. This motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 7 – Matters from Staff (2:45:55) Joe Taddeucci, Water Resources Manager, Public Works/Utilities, presented on the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District Utility and Access Easements for the Carter Lake Pipeline. AGENDA ITEM 8 – Matters from the Board (3:09:48) Molly Davis presented on a think tank initiative that the City of Boulder is backing to assist a town in North Carolina with a recent flood event. Staff and the Board will be working to plan for the 50th anniversary of Open Space in 2017. ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. These draft minutes were prepared by Leah Case. MEMORANDUM TO: Open Space Board of Trustees FROM: Tracy Winfree, Director, Open Space and Mountain Parks Abbie Poniatowski, Central Services Manager Mark Davison, Community Connections and Partnerships Manager Mark Gershman, Environmental Planning Supervisor Dan Burke, Real Estate Supervisor Susan Richstone, Deputy Director of Planning, PH&S Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager, PH&S DATE: November 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan: Proposed updates to the Land Use and Planning Area Maps reflecting Open Space Board of Trustees and City Council approved changes from 2011 to the present. __________________________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this update is to provide the Open Space Board of Trustees (OSBT) with the previously approved actions that require changes to the existing Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Map1 and Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Area I, Area II, Area III Map2 (Attachments A-1 and B-1: Existing Maps from 2010 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan). The proposed updates to these maps reflect changes in the city’s open space ownership since the last Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) update was approved in 2011 and omissions from the BVCP map that were not included during previous updates. These proposed changes to the maps reflect only actions that have been previously approved by the OSBT and City Council. Proposed changes to the Land Use and Planning Area Maps are shown on the maps in Attachments A-2 and B-2 respectively. These changes result from:  Acquisition of open space authorized by the OSBT and City Council  Exchange of open space fee and conservation easement interests on the DePoorter property as previously authorized by the OSBT and City Council  Disposal of open space as previously authorized by the OSBT and City Council  Corrections to reflect acquisitions previously authorized by the OSBT and City Council that were not included in previous updates The properties relevant to each of these categories are listed in Attachment C. Acquisitions before 2000 were completed prior to formal open space acquisition planning. On Sept. 21, 1999 the Boulder City Council unanimously approved the city’s first open space acquisition plan. The plan was updated in 2001, 2003, 2005, and most recently 2013. Since 1999, all open space properties were acquired under the provisions of the applicable plan. All disposals of open space followed the requirements for such action including those described in Article XII, Section 177 of the City of Boulder Charter. 1 Henceforth “Land Use Map” 2 Henceforth “Planning Area Map” AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 1 BACKGROUND The BVCP guides land use and development in the city and adjacent lands in the Boulder Valley and is updated on a regular basis. The city and county are currently working on a five-year update to the BVCP. Changes and updates to the BVCP require review and approval by the city Planning Board, City Council, Boulder County Planning Commission, and the Board of County Commissioners. Prior to consideration by these four bodies, city boards and commissions review and comment on relevant changes and updates. Under the City Charter [Article XII, Section 175 (e)] the OSBT reviews and makes recommendations on open space-related changes and updates to the BVCP. Since August of 2016, the OSBT has been presented with monthly information concerning various elements of the BVCP update. The elements and schedule for information sharing and board action is shown below. This particular update is highlighted in red. Land Use Map Updates Please see Attachment A-1 for the Existing (2010 BVCP) Map3 and Attachment A-2 for the draft map of proposed updates The BVCP includes a land use map which is a sketch plan of the desired land use pattern in the Boulder Valley. Land use categories include residential, business, industrial, public/semi-public, open space and park use. The open space land use designations are shown below. Staff is not proposing any changes to the land use designation descriptions as part of this update. The land use designation section of the BVCP begins on page 66 of the plan and is available at this link. 3 Because of the amount of information, details on the hard copy attachment may be difficult to see. The 2010 BVCP Land Use Map can be viewed online at this link, where detail may be more easily seen using a PDF reader’s zooming tools. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 2 The Land Use Map updates that staff expects to request the OSBT recommend to City Council in December reflect changes in the land use designation of properties are as follows:  From the designation properties had prior to acquisition to “Open Space-Acquired” (OS-A) or “Open Space-Development Rights” (OS-DR). Properties acquired in fee with the previous approval of the OSBT and City Council receive the OS-A designation, those acquired through a conservation easement or similar agreement previously approved by the OSBT and City Council are designated OS-DR.  From OS-A or OS-DR to the appropriate designation for open space property disposals previously approved by the OSBT and City Council in accordance with the appropriate sections of the City of Boulder Charter.  From OS-A to OS-DR and from OS-DR to OS-A for the DePoorter property exchange previously approved by the OSBT and City Council. The Planning Department staff is still in the process of finalizing the mapping that will be included in the December OSBT packet. Attachment A-2 contains the latest draft map showing the location of the majority of the proposed updates to the Land Use Map. The final draft of the map will be brought to the Board in December with staff listing any updates from the current draft. Newly Acquired Fee Interests Open Space—Proposed Designation of Open Space Acquired (OS-A) Approximately 260 acres of open space were acquired in fee by the city since the last BVCP update. OSMP staff will be requesting that the OSBT recommend OS-A designations for the properties listed in Attachment C under the heading Newly Acquired Fee Interests Open Space. Each of these properties was previously acquired with the authorization of the OSBT and City Council. The OSBT and City Council also previously approved a real estate transaction for the DePoorter property that involved the exchange of a portion of their conservation easement for a portion of land held in fee by the city. This exchange requires that the land use designations be updated to Open Space – Development Rights (OS-DR). Corrections Analysis by OSMP staff revealed that several OSMP property interests acquired before the last update of the BVCP had not been included in previous BVCP updates. Staff will be requesting that the OSBT recommend that these properties be designated as OS-A or OS-DR. The properties in this category are as listed in Attachment C under the heading Corrections. BVCP, p. 69 AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 3 Property Disposal: Remove Open Space Designation of OS-A Portions of properties totaling approximately 25 acres were disposed of in the interval between the previous BVCP update and now. These are listed in Attachment C under the heading Property Disposal-Remove Open Space Designation. The residences on the Woodley and Stratton properties account for approximately 11 of the 25 acres. Staff proposed and the OSBT and City Council approved the disposal of the residences at the time of acquisition based upon the recommendation that retention of these homes was not consistent with the needs of the city and the purposes of open space. All disposals have previously been approved by the OSBT and City Council in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the City of Boulder Charter. Planning Area Map Please see Attachment B-1 for the Existing (2010 BVCP) Planning Area Map4 and Attachment B-2 for the draft map of proposed updates The BVCP defines several “Areas.” These indicate the location and extent of urban development in the Boulder Valley (Attachment A-2). Area I is that portion of the BVCP planning area annexed to the city where the city provides urban services. Area II is the portion of planning area where the city intends to provide urban services at some point in the future. Area III is divided into two categories, the Rural Preservation Area (RPA) and the Planning Reserve. The RPA contains the majority of Area III and represents the part of the comprehensive planning area where the city and county have agreed that no additional urban services will be provided. The Planning Reserve is the portion of Area III that the city and county have agreed could be moved into Area II and eventually annexed to the city with urban services. There are also portions of Area III that have been annexed for a variety of reasons—most recently to support potential municipalization of the electrical utility. Although these areas are within the corporate limits of the City of Boulder, they fall outside the area the city intends to provide urban services. Much of the land in this category “Area III-Annexed” is comprised of city Open Space. The BVCP allows for the external boundaries of the planning area to be expanded. Boulder Valley Planning Area expansions or contractions: An Area III outer boundary change may be initiated by the city or the county and will be approved only if it is demonstrated that either expansion or contraction of the planning area is needed due to changed circumstances or past error in determining the boundary. (BVCP, p. 62). Such expansions of Area III’s RPA have been approved when the city acquires open space lands outside but adjacent to the Area III boundary. Recommended expansion to the Planning Area Map are being developed for the OSMP properties listed in Attachment C under “Planning Area Map Updates” and are shown on Attachment B-2 Draft Updated Planning Area Map. Next Steps Staff expects to return to the OSBT in December with a request that the Board recommends the updates generally described in this memo. Final draft maps of the proposed updates will be provided as part of the packet materials for the December meeting. 4 Because of the amount of information, details on the hard copy attachment may be difficult to see. The 2010 BVCP Planning Area map can be viewed online at this link, where detail may be more easily seen using a PDF reader’s zooming tools. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 4 Attachments: A. Land Use Maps  A-1: Existing BVCP Land Use Designation Map (= Land Use Map)  A-2: OSMP proposed updates to BVCP Land Use Map B. Planning Area Maps  B-1: Existing BVCP Area I, Area II, Area III Map (=Planning Area Map)  B-2: OSMP proposed updates to BVCP Planning Area Map C. Property Lists in tabular format for updates to BVCP Land Use and Planning Area maps AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 5 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 6 AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 7 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 8 ¬«119 ¬«7 £¤36 ¬«52 ¬«7¬«7 ¬«93 £¤36 £¤36 ¬«93 ¬«170 ¬«157 ¬«52 ¬«119 ¬«119 £¤36 ¬«119 ¬«128 ¬«119 ¬«42¬«157 ¬«7 ¬«7 ¬«170 ¬«93 £¤36 SOMBRERO MARSH II SHORT AND MILNE - Frey ROCKY MOUNTAIN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING PARSONS COLUMBINE UNITY CHURCH CE ERTL III -White Rocks(OS-A) ERTL III -North(OS-A) WEISER(OS-A) DEPOORTER II (OS-A) ERTL III- South(OS-A) JODER II(OS-A) BERMANBROTHERS(OS-A) COX(OS-A) SCHNELLllb(OS-A) SOMBRERO MARSH II (OS-A) Martinson(OS-A) Dagle II(OS-A) SchnellHomestead(OS-A) ERTL III -North East(OS-A) DelierRanch(OS-A) SCHNELL II(OS-A) SHORT AND MILNE - Frey (OS-A) ROCKY MOUNTAIN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (OS-A) ODENDAHL (OS-A) VAN VLEET - North (OS-A) POSPAHALA(OS-A) PARSONS (OS-A) THOMAS LANE (OS-A) ELDORADOMOUNTAIN - ROW(OS-A) DEPOORTERII CE(OS-DR) COLUMBINE UNITY CHURCH CE (OS-DR) LYNCH CE(OS-DR) SCHNELLIIa BREWBAKER ERINARSENAULT DEPOORTER II CE (OS-DR) COLUMBINE UNITY CHURCH CE (OS-DR) LYNCH CE(OS-DR) LYNCH BUILDINGENVELOPE(OS-DR)RockCreekBuffaloGulch F o u r mil eCr e ek Dry Creek SouthDrawSkunk CreekLeftHandCreek DryCreekRockCreekB e a rC a n y o n C re e k Fourmile CanyonCreek LeftHand Creek Dry Creek CoalCreekSouthBoulderCreekBoulderCreekProposed Land UseDesignations OS-A - Open SpaceAcquired OS-DR - Open SpaceDevelopment Rights Pending Planning DeptReview BVCP Planning Areas Area I Area II Area III Area III Annex Area III PlanningReserve 0 1 20.5 Miles User: Gersm1 Date: 11/1/2016 Document Path: E:\MapFiles\Planning\BoulderValleyComprehensivePlan\2015_BVCP_Update\OpenSpace_Map_Update\oneMapToRuleThemAll_LUD_mg.mxd ´55th St.Baseline Rd.Cherryvale Rd.OPAL(OS-A) GRANITE(OS-A) Oliver(OS-A) Coleman(OS-A)SouthBoulderCreek0 0.5 Miles For further information about these properties,please see Attachment C under heading:Summary list to accompany Land Use MapDraft Proposed Updates AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 9 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 10 AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 11 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 12 ¬«119 ¬«7 £¤36 ¬«7¬«7 ¬«93 £¤36 £¤36 ¬«93 ¬«170 ¬«157 ¬«52 ¬«119 ¬«119 ¬«119 ¬«128 ¬«119 ¬«42¬«157 ¬«7 ¬«7 ¬«170 ¬«93 £¤36 BERMANBROTHERS SCHNELLllb Martinson Dagle II SchnellHomestead ERTL III -North East SCHNELL II COLUMBINEUNITYCHURCH CE LYNCH CE ELDORADOMOUNTAIN- ROW SCHNELLIIa BREWBAKER LYNCH BE ERINARSENAULT Co a lCr e e k LittleJamesCreek F o u r mil eCr e ek Dry Creek SouthDrawSkunk CreekLeftHandCreek DryCreekRockCreekB e a rC a n y o n C re e k Fourmile CanyonCreek D r y C r e e k CoalCreek LeftHand Creek South BoulderCreekBoulderCreekProposed Additions toPlanning Area Currently in Planning Area Proposed for Addition toPlanning Area Pending PlanningDepartment Review Boulder Valley ComprehensivePlan Areas Area I Area II Area III Area III Annex Area III Planning Reserve Planning Area Boundary 0 1 20.5 Miles User: Gersm1 Date: 11/1/2016 Document Path: E:\MapFiles\Planning\BoulderValleyComprehensivePlan\2015_BVCP_Update\OpenSpace_Map_Update\planningArea_mg.mxd ´ AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 13 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 14 ATTACHMENT C:  Property Lists for Updates to BVCP Land Use and Planning Area Maps  Land Use Designation Map Updates For corresponding draft map please see Attachment A-2  Newly Acquired Fee Interests Open Space Open Space‐Acquired  Berman Brothers*  Coleman  Cox  Dagle II*  Delier Ranch  Depoorter II **  Ertl III ‐ North East*  Ertl III – North  Ertl III – South  Ertl III ‐ White Rocks  Granite  Joder II  Martinson*  Oliver  Opal  Schnell Homestead  Schnell II  Schnell IIa  Schnell IIb*  Sombrero Marsh II  VanVleet‐North  Weiser    Open Space Development Rights  DePoorter II CE **  *Currently outside planning area. Designation proposed if added to planning area.  **Property trade (swaps Depoorter OS‐DR and OS‐A)  Corrections Changes missed in previous updates. Open Space Acquired  Brewbaker*  Eldorado Mountain ‐ ROW  Erin Arsenault*  Odendahl  Parsons  Pospahala  Rocky Mtn Outdoor Advertising  Short & Milne ‐ Frey  Thomas Lane   Open Space Development Rights  Columbine Unity Church CE  Lynch BE (Building Envelope)*  Lynch CE*  **Currently outside planning area. Designation proposed if added to planning area.  Property Disposal: Remove Open Space Designation Inset table summarizes disposal information Property To Whom Reason  Belgrove CDOT Colorado Highway 119  Nu‐West CDOT Colorado Highway 119  West Rudd Rocky Mountain Fire Fire Station  Dawson ‐ Open Space Boulder County Trans  Niwot Road  Johnson ‐ North  Boulder County Trans Niwot Road  Dover‐Blacker PSCO  PSCO Easement  Stratton Purchaser Residence  Woodley Purchaser  Residence  Gallucci CDOT US36  Jirkovsky CDOT US36  Van Vleet ‐ East CDOT US36  Van Vleet ‐ North CDOT US36  Van Vleet ‐ South CDOT US36  Yunker – East CDOT US36  Yunker – North CDOT US36  Yunker ‐ South CDOT US36  Yunker – West CDOT US36  AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 15 Summary information to accompany Draft Proposed Updates to Land Use Map (Attachment A-2) Name Fee/CE Year Closed Acres Current LUD Proposed LUD  Berman Brothers Fee 2014 41.9 NONE TBD  Brewbaker Fee  1996  138  NONE  TBD  Coleman Fee 2015 12 NONE OS‐A  Columbine Unity Church CE CE  2004  0.79  NONE  OS‐DR  Cox Fee 2013 3.47 OS‐DR OS‐A  Dagle II Fee  2014  9.14  NONE  OS‐A  Dagle II Fee 2014 4.97 NONE OS‐A  Delier Ranch Fee  2016  24.6  OS‐O  OS‐A  DePoorter II CE CE 2012 1.91 OS‐A OS‐DR  DePoorter II Fee  2012  1.65  OS‐DR  OS‐A  Eldorado Mountain ‐ ROW Fee 1992 10.2 NONE OS‐A  Erin Arsenault Fee  2000  168  NONE  TBD  Ertl  III‐ North Fee 2013 232 OS‐DR OS‐A  Ertl  III‐ North East Fee  2013  31.1  NONE  OS‐A  Ertl  III‐ North East Fee 2013 0.06 NONE OS‐A  Ertl  III‐ South Fee  2013  227  OS‐DR  OS‐A  Ertl  III‐ White Rocks Fee 2013 196 OS‐DR OS‐A  Granite Fee  2013  24.8  NONE  OS‐A  Joder II Fee 2013 36.1 OS‐DR OS‐A  Joder II Fee  2013  36  OS‐DR  OS‐A  Joder II Fee 2013 259 OS‐DR OS‐A  Lynch BE CE  2005  3.54  NONE  TBD  Lynch CE CE 2005 31.2 NONE OS‐DR  Martinson Fee  2014  83.6  NONE  OS‐A  Odendahl Fee 1987 0.15 OS‐O OS‐A  Oliver Fee  2015  11.5  OS‐O; VLR  OS‐A  Opal Fee 2013 4.68 NONE; LR OS‐A  Parsons Fee  1976  1.26  OS‐O  OS‐A  Pospahala Fee 1981 0.34 PK‐U/O OS‐A  Rocky Mtn Outdoor Advertising Fee  1974  0.06  OS‐O  OS‐A  Schnell Homestead Fee 2015 5.52 NONE OS‐A  Schnell II Fee  2012  104  NONE  OS‐A  SCHNELL IIa Fee 2012 7.32 NONE TBD  SCHNELL III Fee  2012  0.61  NONE  OS‐A  Short and Milne ‐ Frey Fee 1971 0.45 OS‐O OS‐A  Sombrero Marsh II Fee  2014  8.48  OS‐O  OS‐A  Thomas Lane Fee 1994 1.02 OS‐O OS‐A  Van Vleet ‐ North Fee  2013  1.01  OS‐O  OS‐A  Weiser Fee 2011 243 OS‐DR OS‐A  CE=Conservation Easement; LUD=Land Use Designation; LR=Low Density Residential: PK‐U/O= Park, Urban and  Other; OS‐A= Open Space Acquired; OS‐DR= Open Space Development Rights; VLR=Very Low Density Residential  TBD=Pending review by Planning Department about inclusion in the Planning Area.  AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 16 Planning Area Map Updates For corresponding draft map, please see Attachment B-2 Property Name Type of Ownership Planning Area Map Change   Berman Brothers Fee Property TBD  Brewbaker Fee Property  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Columbine Unity Church CE Conservation Easement Outside BVCPA to Area III RPA  Dagle II Fee Property  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Dagle II Fee Property Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Eldorado Mountain ‐ Row Fee Property  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Erin Arsenault Fee Property TBD  Ertl III ‐ North East Fee Property  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Lynch BE Conservation Easement Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Lynch CE Conservation Easement  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Martinson Fee Property Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Schnell Homestead Fee Property  Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  Schnell II Fee Property Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  SCHNELL IIa Fee Property  TBD  SCHNELL IIb Fee Property Proposed for addition to Area III RPA  BVCPA = Boulder Valley Comprehensive Planning Area  RPA=Rural Preservation Area  TBD= Pending review by Planning Department about inclusion in the Planning Area. AGENDA ITEM 3B PAGE 17 MEMORANDUM TO: Open Space Board of Trustees FROM: Tracy Winfree, Director, Open Space and Mountain Parks DATE: November 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Board and Commission Feedback for the January 2017 City Council Retreat. Attached is a letter from Council Members Morzel and Yates requesting Board and Commission feedback for the January 2017 City Council Retreat. The Board will discuss its responses at the Nov. 9, 2016 Board meeting and finalize them on Dec. 14. Attachment A – Letter from Council Members Morzel and Yates AGENDA ITEM 4A PAGE 1 This page is intentionally left blank. AGENDA ITEM 4A PAGE 2 1777 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302     |       bouldercolorado.gov         |      O: 303‐441‐3002  City of Boulder  City Council  Mayor Suzanne Jones  Mayor Pro Tem Mary Young  Council Members:  Matt Appelbaum, Aaron Brockett, Jan Burton,  Liza Morzel, Andrew Shoemaker, Sam Weaver, Bob Yates  October 21, 2016 Dear Boulder Board & Commission Members: At the end of each year, the Boulder City Council asks members of the city's boards and commissions to provide input on the next year's goals and objectives in order to help Council and the city staff prepare the annual work plan at the January city council retreat. In the past, some board and commission members have found the questions too narrowly focused. Because you are leaders in our community, and you are certainly aware of a spectrum of issues, this year we decided to broaden the questions, seeking input in any area where you have views. Please see this year's questions below. You need not limit your responses to the area of expertise of your board/commission. Your entire board/commission may provide a single set of responses or, if you prefer, each member can provide his or her own responses (if the latter, please submit all of the member responses in a single packet). So that Council may have the benefit of your views before its pre-retreat Study Session on January 10, please deliver your responses to your board secretary no later than the close of business on Friday, December 16. Thank you for your service to our community. Sincerely, Lisa Morzel Bob Yates Council Retreat Committee 1.How do you think the City can improve its public engagement process? How would you recommend that Council engage with the community? 2. What do you think the City’s top three priorities should be in 2017? 3.What do you think will be the City’s three biggest challenges over the next five years, and how should we address them? AGENDA ITEM 4A PAGE 3