07.24.19 HAB Minutes HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD Summary Minutes: 07/24/2019 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Swetlik, Chair Jacques Juilland, Vice Chair Judy Nogg Juliette Boone Terry Palmos Daniel Teodoru David Ensign, ex-officio BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Masyn Moyer STAFF PRESENT: Jay Sugnet Corina Marin Jean Gatza Kathleen King 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Swetlik declared a quorum at 6p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW 3. APPROVAL OF 06/26/19 MINUTES Nogg motioned to approve minutes. Juilland seconded. Approved 6-0. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION General comments 5. MATTERS FROM COUNCIL • Alpine-Balsam Area Plan Presentation o Staff presented updates to the Housing Advisory Board on the Alpine-Balsam process and options in May, June and July of 2019. o Individual feedback included concerns about insufficient parking(mentioned by multiple members) o More consideration of neighborhood views (mentioned by multiple members) o Support for more housing relative to office/civic space o Excitement about the development o Interest in moving fast; interest in moving slowly o Suggestion to utilize flood area on Balsam for more parking o Discussion needed on target population for housing- i.e. seniors, singles, families, etc. 0 3-D visualization would help o Professional design competition should be first step, focus on quality and design o Develop property only for people who don't have cars o Concerns about methodology of traffic impact study o Interest in combining city/county space; interest in NOT combining them o Mention that traffic during hospital use was staggered and had onsite parking o Interest in restricting height limits to under 35'. o Presentation of an Option A+plan to provide more affordable housing with less density o Need for better public transportation o More flexibility needed o More certainly about Iris-Broadway plan; no need to wait for Iris-Broadway plan o At the conclusion of the discussion, members provided a straw poll of the options. o For the site plan, 5/6 members present selected Option A -with modifications. (There was no consensus on what the modifications should be.) o There was no consensus about the area plan. • East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Presentation 6. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD A. Committee reports • August listening session: how to raise money for affordable housing u Post info on Be Heard Boulder with assistance from Communications dept. o Engagement Committee will prepare letter to editor(300 words max) B. Unfinished business • Annual letter to council update 4) Send topics to Nogg and vote on issues at future meeting. C. New business • Housekeeping matters Request from board members that changes to motions or edits to documents are either provided in the next meeting packet or recorded in the minutes. 7. MATTERS FROM STAFF • Update on middle income down payment assistance pilot update, community benefit and large lots and homes. 8. DEBRIEF MEETING AND CALENDAR CHECK • Request from board to staff that we provide materials in advance if possible. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 8:57pm APPROVED BY Board Chair ^� Ms/f q DATE