07.24.19 HAB Handout 1ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Area plans help develop common understanding of the desired future development of an area including: `Expected Changes `Desired Characteristics `Achievable Implementation Methods WHAT IS AN AREA PLAN? AREA PLANS ADDRESS TOPICS SUCH AS: STEP 9 evaluate STEP 8 Communicate decision & rationale STEP 7 Make a decision STEP 6 Evaluate issues STEP 5 Identify options STEP 3 Create a public engagement plan STEP 2 Determine who STEP 1 before embarking 9 STEPS TO GOOD ENGAGEMENT STEP 4 Share a foundation of information and inquiry WE ARE HERE THE ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN WILL: FINAL PLAN VISION PLAN SITE PLAN CITY PURCHASE OF SITE 2020201920182016 20172015 AREA PLAN 2021+ IMPLEMENTATION WE ARE HERE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Former Hospital Building Community Plaza Boulder Medical Center Ideal Market North Boulder ParkBrenton Building (city owned) Parking Garage (city owned) PLANNING AREA The right mix of activities and land uses that will serve the community and build great places How people will access the area and what facilities will be there What city infrastructure improvements are needed in the nearby areas to support new uses `Define a Neighborhood Center Vision for the site and area `Guide redevelopment `Create common understanding of changes in the area `Ensure changes are consistent with the community vision `Identify public improvements `Ensure economic and financial viability MEDICAL PAVILION AREA ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam GOALS AND OBJECTIVES At the start of this process, Alpine-Balsam Area Plan goals were confirmed by the Planning Board, City Council , and Community based on the Alpine-Balsam Vision Plan. The goals below build upon the initial goals, adding clarifying objectives based on further analysis, option development and community feedback. 1 ENHANCE THE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER TO SUPPORT A VIBRANT MIX OF USES FOR COMMUNITY LIFE 7 PROVIDE ENGAGING AND WELCOMING PUBLIC SPACES 2 INCORPORATE DESIGN AND CHARACTER THAT RESPECT AND ENHANCE THE NEIGHBORHOOD 5 CREATE A CENTRALIZED LOCAL GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE HUB 6 CREATE DIVERSE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING 3 IMPROVE WALKABILITY, SAFETY AND CONNECTIONS WITH WELL-CONNECTED AND PEDESTRIAN-ORIENTED STREETS AND WALKWAYS 4 IMPLEMENT A COMPREHENSIVE MULTI-MODAL ACCESS AND PARKING STRATEGY THAT SUPPORTS THE FULL RANGE OF MOBILITY CHOICES Land Use and Urban Design Public Realm and Public Spaces Local Government Services Housing Access and Mobility ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam NEW CITY SERVICE HUB Vision for City Facilities at Alpine Balsam: Centralized hub for customer service, a place to conduct daily business with the city. The City of Boulder will occupy approximately 150,000 square feet on the site, including functional and interactive places for community engagement. In 2015, the city purchased the 8.8 acre Alpine-Balsam site from Boulder Community Health to ensure future redevelopment fits within the community’s goals and vision, to improve customer service and help consolidate city facilities for cost savings. BENEFITS OF CONSOLIDATION `Improved customer service experience `Contributes to Climate Action goals `Oppor tunity for cost savings `Removes services and staff from high hazard flood zone COMMUNITY & CITY SERVICES Prioritize customer experience and information sharing in all community and customer-serving spaces. Promote active community engagement in local governance with innovative shared spaces for community gathering. Foster innovation and collaboration with flexible and adaptable high-performance workplaces. Support the well-being of city staff with healthy workplaces and complementary workplace practices. Provide welcoming and inspiring spaces that reflect the community’s values with clear, creative and inclusive design. GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR THE FUTURE CITY FACILITIES: 3 2 1 4 5 ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam URBAN DESIGN & THE PUBLIC REALM ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam Broadwa y 1 3 t h S t .9th St.North St. Alpine Ave. Balsam Ave. Portland St. MAKING CHOICES: SITE VERSUS AREA SITE CHOICES ALL OPTIONS INCLUDE:HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT SITE: The hospital redevelopment site was purchased by the city for relocation and consolidation of city services and affordable housing. Renovation of the Medical Pavilion for city service hub with public plaza and “green” connections through the site. “Flex” space along Broadway to reserve space in the future for additional city facilities or housing with some limited ground floor retail. Improvements that encourage lively public and open spaces that can be utilized by the whole community. EAST BLOCK East block Center block West block AREA: The Area Plan provides the opportunity to define a future vision for the Alpine-Balsam Neighborhood Center and nearby areas that aligns with the changes that will be happening on the hospital redevelopment site. TRAFFIC IMPACT Detailed traffic impact analysis was performed to assess impacts of all the options. Key findings include: `Fewer trips generated than estimated from active hospital `New traffic can be accomodated by existing roadway network, maintaining good level of service The full report is on the project website. Housing for west and center blocks: Options A, B, and C illustrate different housing types and densities. Option D illustrates a Civic Campus with both City of Boulder and Boulder County Service Hubs. AREA CHOICES The options illustrate ways to add housing while building on the area’s unique mixed use character. A change in Land use does not mean redevelopment is required, but it provides direction for the appropriate land use and zoning adjustments to achieve the desired future vision as private redevelopment occurs. Key choices include the extent to which we: `Emphasize housing in the area by converting current office and commercial uses (not retail) to housing. `Emphasize mixed use by encouraging ground floor commercial uses with housing above in future developments. `Allow some higher density in the area. NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER SOUTH OF ALPINE BROADWAY - SOUTH OF NORTH ST MIXED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (NO CHANGES PROPOSED) Alpine Ave.Broadway 9th St. ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam Encourage conversion of commercial uses to housing as 2-3 story stacked flats or apartments over time Neighborhood Center maintains strong retail core. Encourage adding housing up to 3 storeis. Attached single-family attached units like rowhouses or townhomes Multifamily apartments or stacked flats – 3 stories along Balsam, up to 4 stories along Alpine, could have upper floor set back from the street Renovate existing Medical Office Pavilion for City Service Hub with new Public Plaza Encourage mixed use with ground floor community-serving commercial with 1-2 stories of housing above Vision: The Alpine-Balsam area will continue to serve as a lively neighborhood center, emphasizing preservation of the retail heart, renovating the Medical Pavilion into a new City Service Hub, creating new engaging public spaces, and adding new housing. `Site: The western portion of the hospital site will be housing in a variety of types including townhomes and high density stacked flats/ apartments. `Area: Mixed density housing in the area would remain with some of the office and medical uses converting to new stacked flats, condos or apartments. `Mixed use would be encouraged along Broadway with ground floor community-serving uses and housing above `Buildings would range in scale 1-3 stories with the highest intensity along Broadway. EMPHASIZE HOUSING HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT SITE CENTER BLOCKWEST BLOCK SOUTH OF ALPINE BROADWAY - SOUTH OF NORTH ST A NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Broadwa y 1 3 t h S t .9th St.North St. Alpine Ave. Balsam Ave. Portland St. Site: 190-260 units Area: 250-330 units • Reflects density similar to current character of the area • Generally 1-3 stories, up to 4 stories for City Service Hub • Few areas over 35’ Estimated new housing potential Overall Character EAST BLOCK *Photos and renderings are for illustrative purposes only. ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam Encourage conversion of commercial uses to housing as 3-4 story stacked flats over time. Compact apartments or stacked flats up to 3 stories. Multifamily apartments or stacked flats – 3 stories along Balsam, up to 4 stories along Alpine, could have upper floor set back from street. Renovate existing Medical Pavilion for City Service Hub with new Public Plaza. Encourage mixed use with ground floor community-serving commercial with 2-3 stories of housing above. STRONGLY EMPHASIZE HOUSINGB Vision: The Alpine-Balsam area will continue to serve as a lively neighborhood center, emphasizing preservation of the retail heart, renovating the Medical Pavilion into a new City Service Hub, creating new engaging public spaces, and adding new housing. `Site: The western portion of the hospital site (west and center blocks) will be higher density housing and include 3-4 story larger footprint apartment buildings. `Area: Mixed density housing would remain with some of the office and medical uses converting to higher density housing. `Mixed use would be encouraged along Broadway with ground floor community-serving uses and housing above. `Buildings would range in scale from two to four stories with the highest intensity along Broadway. Site: 240-300 units Area: 330-430 units • Allows increased density to blocks closest to Broadway • Generally 2-4 stories • Most areas over 35’ Estimated new housing potential Overall Character HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT SITE CENTER BLOCK WEST BLOCK SOUTH OF ALPINE BROADWAY - SOUTH OF NORTH ST NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Broadwa y 1 3 t h S t .9th St.North St. Alpine Ave. Balsam Ave. Portland St. EAST BLOCK Neighborhood Center maintains strong retail core. Encourage adding housing up to 4 stories. *Photos and renderings are for illustrative purposes only. ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam Encourages areas with commercial or office uses to add housing as 2-3 story mixed use Attached single-family attached units like rowhouses / townhomes (similar to Option A) Multifamily apartments or stacked flats – 3 stories along Balsam, up to 4 stories along Alpine, could have upper floor set back from the street (Similar to Option A) Renovate existing Medical Pavilion for City Service Hub with new Public Plaza Encourage mixed use with ground floor community-serving commercial with 1-3 stories above Neighborhood Center maintains strong retail core. Similar to option A, encourage adding housing up to 35’. EMPHASIZE MIXED-USEC Vision: The Alpine-Balsam area will continue to serve as a lively neighborhood center, emphasizing preservation of the retail heart, renovating the Medical Pavilion into a new City Service Hub, creating new engaging public spaces, and adding new housing. `Site: The western portion of the hospital site will be housing in a variety of types including townhomes and high density stacked flats/ apartments. Mixed density housing in the area would remain. `Area: Areas with commercial, medical and office uses would have flexibility to add housing or redevelop with ground floor community-serving uses and housing above. `Mixed use would be encouraged along Broadway with 1-2 stories of retail and office uses and housing above. `Buildings would range in scale from 1-3 stories with the highest intensity along Broadway. HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT SITE CENTER BLOCK WEST BLOCK SOUTH OF ALPINE BROADWAY - SOUTH OF NORTH ST NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Broadwa y 1 3 t h S t .9th St.North St. Alpine Ave. Balsam Ave. Portland St. Site: 190-260 units Area: 220-300 units • Reflects density similar to current character • Generally 2-3 stories, up to 4 stories for City Service Hub • Few areas over 35’ Estimated new housing potential Overall Character EAST BLOCK *Photos and renderings are for illustrative purposes only. ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam Encourages areas with commercial or office uses to add housing as mixed-use New townhomes or stacked flats – likely market rate Encourage mixed-use with ground floor community-serving commercial with 1-4 stories above City and County Service Hubs. Boulder County relocates services from Iris & Broadway, offering potential for new housing there.** MIXED USE WITH STRONG CIVIC PRESENCE D Vision: The Alpine-Balsam area will continue to serve as a lively neighborhood center, emphasizing preservation of the retail heart, renovating the Medical Pavilion into a new City Service Hub, creating new engaging public spaces, and adding new housing. `Site: The hospital redevelopment site would be primarily a civic campus with some new housing such as townhomes or stacked flats on the West Block. `Area: Mixed density housing in the area would remain. New housing would be encouraged in other areas of the neighborhood center. Areas with commercial, medical and office uses would have flexibility to add housing or redevelop with ground floor community-serving uses and housing above. `Mixed use would be encouraged along Broadway with 1-2 stories of retail and office uses and housing above. `Buildings would range in scale from 1-3 stories with the highest intensity along Broadway. ** If Boulder County moves service hub to Alpine-Balsam, the Iris and Broadway Complex would be redeveloped, presumably for housing, much of which might be affordable. How much housing could be achieved at Iris is uncertain at this time. Site: 30-90 units Area: 220-300 units • More urban, civic campus on the hospital site • Generally 2-4 stories • More areas over 35’ Estimated new housing potential Overall Character HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT SITE WEST BLOCK SOUTH OF ALPINE BROADWAY - SOUTH OF NORTH ST NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Broadwa y 1 3 t h S t .9th St.North St. Alpine Ave. Balsam Ave. Portland St. EAST AND CENTER BLOCK Neighborhood Center maintains strong retail core. Encourage adding housing up to 4 stories. *Photos and renderings are for illustrative purposes only. ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Building Height Legend Over 35’ with pitched roofs, multi- family residential buildings Pitched roofs, multi-family residential buildings Commercial or mixed-use buildings with taller first floor and/or floor-to-floor heights Reserved for the addition of a floor of parking to the existing parking structure to serve parking district needs 3-story Areas not shaded indicate no change (under 35’) 4-story 4-story 5 floors or 55’ maximum MAKING CHOICES: BUILDING HEIGHT! DC BA MIXED USE WITH STRONG CIVIC PRESENCE EMPHASIZE MIXED-USESTRONGLY EMPHASIZEHOUSINGEMPHASIZE HOUSING ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN MAKING CHOICES: LAND USE! Mixed-Use 2 High Density 1 Land Uses Legend Mixed-Use 1 High Density 2 Mixed Density Residential (existing) High Density 3 D P. 16 Refer to booklet for more info C BA MIXED USE WITH STRONG CIVIC PRESENCE EMPHASIZE MIXED-USESTRONGLY EMPHASIZEHOUSINGEMPHASIZE HOUSING ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam CONNECTIONS Alpine Ave. North St. Portland Pl. Cedar Ave. Dellwood Ave.7th St.9th St.10th St.11th St.13th St.10th St.9th St.13th St.BroadwayBalsam Ave. N Ideal Market Community PlazaNorth Boulder Park NEW LOCAL STREET PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION MULTI-USE PATH ALLEY WAY ENHANCEMENTS/ REALIGNMENT RESIDENTIAL ON-STREET LOADING CURBSIDE MANAGEMENT MOBILITY PLAZA BUS SUPER STOP PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CENTER AREA PLAN BOUNDARY DRAFT AREA PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER TMP EVALUATION TMP RECOMMENDATIONS POTENTIAL BIKE LANE (PREFERRED BUFFERED) POTENTIAL FUTURE GREENSTREETS POTENTIAL INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS NEIGHBORHOOD GREENSTREET (13TH STREET) INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS (13TH STREET) LEGEND 1 5 43 2 8 7 6 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 ALPINE-BALSAM AREA PLAN Alpine-Balsam ACCESS & MOBILITY ACCESS DISTRICT STRATEGY `Current programs include ECO Passes, vanpool subsidies, parking cashout, telework, bike/car share, managed parking and other access management and parking strategies. `Advanced mobility options could include mobility on-demand (UBER and LYFT), micro transit, shared autonomous vehicles, etc. ACCESS DISTRICT PROGRAMS AND AMENITIES `Create a General Improvement District (GID) that collects property taxes to fund on-going transportation demand management (TDM) programs and parking management. The district could be expanded to adjacent properties that want to receive the benefits. `An on-site mobility hub could include a bikeshare station, carshare vehicles, mobility on-demand services, and electric car or bicycle charging. PARKING SUPPLY AND MANAGEMENT `Apply SUMP principles (Shared, Unbundled,Managed and Paid parking) to the maximum extent to reduce the need to build additional parking in the area. `Residential parking requirements should be limited to one parking space per unit, and maximums set for commercial parking at the Enhanced Access and Mobility Strategy level. `Mitigate the impacts of spillover parking in the surrounding commercial and residential neighbourhoods with a possible Neighborhood Permit Program. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The analysis of trip generation and traffic impact concluded that: `All of the study intersections currently operate at a *Level of Service (LOS) C or better and all options would perform similarly to the existing conditions. `The trips generated after redevelopment of the Alpine-Balsam site will not exceed the trips that were generated in the past when the site was a fully functioning hospital. `On-going TDM programs and services and parking management are essential for the site to function effectively after redevelopment. Level of Service (LOS) characterizes the operational conditions of an intersections traffic flow, ranging from LOS A (indicating very good, free flow operations) and LOS F (indicating congested and sometimes oversaturated conditions). Typically, an acceptable level of service is LOS D or better in the peak hours. *WHAT IS LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)?