Item 7C - Board and Commission Letter for 2019 Retreat1777 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 | | O: 303‐441‐3002
City of Boulder
City Council
Mayor Suzanne Jones Mayor Pro Tem Aaron Brockett
Council Members: Cindy Carlisle, Jill Grano, Liza Morzel, Mirabai
Kuk Nagle, Sam Weaver, Bob Yates, Mary Young
October 12, 2018
Dear Boulder Board & Commission Members:
At the end of each year, the Boulder City Council asks members of the city's boards and
commissions to provide input regarding Council priorities. This information helps inform
Council’s work plan discussion at the January City Council retreat.
This year, we are in the middle of a Council term and are in the position of reviewing our current
2018-19 work plan rather than developing a new one. In order to maintain the momentum of our
current efforts, and to keep from overloading and overwhelming the community, we have
focused this year’s questions more narrowly. Attached is a list of Council’s 14 priorities for
2018 and 2019. We seek your input on whether there are other projects that you think our
community might see as higher priorities in 2019.
Please see the questions below. You need not limit your responses to the area of expertise of
your board/commission. Your entire board/commission may provide a single set of responses or,
if you prefer, each member can provide his or her own responses (if the latter, please submit all
of the member responses in a single packet). So that Council may have the benefit of your views
before its pre-retreat Study Session on January 8, please deliver your responses to your board
secretary no later than the close of business on Friday, December 21.
Thank you for your service to our community.
Mary Young
Bob Yates
Council Retreat Committee
1.How well do you believe Council has done over the last two years in incorporating the priorities of
your board/commission?
2.Taking into account the current work plan and your board/commission feedback from last
year, what additional priorities do you think Council should focus on, over and above the 14
on the attached list?
Item 7C - Board and Commission Letter for 2019 Retreat
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1777 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 | | O: 303‐441‐3002
Boulder City Council 2018-19 Priorities
Boulder Electric Utility Broadband Climate Commitment Commercial Linkage Fees
Community Benefit Housing Advisory Board Large Lots Manufactured Housing Strategy
North Central Boulder Subcommunity Plan & Alpine-Balsam Area Plan Open Space Master Plan
Shared Equity Middle Income Program Transportation Master Plan
Use Tables and Site Review Criteria Updates Vision Zero
Item 7C - Board and Commission Letter for 2019 Retreat
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