Item 7B - 2019 - Landmarks Board Application - DRAFTLandmarks Board Member Application – 2019
The Landmarks Board consists of five members appointed by City Council, each to five-year
terms; two members are architecture, historic preservation or urban planning professionals
and three members may be chosen without specific requirements for qualifications. The Board
has four main roles: review of individual landmark and historic district designations,
recognizing properties as Structures of Merit, review of Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC)
applications for exterior changes to locally designated properties, and review of demolition
applications for non-designated buildings over 50 years old. Design review of LAC
applications requires the largest time commitment of board members, with monthly board
meetings and packet review (4-8 hours/month) and weekly Landmarks design review
committee (Ldrc) meetings (12-16 hours/month). The Historic Preservation Plan, completed in
2013, provides an overview of the program.
Staff Liaison: James Hewat (303) 441-3207
Regular Landmarks Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers.
Composed of two Landmarks Board members and one staff member, the Ldrc meets each
Wednesday morning between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. The five Landmarks Board members
rotate on a 2 months on/1 month off schedule.
The City of Boulder considers a diverse work force adds quality and perspective to the services
we provide to the public. Therefore, it is the ongoing policy and practice of the City of Boulder
to strive for equal opportunity in employment for all employees and applicants. No person
shall be discriminated against in any term, condition or privilege of employment because of
race, national origin, religion, disability, pregnancy, age, military status, marital status, genetic
characteristics or information, gender, gender identity, gender variance or sexual orientation.
The Boulder City Charter requires representation of both genders on City Boards and
(Basic questions)
Home address?
Do you reside within the city limits?
Phone numbers?
Email address?
Place of employment / self-employed / retired?
When did you become a resident of Boulder?
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(Questions to elaboration on)
1. What other technical / professional qualifications, skills, and relevant experiences do you
have for the Landmarks Board (such as educational degrees, specialized training, service on
governing or decision-making boards, etc.)? * .
2.Have you had any experiences with the Landmarks Board or the services it oversees that
have sparked your interest in becoming a member, and, if so, please describe the experience(s)
and what insight you gained.*
3.Describe a situation where you were involved with a group and had to work through a
disagreement or conflict among the members. What techniques or specific actions did you find
to be most effective in mitigating or resolving the disagreement/conflict? *
4.List all potential conflicts of interest you might have with respect to the work of the
Landmarks Board explaining how you think any potential or perceived conflicts of interest
should be handled by Board members.*
5. What things can historic preservation and landmark designation in Boulder achieve at this
stage of the City’s development? Include both positive goals that can be achieved and negative
consequences, if any, that should be avoided.*
6. What incentives, if any, should be provided for work on properties that are individually
landmarked or are contributing resources to designated historic districts? *
7.The Landmarks Board has the responsibility to enforce the Historic Preservation Ordinance
as well as help the City to achieve its sustainability goals. What ideas do you have to help the
Board reconcile these sometimes competing objectives, especially as it relates to improving
energy efficiency in historic buildings? *
8. What books have you read, courses have you taken or experiences have you had that have
shaped your thinking about historic preservation in the context of urban planning? *
9.Since there are specific and considerable time commitments for Landmarks Board members,
we want to be very clear about these responsibilities. Are you able to make the required
monthly time commitment as of 16-24 hours per month; this consists of:
a) a monthly Landmarks Board meeting (the first Wednesday of every month starting at
6:00 p.m. and typically goes to 10:00 p.m.)
b)a weekly Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting (Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m.
to 12:00 p.m. – rotating with other board members), and
c)time for reading, research, and staying in touch with what is going on (typically
via email/phone calls).
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