Item 6A - Update Memo1
DATE: August 1, 2018 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat and Marcy Cameron
SUBJECT: Update Memo
Landmarks design review committee procedures and guidelines
Procedures and guidelines for the Landmarks design review committee meetings were implemented in June and
have been posted on the Historic Preservation webpage.
Sign Lighting Guidelines for the Downtown Historic District
The amended guidelines approved by the Landmarks as Administrative Rules are currently being formatted and
integrated into the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. Update at Meeting,
New Historic Preservation Intern
Caleb Gasparek is our new historic preservation intern. Caleb has a background and strong interest in historic
preservation. He and Tony will be overlapping until Tony leaves the internship in August after 15 months.
Landmarks Board Retreat
The annual Landmarks Board Retreat was held Friday June 22 at the Chautauqua Community House. The
Landmarks Board formed the following subcommittees:
• ADUS/Demolition Review for Non-Designated Accessory Buildings/Design Guidelines for
Designated Garages – Bill, Ronnie and John
o This subcommittee will first focus on ways to integrate historic preservation into the pending
changes to the ADU regulations to incentivize preservation of smaller buildings that are eligible for
landmark designation; next, the subcommittee will consider the current demolition review for non-
designated accessory buildings, including community engagement to determine whether this is an
area of concern; third, the subcommittee will consider whether changes are needed to the design
guidelines to provide addition direction for the review of two-car garages.
• Film and Lecture Series – Fran and Eric
o The Film and Lecture Series is recognized as an important way to engage the community in
historic preservation activities. This year, the series may include panel events to increase
awareness and education and foster appreciation for historic preservation efforts in Boulder.
• Community Outreach Brochure – Bill
o Bill has agreed to update the Historic Preservation Outreach Brochure, a pamphlet the city created
using grant funding about 10 years ago. The brochure provides information on the program’s
purpose, required review process, and tax credit opportunities.
The work of the subcommittees will help achieve these Historic Preservation Plan recommendations
in 2018-2019:
• 1.3 Explore ways to protect smaller buildings that are eligible for landmark designation
• 2.3 Foster greater understanding of historic preservation
• 2.10 Engage the community in historic preservation activities
• 3.2 Analyze existing historic district design guidelines
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) Forum – July 18-22, 2018
The biennial NAPC Forum was held July 18-22 in Des Moines, Iowa. Landmarks Board member John Decker and
staff members James Hewat, Marcy Cameron and Holly Opansky attended. Update at meeting.
Civic Area – East Book End
The Landmarks Board will hold a study session to discuss the Civic Area East Bookend Plan from 5-6 p.m. on
August 1, 2018 in City Council Chambers, prior to their regular meeting.
The City of Boulder has hired architectural historian Carl McWilliams to survey 12 non-designated properties that are
over 50 years old in the East Bookend of the Civic Area. This information will provide documentation of those sites
and help inform decisions made as part of the East Bookend Plan. Visit the Civic Area webpage for current
information on the project: Harbeck House
The Parks and Recreation Department is exploring options for the future use and ownership of the designated
Harbeck House. A public house viewing and meeting was held Thursday, July 12 Visit for more information. . Brief update by Parks &
Recreation Staff at the August 1st meeting.
Atrium Building
The Atrium Building will be considered as part of the East Bookend Planning effort. Historic Boulder has agreed to
continue keeping the March 2015 application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options
continues. Update at meeting.
Dushanbe Teahouse Landmark Designation
Update at Meeting,