Item 7A and B - Update Memo and Recently Approved LACs1 DATE: June 6, 2018 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat and Marcy Cameron SUBJECT: Update Memo Landmarks Board Appointment The City Council appointed John Decker to the Landmarks Board on May 15. Welcome, John! Landmarks Board Retreat The retreat logistics will be arranged for a time after the June 6 meeting. Discuss at meeting. Landmarks Board and Historic Boulder Film and Lecture Series The Landmarks Board and Historic Boulder presented a film screening of “Citizen Jane: Battle for the City “on May 8 at the Academy. Other events in this year’s series included a talk by Dan Corson, “Homes of Boulder’s Early Black Citizens” on Feb. 22 at Trinity Lutheran Church, and a talk by William Bechhoefer “Syria 2010” on March 14 at the Academy. Heritage Roundtable Annual Awards Ceremony The annual Heritage Roundtable Awards Ceremony was held Monday, May 14 at the Chautauqua Community House. Award recipients included Jeff Medanich, Deborah Yin. The Landmarks Board recognized the rehabilitation of the Granary (4051 Broadway) and the Whittier School (2003 Pine St.). National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) Forum – July 18-22, 2018 The biennial NAPC Forum will be held in Des Moines, Iowa from July 18 to 22. Landmarks Board members and staff have attended in the past and have found the forum to be very worthwhile. The CLG grant proposal to fund the attendance for Landmarks Board members attendance was not approved, however, the City is able to provide funding for 2 members to attend. Visit https://napcommissions.org/forum/ for more information. Update at meeting. Civic Area – East Book End A Kick-off Event was held at the Boulder Public Library on May 16 for the East Bookend and Alpine Balsam Area Plan process. The project team is planning to come to the Landmarks Board in July to gather feedback – date TBD. Additionally, the City of Boulder has hired architectural historian Carl McWilliams to survey 12 non-designated properties that are over 50 years old in the East Bookend of the Civic Area. This information will provide documentation of those sites and help inform decisions made as part of the East Bookend Plan. Visit the Civic Area webpage for current information on the project: https://bouldercolorado.gov/civic-area/east-bookend-of-the-civic-area. ON-GOING PROJECTS Atrium Building The Atrium Building will be considered as part of the East Bookend Planning effort. Historic Boulder has agreed to continue keeping the March 2015 application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options continues. Update at meeting. 2 RECENTLY APPROVED LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATES 341 Spruce St., Mapleton Hill Historic District The Landmarks Board conditionally approved the demolition of a non-historic garage and the construction of a new two-car garage at 341 Spruce St. at their Jan. 3, 2018 meeting. The Landmarks Design Review Committee reviewed the conditions of approval on April 4, 2018 and issued the Landmark Alteration Certificate. See below. Application Submitted: Nov. 6, 2017 Landmarks Board Review: Jan. 3, 2018; conditionally approved LDRC Review of Conditions: April 4, 2018; issued LAC Application: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to demolish a non- contributing two-car garage and, in its place, construct a new two-car garage at 341 Spruce St. in the Mapleton Hill Historic District pursuant to Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2017-00337). Owner/Applicant: Nancee and Justin Gold / Nicholas Fiore Motion On a motion by F. Sheets, and seconded by B. Jellick, the Landmarks Board voted (4-1, D. Yin opposed), to approve the demolition the non-contributing garage and in its place, construction of a new garage at 341 Spruce St. as shown on plans dated Nov. 6, 2017, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Section 9-11- 18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the conditions below and adopt the staff memorandum dated Jan. 3, 2018 as findings of the board. D. Yin’s dissenting vote was based upon her consideration that the Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines discourages two-car garages and identifies alleyscapes as being historically important, and that allowing two-car garages is detrimental to the district as a whole. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the garage in compliance with the approved plans dated Nov. 2, 2017 except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit to the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc), for its final review and approval: a. Revised drawings showing a more modestly scaled two-car garage to around 500 sq. ft., that the dormer be reduced in scale or eliminated from the design, and that the garage doors be changes to two separate doors and; b. Final architectural plans that include details for the new building, including wall and roof materials, door and window details, and hardscaping on the property to ensure that the final design of the building is consistent with the General Design Guidelines, the Mapleton Historic District Design Guideline, and the intent of this approval. 3 NORTH ELEVATION Left: Jan. 3 Landmarks Board elevation; Right: final elevation approved LDRC April 4 SOUTH ELEVATION Left: Jan. 3 Landmarks Board elevation; Right: final elevation approved LDRC April 4 EAST ELEVATION Left: Jan. 3 Landmarks Board elevation; Right: final elevation approved LDRC April 4 West Elevation. Plans Conditionally Approved by the Landmarks Board Jan. 3, 2018.