Public Comment Item 5A - 936 Mapleton Ave - Kathryn Barth 1200 Pearl Street, Suite 70 I Boulder, CO 80302 April 1, 2018 Dear Landmarks Board, At the December 6, 2017 Landmarks Board meeting Historic Boulder Inc. supported the Preservation Staff’s recommendation that the application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a large flat-roofed addition on the rear of 936 Mapleton be denied. The Staff found that the project was inconsistent with the Mapleton Hill Guidelines and the General Design Guidelines. Staff recommended that the project be denied. The applicant withdrew the application. HB agreed with Staff’s recommendation denial then. Although the project has been resubmitted, Historic Boulder feels that the new proposal is very much the same as the December submittal. The significant issues that warranted the Staff’s recommendation to deny the application persist. The project’s size has only been decreased by 40 square feet, and the form, scale and massing have not changed. Thus the major objections to the project remain, including: 1. The addition as submitted is not reversible. The entire existing rear addition, a significant character defining feature of this building, with its gambrel roof, dormer and porch as well as the entire historic rear wall of the building at the first and second floors are being demolished. This will greatly impact the historic character of the building. 2. The flat roofed addition bears no relationship to the proportions, massing, scale and design of the historic house. It is not sympathetic or compatible, and in fact will detract from the historic forms and character of this important building. 3. The flat roofed addition will have an adverse impact on the historic building, because it is not subservient to it; it contrasts too much with the historic forms and draws too much attention to itself. 4. The proposed alterations to this significant intact 1894 building, located on one of the most important blocks in the Mapleton Hill Historic District, will have a detrimental impact on the historic character of Mapleton Avenue and the Historic District. 5. Not only is the proposed addition visible from Mapleton Avenue, it is also very visible all along the entire eastern edge of the lot which is designated by a City of Boulder sign as an alley, thus a very open and busy public right of way. Historic Boulder urges the Landmarks Board to deny this application. Historic Boulder also requests the Landmarks Board not to permit this project to return to the Design Review Committee. We feel that it is unlikely that the significant issues of incompatibility and non-compliance will be able to be resolved at the Design Review Committee, thus setting up a very difficult/impossible situation for DRC members and Staff. Also, we are aware that once a proposal is at the Design Review Committee the opportunity for any public input or even the City Council to call up this project will be lost. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Kathryn Barth Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA Historic Boulder Preservation Committee Chair