Public Comment Item 5A - 936 Mapleton Ave - Bill LeBlancFrom:Cameron, Marcy To:Opansky, Holly Cc:Hewat, James Subject:FW: 936 Mapleton Ave issue Date:Monday, April 2, 2018 4:38:00 PM We live across the street and down a few doors from 936 Mapleton Ave. I believe that the owner of 936 Mapleton Ave. and 1014 Mapleton Ave. are the same person. The property at 1014 Mapleton is undergoing a massive renovation that started last June and continues on for several more months at least, ,and has been quite disruptive (it’s almost across the street from us) to the local neighbors. My wife and I live at 1025 Mapleton Avenue. I would agree with 936 Mapleton getting an appropriate addition if it is approved by the Landmarks board IF the owner who is doing the addition is going to live in that home. I am against the addition if it’s going to be sold on spec once the work is done or soon after. The person who will live in this iconic home should be able to make the decision on what it should look like with or without any addition. My interpretation of the local Landmark rules on additions/alterations are meant to be applied to owners in residence, not to investors. This is likely to become a bigger issues in the Mapleton district as prices continue to rise. So I do think this could set precedent. Bill LeBlanc 1025 Mapleton Avenue Boulder, CO 80304