Public Comment Item 5A - 936 Mapleton Ave - Aron RalstonFrom:Hewat, James
Subject:FW: 936 Mapleton rear addition
Date:Monday, April 2, 2018 1:22:09 PM
See message below about the 936 Mapleton Avenue proposal.
From: Aron Ralston <>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 12:11 PM
To: Hewat, James <>
Subject: 936 Mapleton rear addition
Hi James,
My name is Aron Ralston and I own and live at 928 Mapleton Ave., immediately to the west
of the proposed rear addition at 936 Mapleton Ave that the Landmark Board is reviewing on
Wednesday. Unfortunately, I will be traveling out of state when the meeting happens, and
won't be able to attend in person.
I've reviewed the proposed project including the changes from the initial proposal late last
year. My concerns focus around the issues raised in the analysis that begins on page 17 of the
agenda item 5A pdf, including the proposal's architectural compatibility, mass, scale, style,
and fenestration.
Beyond the impacts to the historic district and neighborhood highlighteed in the analysis, I'm
also personally concerned for how an addition of this scale and location will affect the sunlight
that reaches the bay window of my kitchen at the rear of my home. Perhaps there isn't much I
can do or say about that. The other more general concerns remain.
Since I won't be able to attend in person on Wednesday, how might I best be able to
participate and express my concerns to the board?