12.04.17 DMC Minutes CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES n _T NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss—303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: DEANS, FELDMAN, KNOFF, NIEMEYER, SHAPINS STAFF: WINTER, LANDRITH, CONNELLY,WEISS,JOBERT, i HAYDEN, MCELDOWNEY GUESTS: TYPE OF MEETING: Regular December 4, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 —Roll Call: Called to order at 5:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 -Approval of the November 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes: Shapins mentioned a correction to the minutes.-Feldman motioned to approve the minutes as corrected and Niemeyer seconded.All commissioners approved. AGENDA ITEM 3—Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4—Police Update: McEldowney mentioned the end of year police status, regarding the mall, the overtime officers wrote 129 tickets for a variety of issues, 26 arrests, with 2900 warnings for dogs, warned 642 tickets. There are a lot of homeless issues that have moved east and working with parks to address. The team is five officers with rotation of shifts and all 5 are staying in their assignments. Staff is still down with eight in training and available in June. Deans asked about the BPD retention compared to other cities. McEldowney said that agencies are having difficulty filling positions and that it takes 12 months to have them on their own. McEldowney mentioned the work ethics of the younger generation are different and changing. Connelly mentioned a training she attended and they expressed the same issues. McEldowney is rotating in January with hiring and training as the focus. Dispatch was mentioned with a hiring bonus for completion. Greg Lefebvre will replace McEldowney. AGENDA ITEM 5—Parks Update: Hayden said civic area has all construction fences down, 12/9 is the grand opening of the playground, temp fences will stay while grasses take root, mall is doing winter watering, testing new graffiti resistant paint and hoping it works. Kudos on the work was given by the commissioners. Discussion on the pansies on the mall ensured. AGENDA ITEM 6—Downtown Boulder Partnership Update: Commissioners read Maher's DBP update provided since he could not attend tonight. Winter mentioned that the Foundry Building is doing a food court concept for startup restauranteurs. Rat control was discussed. Niemeyer would to know about incentivizing a landlord or tenant to bring a movie theatre downtown. Winter said there is no incentives to have a cinema downtown. Winter continued that a small venue with two screens instead of six is being pursued currently by the property owner. AGENDA ITEM 7-Matters from Commissioners: • 2018 DMC Priorities: • 2018 Priorities by Feldman: a. Advance innovative access strategies. b. Maintain CAGID facilities and improve the user experience. c. Support downtown retailers. a. Deans said the word mobility should be added, how to get to and around downtown. Knoff mentioned innovative mobility structures. Advance innovative downtown Taking maintenance as an opportunity to improve. Updated a. -Advance innovative downtown access and mobility strategies. b. Deans said this item is about parking. Feldman said this is about the budget to make allowance to fix the stairwells, get the garages painted, make sure they are maintained well. Plus, improving the user experience with creative colors when painted and using maintenance for such improvements. c. Feldman said this is the most difficult to capture as a goal. Niemeyer mentioned that it is to create a compelling downtown that people want to visit. Knoff mentioned what the role the commission can take, is it advocacy or act as a liaison between retail and the city. Connelly said when the downtown retail study results come out, the commission can be an advocate for council. Shapins said that if they are stewards of the mall, there is a big picture on how it functions with visitors and economic needs. Shapins questioned how it will be in 5 years from now, how it is dramatically more than historic preservation, and, how retail makes it an exciting place to be. Feldman said it is something that the commission can have an impact on and the study will be available in 60 days. Knoff offered it is a matter of steering the policy for a better balance, landlords want to drive people downtown. Knoff and Niemeyer went to a retail roundtable a couple of weeks ago, it was 1.5-hour meeting and good ideas were being generated. Using the upper floors that hold innovative business to be accessible to add to the downtown vibe. Knoff enjoyed the discussion and the result was they will be back in February with results. Shapins would like a deeper conversation about Downtown. Winter said there was a series of focus groups earlier and this was a second round for core development. Winter said she has spoken with Maher regarding a retreat with BID and Partnership board in the past and would like an opportunity to have another retreat and include the DMC. Winter suggested using the DBP annual luncheon to do a dialogue. Winter suggested attending the Downtown Boulder Partnership weekly meeting which Feldman is attending. Feldman suggested sharing thoughts with PUMA via email. d. Support vibrate retail environment new priority to replace "support downtown retailers". Deans moved to approve the recommendations as presented in the discussion. Niemeyer seconded and all commissioners were in favor. • DMC Meeting/Agenda Format: Feldman said the board likes to hear from Parks and BPD and it should continue. Niemeyer said it was suggested to have a meeting that has a focus on innovative strategies, what can we as a board focus on, bring staff in to teach the board and get their feedback. Plus, make it a deeper dive on issues. Deans said that Parks and Police do not need to be at every meeting but the rapport is needed. Have Yates and Vink come and perhaps tour facilities, and attend three meetings do a deeper dive. Winter mentioned that the UHCAMC board has a theme each month that they focus. Another suggestion is having all the boards meet in the summer for a district meeting. Get in a routine of the meetings with a speial focus. Budget, satellite parking and d2d, are focus suggestions. Landrith said the Downtown Employee Travel survey is underway and its collected every three years. There is also the art program and downtown garage maintenance. Suggest meetings have isolated topics as well. AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from Staff: • Update Downtown Retail Strategy: already discussed. • CAGID Garage Art Plan: • Next Steps • DMC Representative for the Art Committee Selection Panel— Feldman suggested a non-art person. Feldman questioned the commitment. Winter said it is dependent on the number of projects. Winter will continue speaking with Vink about the site and an artist and then will come back to the board for a volunteer. • Regarding the 1400 block of the mall map area, Knoff polled many people, not an objective poll since all had young children, many mentioned a play climbing wall for young children on the mall for the $100,000 that Landrith mentioned at the last meeting. Deans offered the idea of a musical venue. Winter offered a cool electronic base of interactive map of the city. • Jobert mentioned the third quarter financials in the packet. St Julien revenue has increased this year. Product sales are back strong i.e. punch cards. Projects that are not completed will move into next year. Feldman said the sales and use tax is down. Marijuana and soda tax revenues were discussed. AGENDA ITEM 9—Action Summary: • DMC Representative for the Art Committee Selection Panel • February agenda: retail strategy focus with reports, Maher input. • Joint District Board meeting in summer 2018. Meeting Adjourned: 6:46 pm NEXT MEETING: January 8, 2017— 1777 West Conference Room, 1777 Broadway APPROVED BY: DOWNTO NAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary Eli Feldman, Chair