Public Comment - Item 5C - 3201 8th St - Steven RosenblumFrom:Cameron, Marcy To:landmarksboard; Abby Daniels; Jeanne Hoerter; Steven Hoerter Subject:FW: 3201 8th Street Date:Friday, March 2, 2018 11:35:30 AM Attachments:image002.png Dear Landmarks Board Members, Please see letter from a neighbor re: 3201 8th St. Marcy Marcy Cameron Historic Preservation Planner (303) 441-3209 cameronm@bouldercolorado.gov Comprehensive Planning 1739 Broadway, P.O. Box 791 | Boulder, CO 80306 BoulderHistoricPreservation.net From: Steven Rosenblum [mailto:smdaiwill@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, March 2, 2018 9:36 AM To: Cameron, Marcy <CameronM@bouldercolorado.gov> Subject: 3201 8th Street Greetings Ms. Cameron, My name is Steven Rosenblum. I reside at 3193 8th Street, directly across Forest from 3201 8th Street. I understand that the new owners of this property have applied to demolish the structures on the property and build anew. I am writing to express my wholehearted support for their application. As soon as they purchased the property, they immediately remedied a dangerous situation of a large dead tree precariously hanging over power lines. I had previously spoked with the prior owner to address the situation, but never got anywhere. This situation was emblematic of the condition of the entire property, which was in a state of neglect and decay. I was therefore not surprised when the new owners informed me that their intent to restore the existing building looked to be impossible due to substantial structural defects. I am very pleased to have the property now in caring and responsible hands. As far as the historic value of the current structure, there is none. The current home and shed are eyesores on an otherwise beautiful street and only detract from the character of the neighborhood. I am confident this is the universally shared opinion of the block. I can provide further references if desired. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Many Thanks, Steven Rosenblum 3193 8th Street 917-68-6005