Public Comment - Item 5B - 835 Pine St - Annlee LandmanFrom:Hewat, James To:landmarksboard Subject:FW: 835 Pine St Date:Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:54:53 AM See letter below in response to the proposal for a new garage at 835 Pine Street to be reviewed at the March 7th, 2018 Landmarks Board meeting. James Hewat Senior Historic Preservation Planner City of Boulder 303.441.3207 hewatj@bouldercolorado.gov -----Original Message----- From: Annlee [mailto:annlee.landman@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:29 AM To: Hewat, James <HewatJ@bouldercolorado.gov> Cc: Matt Hyatt <Matthewhyatt@msn.com> Subject: Re: 835 Pine St Dear Mr Hewat, Thank you for calling me last month to inform me of the postponement of the February Landmarks Board Meeting. I had composed a letter to to the board earlier (attached below), and only just became aware that my neighbor’s have now proposed an even larger accessory unit of 1200 sq ft. This change has not yet been posted, so I am not sure of their exact proposal. Please see my feedback below. I will be attending the meeting tomorrow evening without fail. Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns, Annlee Landman To the City of Boulder’s Landmark Board, I am writing to voice my opposition to the construction of a 942 sq ft accessory building at 835 Pine Street on numerous grounds. As a concerned neighbor and resident of Mapleton Hill, I am horrified about this proposal. Irregardless of the intended purpose of this new building, a structure this massive, is nearly as large as the original circa 1882 home which stood on the lot - prior to the significant renovation at the site. It will require the removal of more trees and since it is elevated at the back of the lot, will completely overlook my property, further reducing the limited privacy I have, since my neighbors virtually doubled their footprint. My bedroom and back yard, previously private and tranquil, are unfortunately overlooked by their 2-story addition. The associated retaining walls needed to support such a structure will further alter the already modified contours and drainage resulting in potential problems with flooding from the farmer’s ditch. I had thought that alleys and farmer’s ditches were sacrosanct and therefore protected from development. More importantly, that there had to be proof of a previously existing carriage house or structure associated with a property, before another could be erected. In our historic residential area of single family homes, I strongly object to allowing an accessory dwelling unit as this will further increase the density and level of activity and threaten the very fabric of our special neighborhood. Pine St, and in particular the intersection of Pine and 9th, is already experiencing congestion and commercial infiltration. Resident parking is already very challenging; do we need more demands on limited resources? I bought a house in Mapleton Hill because I thought I’d be protected from over development and over building. In fact, my real estate agent warned me that I had better be content with my home as it stood, because exterior renovations were not permitted by the Landmarks Board. But now it’s unclear what is being protected and preserved. How will Mapleton Hill retain its idyllic harmony and integrated feeling if this kind of growth is permitted? Sent from my iPad