Public Comment - Item 5B - 1833 19th St. - Andrew and Francesca GettelmanAndrew and Francesca Gettelman 3111 4th Street, Boulder, CO, 80304 andrewgettelman@gmail.com, 303-667-0414 To: Landmarks Board From: Andrew and Francesca Gettelman Re: 1833 19th St (Jan 3 2018, Item 5B). [LUR2017-00047] Date: December 31, 2017 We are owners of 1827 Canyon Blvd, and have been since 1999. This property is located immediately west of 1833 19th Street. We lived on the site from 1999-2003 and 2008-2009. We cannot attend the January 3, 2018 meeting in person, but want to communicate our significant concerns for the additional structure proposed. We take exception to the plans for alteration of the adjacent property to ours at 1833 19th Street. We think the lack of parking is inappropriate, and any rooftop access is also inappropriate, out of character and will result in significant impacts on adjacent properties. We further submit that these units will likely be occupied by more than 3 unrelated persons and this is too dense for the site, and out of character with the 1800 block of Canyon Blvd, where most of the other buildings are from when it was still Water Street. Since the property at 1833 19th Street was modified to contain 12 people there has been an increase in trash and parking issues behind the building. Adding additional units to the property without adequate provision for parking is simply not appropriate. The owners can make all the appeals to urban and green living they want, but the fact is that these are often student and young adult units, they routinely push the limit of unrelated persons per unit, and most of the tenants have vehicles, often 3 or 4 per unit. Adding 8 more people without parking will not help. Having lived on the property with two children as a family, this will further push the 1800 block of Canyon Blvd. away from mixed income and age housing. When we moved to this block (North side of Canyon between 18th and 19th Street) in 1999 there were several families on the block. Development like this has driven them out. 4 bedroom units are an invitation to abuse of the 3 person unrelated occupancy requirement. The economics of such units on the rental market invite 4 unrelated persons (students or just post-students) to inhabit the unit. We also significantly object to ANY rooftop access (deck and stair). The adjacent properties at 1827 and 1825 have bedrooms that would face the deck, and with student housing this is an invitation to neighborhood strife with parties that would be within 20ft of bedrooms at 1827 and 1825 Canyon (properties right to the west). We have experienced this in nearby buildings across the alley, and had to call the police several times (with children sleeping). Having an adjacent deck in any form would be extremely disruptive. The proposed simple removal of a canopy is not sufficient. The rooftop deck is not historical or appropriate for such a building (none of the duplexes noted in the application have such decks, nor does the existing duplex on this block of Canyon). There should not be casual rooftop access to any structure such as this. If outdoor space is desired (and it should be), then the footprint of the proposed building should be reduced. In summary, we feel that adding additional very high-density units to the site aimed at the student and young adult market is inappropriate, especially with rooftop access and lack of additional parking. This proposed development will have a significant negative impact on the adjacent properties, and be a degradation to the block. We are sorry to not be able to attend the meeting in person, but happy to discuss this further. Sincerely, Andrew and Francesca Gettelman From:Andrew Gettelman To:Hewat, James; landmarksboard Subject:Comment on Item for upcoming Landmarks Board Meeting (5b) Date:Sunday, December 31, 2017 3:06:28 PM Attachments:LUR2017-00047_comment.pdf Dear Mr. Hewat and the members of the Landmarks Board, Attached please find a comment on item 5B for the upcoming Landmarks board meeting. We are adjacent property owners and former residents, and have some significant concerns about this project and potential negative impacts. We are sorry we cannot attend the meeting in person. We are happy to comment further or answer questions. Sincerely, Andrew and Francesca Gettelman