Item 6B - Update MemoDATE: January 3, 2018
TO: Landmarks Board
FROM: James Hewat, Marcy Cameron
SUBJECT: Update Memo
Changes to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines – Lighting of Signs
At the December 6th, 2017 meeting, the Landmarks Board discussed the proposed revisions to
the sign guidelines section to give more guidance on lighting signs in the Downtown Historic
District. The consensus of the board was that the lighting section of signs should move to
Section 1, Historic Districts rather than amending Section 3 the Public Realm. Amending Section 1
by the Landmarks Board through Rulemaking and would not require review by the Planning
Board, or adoption by the City Council. Subcommittee is making revisions. Update at meeting.
Letter to the City Council
The Landmarks Board’s letter to City Council was forwarded for its consideration as part of the
City Council’s 2018 Retreat. All of the letters from the boards and commissions will be available
online in the City Council Retreat Packet. Click
“Annual Council Retreat” under “Resources” at the bottom of the page.
Band Shell Update
Staff and representatives of Colorado Preservation, Inc., Historic Boulder, Friends of the Band
Shell met on December 11 to discuss the status of the Glen Huntington Band Shell. Staff is
currently preparing an Opportunities and Constraints Report for the East Bookend, which will
is anticipated to be included in the January 29, 2018 City Council Information Packet.
Changes to continue to improve the site as a performance space while respecting the historic
character of the landmarked site are likely to be considered as part of the next phase of the Civic
Area project. Any exterior changes within the landmarked boundary require review and
approval through a Landmark Alteration Certificate.
Colorado Preservation Inc. Saving Places Conference
The 2018 Saving Places Conference will take place Jan. 31 to Feb. 3, 2018 in Denver. Information
is available on the Colorado, Preservation, Inc. website.
Atrium Building/Public Market
Discussion is ongoing in considering whether the Atrium Building might be used as a Market
Hall on a temporary or permanent basis. Historic Boulder has agreed to continue keeping the
March 2015 application to landmark the Atrium on hold as exploration of these options
continues. Update at meeting.
Civic Area
The Civic Area webpage has been updated to provide current information on the historic
resources in the Civic Area. Update at Meeting.
2017 Letter to City Council – Landmarks Board