Item 6A - Chautauqua Lighting DGs Amendment - LB Review 1.3.2018 JOINT STUDY SESSION MEMORANDUM To: Landmarks Board From: Lesli Ellis, Comprehensive Planning Manager, PH&S, COB Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner, PH&S, COB Michael Matts, Director of Cultural Resources and Operations, CCA James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner, PH&S, COB Date: January 3, 2018 Subject: Amendment to the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines PURPOSE OF REVIEW The purpose of this review is to amend the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines. The Lighting Design Guidelines were adopted by the Landmarks Board on Nov. 1, 2017 and by the Colorado Chautauqua Association (CCA) Board of Directors on Nov. 13, 2017. At the Nov. 1, 2017 CCA Board Representatives/Landmarks Board Joint Study Session, the group agreed to adopt the design guidelines as presented, with the agreement that they would be amended with additional information in Section 1.6 on selection of lighting fixtures, including a graphic of the original fixture for reference, a caption, and an additional guideline in that section. For information on the background and process for the project, please reference the Nov. 1 Joint CCA/LB Study Session Memo. On Dec. 14, 2017 the CCA Building and Grounds Committee and CCA Board Representatives for this project reviewed and approved the amendment. Their suggestions have been incorporated into the amendment presented to the Landmarks Board for review. The CCA Board of Directors is anticipated to review the amendment at their Jan. 22 meeting. See Attachment A: Letter of Support from the CCA Building and Grounds Committee STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: I move that the Landmarks Board amend the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines pursuant to the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981. PROJECT PURPOSE AND GOALS In 2017, the City of Boulder and the Colorado Chautauqua Association jointly developed the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines using the Collaborative Stewardship Framework. The purpose of this project is to aid in decision making for exterior lighting proposals within the boundaries of the Chautauqua Historic District, designated as a local historic district and as a National Historic Landmark. The document provides a framework for decision-making through the documentation of the historic use of lighting at Chautauqua, assessment of current needs, lighting principles, recommended approaches to lighting, and design guidelines. AMENDMENT At the Nov. 1 Joint Study Session, the CCA Board Representatives and Landmarks Board members adopted the Lighting Design Guidelines as presented, and agreed to amend the guidelines to provide additional guidance on the selection of lighting fixtures. The additional guidance includes: • A guideline in Section 1.6 on the selection of new lighting fixtures. • A graphic illustration of an original light fixture based on historic photographs of Chautauqua. • A caption that identifies character-defining features of the original light fixture. See Attachment B: Amendment to the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines. NEXT STEPS If approved, staff will complete the Administrative Rulemaking Procedures, which includes a 15- day public comment period. If no substantial changes are made within that period, the design guidelines will go into effect. The Chautauqua Board of Directors will review the amendment prior to the end of the public comment period. Following the development and adoption of the design guidelines, Public Works staff will submit a Landmark Alteration Certificate application for the lighting component of the Community, Culture and Safety tax for review, using the developed design guidelines as a basis for the proposal. The application will be reviewed by the Landmarks Board and the Colorado Chautauqua Buildings and Grounds Committee. ATTACHMENTS A: Letter of Support from the CCA Building and Grounds Committee B: Amendment to the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines C: Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines (link) December 15, 2017 To: City of Boulder Landmarks Board, c/o Marcy Cameron, and Michael Matts, Colorado Chautauqua Association From: Colorado Chautauqua Association Buildings and Grounds Committee. Re Chautauqua Lighting Design Guidelines, Support for Amendment to Section 1.6 of the Chautauqua Lighting Design Guidelines, dated 12/14/2017. Hi Marcy and Michael, Today the proposed Amendment to Section 1.6 of the Chautauqua Lighting Design Guidelines, dated 12/14/2017 was reviewed by the Chautauqua Representatives and also by the CCA Buildings and Grounds Committee as a whole. After discussions and some suggested wording changes, the Chautauqua Representatives voted to unanimously support the revised Amendment, per the attached version. The Buildings and Grounds Committee then also voted its unanimous support for the same revised version. Please let us know if you have any questions on this. Thank you for our work together to create these Guidelines for the Park. Best Regards, Thomas Thorpe and Nan Anderson, Co-Chairs of the Chautauqua Representatives and of the Building and Grounds Committee Amendment to Section 1.6 of the Chautauqua Park Historic District Lighting Design Guidelines December 14, 2017 1.4 Design lighting to facilitate navigation and address safety concerns. .1 New fixtures may be appropriate at destination points with points of light at the beginning and end of paths so a pedestrian may find their way. • Additional points of light may be appropriate where needed to further facilitate navigation and address safety concerns. • The greatest uniformity should not exceed 15:1. 1.5 Utilize a programmable control system to turn off lights when they are not needed and to dim the output for the time of night and occasion. .1 Recognize the varied use of the campus throughout the day, week and season and modify lighting times and locations as needed. .2 Luminaires should have addressable wireless control modules that communicate with the programmable control system. 1.6 Select new fixtures that are simple in design and respect the utilitarian character of the historic district’s original lighting. .1 New lighting in the historic district should generally be unobtrusive and compatible with the overall historic character of the buildings, sites, and streetscapes of the historic district. .2 Select poles and luminaires that are neutral in design, and do not create a new aesthetic or ahistorical character. .3 New fixtures with components that reference, but that do not replicate, character-defining features of the original fixtures may be appropriate. Character-defining features include orthogonal cross beams, a cone-shaped pendant, tapered pole and unornamented design. Reference Figure 1. .4 Select materials, colors, and finishes that are simple and blend with the existing materials in the historic district. .5 Reconstruction of missing fixtures or restoration of existing features from the historic district’s period of significance (1898- 1930) is appropriate only if the materials and design are clearly documented. .6 It is not appropriate to introduce replica luminaires that mimic a time or place other than what is documented at Chautauqua, as these create a false sense of history. 1.7 Scale and size of luminaires should not overwhelm the historic setting and should be compatible with the historic buildings and landscape. .1 Where possible, integrate lighting into the historic setting through low mounting-level light fixtures such as directional lights mounted in unobtrusive locations, pedestrian scale pole mounted luminaires, and streetlights. Bollards may be appropriate in unobtrusive locations, such as the perimeter of parks, but are discouraged along pathways. .2 Provide a consistency of scale and size for luminaires throughout each lighting area, appropriate to the scale of the individual building or landscape. Figure 1. Sketch of original light fixture at Chautauqua. Character-defining features of the original light fixtures include orthogonal cross beams, a cone-shaped pendant, tapered pole and unornamented design. Note: Figure is for illustrative purposes only.