Item 2 - 12.6.2017 LB meeting minutes DRAFT CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD December 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 1777 Broadway, Municipal Building, Council Chambers The following are the action minutes of the December 6, 2017 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records at 303-441-3043. You may also listen to the recording on-line at www.boulderplandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Eric Budd, Chair William Jellick Ronnie Pelusio Fran Sheets Deborah Yin David Ensign *Planning Board representative without a vote STAFF MEMBERS: Debra Kalish, Senior Counsel, City Attorney’s Office James Hewat, Senior Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Planner Holly Opansky , Landmarks Board Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair E. Budd declared a quorum at 6:02 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by D. Yin , seconded by F. Sheets, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the minutes as amended of the November 1, 2017 Colorado Chautauqua Association and Landmarks Board Joint Study Session, and the minutes as amended of the November 1, 2017 Landmarks Board meeting. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE PUBLIC AGENDA Beverly Potter, 3201 11th St., commented on the 2220 Bluff St. demolition permit application that was reviewed at the Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting today. She expressed disappointm ent in the process and outcome of the approval of the application. Stephen Clark , 942 9th St., spoke in opposition to the Chautauqua Access Management Plan Recommendations, specifically about the bus traffic along 9th Street. He submitted a letter and petition to the board. Kathr yn Barth, 2940 20th St., commented on the 744 University Ave. case, and encouraged that the City take a proactive approach to the preservation of the identified historic buildings in the Gregory Canyon Creek flood plain. Proposed Incremental Changes to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) presented by Jay Sugnet, Senior Planner, Planning, Housing and Sustainability . Chautauqua Access Management Plan (CAMP) Update and Recommendations presented by Bill Cowern, Principal Traffic Engineer, Transportation, and Susan Connelly, Deputy Director of Community Vitality . 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING • 1035 Kalmia Ave. – Stay-of-Demolition expires Jan. 2, 2018 • 744 University Ave. – Stay-of-Demolition expires March 7, 2018 o Katie Knapp, City of Boulder, Engineering Project Manager, updated the board about the house at 744 University Ave., noting that two proposals were submitted for the relocation of the house. She requested that the Landmarks Board consider issuing a demolition or relocation permit for the house at the January 3, 2018 meeting. o At the end of the meeting, the board voted to hold a hearing at the next Landmarks Board meeting. o On a motion by R. Pelusio, and seconded by E. Budd, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0) to hold a hearing to issue a relocation or demolition permit for the property at 744 University Ave. • Statistical Report 5. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM [00:52:55 audio minutes, part I] A. [00:52:55 audio minutes] Public hearing and consideration of a motion to adopt a resolution to initiate the process for the designation of three accessory buildings and a portion of the property at 1035 Kalmia Ave. as an individual landmark as described in Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981 (HIS2017-00179). Owner / Applicant: Kristin and Orion Creamer Ex Parte Contacts E. Budd, D. Ensign , and W. Jellick had no ex-parte contacts. R. Pelusio served on the subcommittee for alternatives to demolition. F. Sheets and D. Yin were on the board when all buildings on the property were previously proposed for demolition, made site visits, and D. Yin was on the subcommittee for alternatives to demolition during the review of a previous case. Staff Presentation M. Cameron presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation that the Landmarks Board not initiate landmark designation and allow the stay to expire on Jan. 2, 2018. Applicant’s Presentation Orion Creamer , 1035 Kalmia Ave ., owner, spoke in opposition of the proposed landmark designation and requested he be allowed to demolish the small hipped roof stone building on the property. Public Comment Kathryn Barth, 2940 20th St., spok e in support of preserving the historic character of the property by revitalizing al of the existing buildings and suggested the hipped roof cottage be incorporated into an addition . Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, expressed Historic Boulder’s opinion that the hip roof building contributes to the site as a whole and supports for initiation of Landmark designation. Cheri Belz, 601 Kalmia Ave., neighbor and architect, spoke in opposition of initiation of landmark designation of the property . Dan Schreiber , 1038 Kalmia Ave, neighbor, spoke in opposition of initiation of landmark designation of the property. Motion On a motion by R. Pelusio, and seconded by E. Budd, the Landmarks Board voted (4-1, B . Jellick opposed, because he considers the property to be historically significant as a rare example of an agricultural complex ) to not initiate landmark designation for a portion of the property, finding that because there is no imminent threat to the majority of the property, that the property is not located in a potential historic district, that there has been a lack of community interest in the preservation of accessory building, and the proposed boundary would not protect the view of the property from Kalmia Avenue, initiating la ndmark designation over the owner’s objection would not draw a reasonable balance between private property rights and the public interest in preserving the city’s cultural, historic and architectural heritage, and that the Landmarks Board adopt the staff memorandum dated December 6, 2017, as the findings of the board. B. [02:41:00 audio minutes, part I] Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct an addition to the contributing house and relocate the contributing garage and construct a new, one-car garage at 1014 Mapleton Ave. in the Mapleton Hill Historic District per Section 9 -11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2017-00308). Owner / Applicant: Marybeth Emerson / Steve Dodd Ex Parte Contacts W. Jellick, D. Ensign, R. Pelusio, and D. Yin had no ex-parte contacts. E. Budd reviewed previous designs for this property and has made a site visit. F. Sheets stated that while she has recused herself in the past from reviewing submissions from the applicant due to, she feels she can fairly judge the proposal based on the criteria in the code. When asked by D. Kalish to elaborate, F. Sheets noted that the conflict occurred 10 years ago and that with 3 years of experience on the board, she can review this application with equanimity. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation that the Landmarks Board approve the proposal with conditions. Applicant’s Presentation Steve Dodd, 3076 7th St., architect , spoke in support of the application. Public Comment Abby Daniels, 1200 Pearl St., Executive Director of Historic Boulder, on behalf of Historic Boulder, Inc. supported the staff recommendation. Motion On a motion by D. Yin , and seconded by R. Pelusio, the Landmarks Board voted (5-0) to adopt the staff memorandum dated December 6 , 2017, as the findings of the board and approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the proposed construction and reloc ation shown on plans dated November 2, 2107, finding that they generally meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9 -11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the addition , relocating the garage and constructing a new one-car garage in compliance with the approved plans dated November 2, 2017, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, for review and approval by the Ldrc, the applicant shall revise the design to significantly reduce the size of the rear deck, reduce the amount of grading at the rear of the property, substantially reduce the amount of paving on the property to include the elimination of paved wheel strips at the driveway. 3. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, which shall be subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee (Ldrc): window and door details, wall material details, siding material details, paint colors, roofing material details and details regarding any hardscaping on the property to ensure that the approval is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Guidelines and the intent of this approval. C. [00:00:00 audio minutes, part II] Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct a 1,550 sq. ft. rear addition to the contributing house at 936 Mapleton Ave. in the Mapleton Hill Historic District , per Section 9- 11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2017-00107). Owner / Applicant: Marybeth Emerson / Steve Dodd Ex Parte Contacts D. Ensign and R. Pelusio had no ex parte contacts. E. Budd, W. Jellick, F. Sheets, and D. Yin made site visits. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the case to the board, with the staff recommendation that the Landmarks Board deny the Landmarks Alteration Certificate application to construct the proposed addition, finding that the work does not meet Section 9- 11-18, B.R.C. 1981, Standards for Landmark Alteration Certificate Application, and is largely inconsistent with the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines. Applicant’s Presentation Steve Dodd, 3076 7th St., architect , spoke in support of the application. Board Discussion The Landmarks Board expressed concern with the massing, scale and location of the proposed addition. The applicant chose to withdra w the application prior to a motion by the board to redesign the addition. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY [01:40:20 audio minutes, part II] A. Update Memo B. Board letter to council due December 15, 2017 C. Subcommittee Update 1) Design Guidelines and Code Revisions 2) Outreach and Engagement 3) Potential Resources 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT [02:18:05 audio minutes] The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Approved on _______________, 2017 Respectfully submitted, ____________________________, Chairperson