Alan Delamere OSBT Meeting 8 Nov 2017
Alan Delamere
525 Mapleton Ave
1. Correction to recent email
2018 Master plan for Sanitas could be flawed
2. Sensors all removed at Sanitas
3. Some semsor data may be available between J June and removal dates. Eriracker promised to
obtain data for me.
Need at least six sensor to get good data
4. OS parking. Latest submission from 311 Developers continues to show no parking for OS
Copy of 11/3/2017 email
As I have shown you there has been data taken from the Sanitas area from May of 2016 to May 2017. Staff
have told me that these data will be used as input to the new Master Plan.
I was given the data and analyzed in in a few hours and it showed X million visits per year. Unfortunately the data is
incomplete as only 3 sensors were used.
No data was taken for people accessing from the Goat trail,the sub-division at the head of the Sanitas Valley and no
counters were used on the access points south side of Sunshine Canyon.
The latter has seen increased used this past summer as the new Lions Lair trail has been"discovered" by users.
Of significant concern is the rate of increase in usage as I showed at a recent OSBT meeting. See attachment.
Making decisions in the Master Plan based on erroneous data renders the Master Plan useless.
To correct for the lack of data, I suggest placing sensors at all the Sanitas area access points and recording at least 6
months of data.
I am willing to help with quickly analyzing the new data.
Alan Delamere Sonitas user estimates
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/ Linn, gmnr..
2000 2010 2020 2030