11.08.17 OSBT MInutes i Approved 12113118 OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Action Minutes Meeting Date November 8,2017 Video recording of this meeting can be found on the City of Boulder's Channel 8 Website. (Video start times are listed below next to each agenda item) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Molly Davis Kevin Bracy Knight Tom Isaacson Curt Brown Andria Bilich STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Tracy Winfree John Potter Mark Davison Jinn Reeder Dan Burke Colin Leslie Heather Swanson Christian Nunes Brian Anacker Deryn Wagner Keri Konold Chelsea Taylor Mark Gershman Phil Yates Alyssa Frideres Leah Case GUESTS Amanda Bevis,Project Coordinator Susan Connolly,Deputy Director of Community Vitality Bill Cowern,Principal Traffic Engineer Danica Powell, Consultant CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1—Approval of the Minutes(17:31) Andria Bilich moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from Oct. 11,2017. Molly Davis seconded.This motion passed four to zero; Curt Brown abstained as he was absent at the last meeting. AGENDA ITEM 2—Public Participation for Items not on the Agenda(18:00) Hans Pries,Boulder Mountainbike Alliance(BMA),praised Open Space and Mountain Parks(OSMP) staff volunteer leads on the trail reroute of the High Plains Trail. He said he hopes to see staff continue this high level of work in the future. Mike Barrow,BMA,complimented staff on the improvements at High Plains and in the South Boulder Trail System;he said he appreciates that long overdue trail projects are being addressed. Alan Delamere,Boulder, said he toured the Sanitas area with the city manager and noted that there is a chance to get the Open Space-Other designation with condemnation. Alexia Parks,Boulder, said there is an opportunity,including funding available,to launch a program that promotes access to natural areas for students. AGENDA ITEM 3—Matters from the Department(33:30) Bill Cowern,Principal Traffic Engineer,presented on the Chautauqua Access Management Plan 2017 Pilot Program Review and Preliminary Recommendations. Heather Swanson, Senior Wildlife Ecologist,presented on the Mule Deer Study in Collaboration with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE 1 Christian Nunes,Wildlife Ecologist, gave an update on Prairie Dogs and a report on 2017 accomplishments AGENDA ITEM 4—Matters from the Board(1:17:30) Molly Davis highlighted the 50t°Anniversary celebration. ADJOURNMENT—The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. These minutes were prepared by Leah Case. APPROVED Y: r � Molly Davis /GU Board Chair DATE 1 AGENDA ITEM I PAGE