Suitts Trust & Snyder OSBT PresentationSuitts Trust & Snyder Open Space Acquisitions Luke McKay, Property Agent Open Space Board of Trustees October 11, 2017 Suitts Trust: Property & Acquisition Overview ▪Located at 5610 Baseline Road ▪$1,700,000 purchase price ▪~25 acres consisting of: ▪Fine sandy & loamy soils ▪Pasture & hay grasses ▪Howard Ditch lateral ▪1,200 ft 2 residence, garage and outbuildings ▪Two BVCP Planning Areas (Area II & Area III) ▪Borders the city’s Coleman, Opal and Granite Open Space properties ▪Part of the South Boulder Creek floodplain (100 year & 500 year) Charter Purposes: Habitats, Ecosystems & Floodplains Preservation of water resources in their natural or traditional state, scenic areas or vistas, wildlife habitats, or fragile ecosystems; Utilization of land to prevent encroachment on floodplains ▪Critical buffer to the South Boulder Creek riparian area and floodplain ▪Potential habitat for the federally threatened Preble’s meadow jumping mouse and the Ute ladies’ –tresses orchid Charter Purposes: Scenic Areas, Vistas & Quality of Life Preservation of water resources in their natural or traditional state, scenic areas or vistas, wildlife habitats, or fragile ecosystems; Preservation of land for its aesthetic value and its contribution to the quality of life of the community ▪Highly visible from Sioux Drive and the East Boulder Community Center ▪Adjacent to other Open Space and city properties View of the property from Sioux Drive Charter Purposes: Agriculture Preservation of agricultural uses and land suitable for agricultural production ▪Historically grazed ▪Niwot series soils suitable for native pastureland and irrigated hay meadow ▪Howard Ditch lateral for irrigation ▪OSMP grazing program can be used to meet multiple stewardship objectives and charter purposes Charter Purposes: Shaping City Development Utilization of land for shaping the development of the city, limiting urban sprawl, and disciplining growth Disposal Request: Subdividing Area II from Area III ▪Area II lands and the residence, garage and outbuildings would not support an agricultural operation or serve a direct management purpose ▪Will include negotiation of an acceptable purchase price and appropriate encumbrances on the disposed property to protect the Open Space values of the Area III lands ▪Based on the property’s appraised value, staff believes that OSMP will be able to recoup a majority of the $1,700,000 purchase price and reimburse the Acquisition CIP when it disposes and sells the Area II portion at a later date ▪Similar request was made and approved by OSBT and Council for the adjacent Coleman Property in 2015 Staff requests the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that the Boulder City Council approve the purchase of approximately 25 acres of land including the appurtenant mineral rights, a residence, garage and associated outbuildings, together with the intended disposal of the approximately 2.3 acres of Area II land, the residence, garage, and associated outbuildings, located at 5610 Baseline Road from the Richard and Kathryn Suitts Trust dated May 7, 2009 for $1,700,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes. The disposal will include negotiation of an acceptable purchase price and appropriate encumbrances on the disposed property to protect the open space values of the remaining parcel. Staff Recommendation Snyder: Property & Acquisition Overview ▪Located at 5673 N. Foothills Highway ▪$1,000,000 purchase price ▪~5 acres consisting of: ▪Mesa formation with deep, well-draining clay loam soils ▪High biodiversity ▪Private access and utilities easement over OSMPs Eagle Trail ▪Radio tower, water tank, storage shed and concrete foundation ▪One of the last remaining private inholdings within a large swath of OSMP managed lands Charter Purposes: Habitats & Ecosystems Preservation of water resources in their natural or traditional state, scenic areas or vistas, wildlife habitats, or fragile ecosystems ▪Part of a larger landscape recognized by Boulder County as an Environmental Conservation Area, High Biodiversity Area, Natural Area, and Rare Plant Area ▪OSMPs Grassland Ecosystem Management Plan identifies the surrounding landscape as having very high biodiversity significance and one of the best opportunities for restoration of upland prairie mosaic ▪Dense population of Mediterranean sage (Colorado A List Species) provides opportunity for IPM management Mesa Reservoir Mediterranean Sage Charter Purposes: Passive Recreational Use Preservation of land for passive recreational use, such as hiking, photography or nature studies, and, if specifically designated, bicycling, horseback riding, or fishing ▪The property abuts OSMPs Eagle Trail which the owners use for access and have the right to construct utilities ▪OSMPs purchase will alleviate private use of the Eagle Trail and remove the property’s structures and improvements which are highly visible from surrounding trails and trailheads Eagle Trail Charter Purposes: Scenic Areas, Vistas & Quality of Life Preservation of water resources in their natural or traditional state, scenic areas or vistas, wildlife habitats, or fragile ecosystems; Preservation of land for its aesthetic value and its contribution to the quality of life of the community ▪Situated atop a mesa, OSMPs purchase and restoration of the property will alleviate the significant, negative scenic impacts the radio tower and other structures and improvements have on surrounding Open Space Charter Purposes: Agriculture Preservation of agricultural uses and land suitable for agricultural production ▪The property consists of deep, well- draining clay loam soils suitable for pasture and irrigated field crops ▪Adjacent properties are grazed as part of the operation at Boulder Valley Ranch Charter Purposes: Shaping City Development Utilization of land for shaping the development of the city, limiting urban sprawl, and disciplining growth Staff requests the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that the Boulder City Council approve the purchase of approximately 5 acres of land and appurtenant mineral rights, located at 5673 North Foothills Highway from The Eleanor B. Snyder Living Trust dated December 3, 2002 for $1,000,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes. Staff Recommendation