10.11.17 OSBT Minutes Approved Nov.8,2017
Action Minutes
Meeting Dat6 October 11,2017
Video recording of this meeting can be found on the City ofBoulder's Channel 8 Website. (Video start
times are listed below next to each agenda item)
Molly Davis Kevin Bracy Knight Tom Isaacson Andria Bilich
John Potter Dan Burke Luke McKay Keri Konold
Chelsea Taylor Mark Gershman Phil Yates Alyssa Frideres
Leah Case
Marcy Cameron,Historic Preservation,PH&S
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 1—Approval of the Minutes(15:22)
Andria Bilich moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from Sept. 13,2017.
Molly Davis seconded.This motion passed unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM 2—Public Participation for Items not on the Agenda(15:52)
Lindsay Lydia,Boulder,expressed her concern about safety on Open Space. She suggested putting in
more signage including what to look out for.And if possible,improve sight lines in areas where there is
more human traffic.
Katie Souders,Boulder,requested the pricing for the Voice and Sight Tag Program offer the Boulder
County resident rate to anyone attending the University of Colorado.
Alan Delamere,Boulder,showed a power point regarding 311 Mapleton.
Russell Hendrickson,Boulder, expressed his concern about parking at Sanitas.He added that Open Space
is overused,however if trails were maintained appropriately there would be no overuse.
AGENDA ITEM 3—Matters from the Department(30:45)
Marcy Cameron,Historic Preservation,presented on the development of the Chautauqua Lighting Design
AGENDA ITEM 4—Matters from the Board (47:55)
Molly Davis gave an update on the 50th Anniversary events.
The Board agreed that if a vote is not unanimous regarding a disposal,the time the discussion took place
will be included in the minutes to provide context on why members voted they way they did.
Deryn Wagner, Senior Planner,and Tom Isaacson gave an update on the Master Plan Process Committee.
AGENDA ITEM 5—Request for a recommendation to approve the purchase of approximately 25
acres of land including the appurtenant mineral rights,a residence,garage and associated
outbuildings,together with the intended disposal of approximately 2.3 acres of land,the residence,
garage,and associated outbuildings,located at 5610 Baseline Road from the Richard and Kathryn
Suitts Trust dated May 7,2009 for$1,700,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes.The
disposal will include negotiation of an acceptable purchase price and appropriate encumbrances on
the disposed property to protect the Open Space values of the remaining parcel. (1:31:43)
Luke McKay,Property Agent,presented this item.
Public Comment
Tom Isaacson moved the Open Space Board of Trustees(1)recommend that the Boulder City
Council approve the purchase of approximately 25 acres of land including the appurtenant mineral
and water rights,a residence,garage and associated outbuildings,located at 5610 Baseline Road
from the Richard and Kathryn Suitts Trust dated May 7,2009 for$1,700,000 for Open Space and
Mountain Parks purposes,and(2)approve and recommend that the Boulder City Council approve
the intended disposal of the approximately 2.3 acres of Area II land,the residence,garage,and
associated outbuildings.The disposal,pursuant to section 177 of the Boulder City Charter,will
include negotiation of an acceptable purchase price and appropriate encumbrances on the disposed
property to protect the open space values of the remaining parcel.Kevin Bracy Knight seconded.
This motion passed four to zero; Curt Brown was absent.
AGENDA ITEM 6—Request for a recommendation to approve the purchase of approximately 5
acres of land and appurtenant mineral rights located at 5673 North Foothills Highway from The
Eleanor B. Snyder Living Trust dated December 3,2002 for$1,000,000 for Open Space and
Mountain Parks purposes.(2:02:39)
Luke McKay,Property Agent,presented this item.
Public Comment
Andria Bilich moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend that the Boulder City Council
approve the purchase of approximately 5 acres of land and appurtenant mineral rights,located at
5673 North Foothills Highway from The Eleanor B.Snyder Living Trust dated December 3,2002
for$1,000,000 for Open Space and Mountain Parks purposes.Molly Davis seconded.This motion
passed four to zero; Curt Brown was absent.
ADJOURNMENT—The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
These minutes were prepared by Leah Case.
Molly Davi
e Board Chair