Sanitas OS ParkingOS Parking Sanitas
Now not Later
Alan Delamere
Rate data
•Since Aug 2015 we have been addressing the potential OS parking
•We know the current status but
•The key parameter is what is the rate of increase in the users?
•How bad will the OS parking be in a few years?
New information on Sanitas rate data
June 2016-June 2017
•Two reports
•Vaske et al. 2004-5 Visitation Estimate Report
•Staff report Chautauqua 2015 Jan2016
•Sanitas in 2005 exceeded Chautauqua 278,000 to 211,00
•Chautauqua growth 2005 to 2015 ->200%
•Greatly exceeded population growth
•Sanitas data counters installed June 2016
•Raw data is available NOW
Sample of raw data easy to process
Raw data processing
•Processing consists of steps
•Reading data into array variables
•Looking at data for anomalies –bad battery, sensor failure
•Correcting data based on spot visual counts
•Two people passing sensors together
•Producing various charts for reports
•In a couple of days I can take the existing year’s raw data from three sensors and convert it into usable arrays
•Staff can then check it over for anomalies and do spot checks with their visual data
Now not later
•With 311 Mapleton we are close to a point of no return
•311 Mapleton project is about to create a huge parking problem that
needs proactive solution now and not later when opportunities to fix
it are lost.
•Within a week, staff can have data on the Sanitas use
•Waiting for the Master Plan is no excuse.
Master plan ready in late 2018
Hindsight, foresight and procrastination examples
•Hindsight. If only we had bought CU South when we had the chance.
Regrets don’t solve problems.
•Foresight.We know that the growth rate is 3(?)x population growth
therefore we must …… Take action now and avoid down the road
•Procrastination. We have a new Master Plan coming along and it will
solve ….. Problem successfully ignored until the day for hindsight to
kick in.