08.09.17 OSBT Minutes Approved as Amended 9113117 OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Action Minutes Meeting Date August 9,2017 Video recording of this meeting can be found on the City ofBoulder's Channel 8 Website. (Video start times are listed below next to each agenda item) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Molly Davis Tom Isaacson Curt Brown Andria Bilich STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Reeder Abbie Poniatowski John Patter Dan Burke Keri Konold Mark Gershman Steve Armstead Chelsea Taylor Cole Moffat Phil Yates Alyssa Frideres Leah Case Halice Ruppi Burton Stoner Candice Butt Arian Hampel GUESTS George Gerstle,Transportation Director Marc Ambrosi,Boulder County CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1—Junior Ranger Program Presentation (17:30) Halice Ruppi,Program Coordinator,along with three members of the Junior Ranger Program presented this item. Arian Hampel,Ranger/Naturalist: Operations Specialist,gave an update on the Junior Ranger Naturalist Program. AGENDA ITEM 2—Approval of the Minutes(31:00) Tom Isaacson moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from July 12,2017. Curt Brown seconded.This motion passed three to zero;Kevin Bracy Knight was not present,and Andria Bilich abstained as she was not present at the last meeting. AGENDA ITEM 3—Public Participation for Items not on the Agenda(31:44) Alan Delamere,Boulder, spoke in regard to 311 Mapleton. AGENDA ITEM 4—Matters from the Department(38:00) Marc Ambrosi,Boulder County,presented on the Arapahoe Road/CO State Highway 7: Planning& Environmental Linkage(PEL) Study. AGENDA ITEM 5—Matters from the Board(1:04:00) Molly Davis gave an update on the 50'Anniversary. Molly Davis made a statement on behalf of the Board: Regarding 311 Mapleton; this is a Planning Board and City Council issue that should be brought to them.There is no further action that needs to be taken by the Open Space Board of Trustees(OSBT). AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE I AGENDA ITEM 6—Review of and recommendation regarding the 2018 Open Space and Mountain Parks Department Operating Budget(1:08:00) Lauren Kilcoyne,Business Services Supervisor,presented this item. Public Comment None. Motion Andria Bilich moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to approve and recommend that City Council approve an appropriation of$26,039,016 in 2018 for the Open Space and Mountain Parks Operating Budget from the Open Space Fund as outlined in this memorandum and related attachments.Curt Brown seconded.This motion passed three to one: Molly Davis dissented. ADJOURNMENT—The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m. These minutes were prepared by Leah Case. APPROVED BY: Molly Davis Board Cha' DATE AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE 2