01.11.17 OSBT Minutes Approved as Amended 218117 OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Action Minutes Meeting Date January 11, 2017 Video recording of this meeting can be found on the City of Boulder's Channel 8 Website. (Video start times are listed below next to each agenda item) BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Frances Hartogh Molly Davis Kevin Bracy Knight Tom Isaacson Curt Brown STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT John Potter Mark Davison Jim Reeder Brian Anacker Steve Armstead Mark Gershman Brian Anacker Marianne Giolitto Leah Case Alyssa Frideres Keri Davies Lynn Riedel CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1—Approval of the Minutes(17:12) Kevin Bracy Knight moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approve the minutes from Dec. 14, 2016. Curt Brown seconded. This motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 2—Public Participation for Items not Identified for Public Hearing(17:47) Marianne Martin,Boulder,expressed her concern about the increasing prairie dog population on Open Space. Linda Parks, Boulder, said agricultural lands provide an incredible service.It is up to the managers to maintain prairie dog colonies in order to preserve these grasslands. Karen Hollweg, Friends of Boulder Open Space(FOBOS), said she was surprised to see the CU South item on the study session agenda and not as an item for discussion during the business meeting. Official decisions are not made during study sessions;however,the Board guidance is needed for January. She said she is curious when the meeting will take place for the Board to make a formal decision. Ray Bridge, Plan-Boulder County and Boulder County Audubon Society, said he is concerned about the topics of discussion for the study session as well as the process.Both topics are important and require the Board to make a formal recommendation to the Planning Board as well as City Council.A real public hearing needs to take place before an official decision is made. Steve Penner,Lafayette, said he,as a ranching tenant on Open Space, is concerned about the future for lessees. The department has been raising rent which makes earning a living very difficult.The increase in people allowed on the land also interferes with their operations. He asked the Board and staff to reduce their rent and make it more feasible for those left who are still farming. David Adamson, Goose Creek Community Land Trust, expressed his concern about granting access to a developer for the 311 Mapleton Area; a high end senior housing development instead of Open Space is an inappropriate use for this land. Bobby Lover,Boulder, said he is fortunate to have grown up in Boulder and with the other agricultural families. He said he is insecure about the future of these lands and for the lessees. AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE I Lynn Shanahan,Boulder, said there are too many prairie dogs on Open Space. Good hayfields are being wiped out by this species. This needs to be managed. Alan Delamere,Boulder, said in regard to 311 Mapleton,the Open Space Other designated area is extremely important. The amount of work that is being proposed would be quite significant.This is a prime area that needs protection. Phil Delamere, Boulder, asked the city to buy the whole property at 311 Mapleton. There is already a parking problem in this area and do not want that to increase. Buy this property and help to improve this issue. Elizabeth Hondorf,Boulder, said she is concerned about the amount of traffic near the Mapleton project. She added that this should not be given over to a developer. Elle Cushman, Longmont, said the Agricultural Plan has been in the works for too long. Their goal as ranchers is to perpetuate life into the next generation. She asked for staff and the Board to work with all lessees to make sure this can continue. Dwayne Cushman, Longmont, said his family has more than 150 years of experience in agriculture. Have been told rent would remain reasonable. He added that there is a need for capital improvements on these farms.They would all like to have the opportunity to continue life in Boulder County. Donna George, Boulder, said in regard to 311 Mapleton, she is nervous about what is happening to Boulder. Citizens pay taxes to protect Open Space. She asked the Board to please preserve the Open Space designation. Jacob Lowenstein, Boulder,expressed his opposition for any removal of any land currently designated as Open Space. AGENDA ITEM 3—Matters from the Department(1:02:00) Keri Davies,Community Relations Officer, gave a presentation on the Prairie Dog Working Group. Marianne Giolitto,Wetlands and Riparian Ecologist, gave an update on the Boulder Creek Restoration project. AGENDA ITEM 4—Matters from the Board(1:38:00) None. ADJOURNMENT—The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. These minutes were prepared by Leah Case. APPROVED BY: Frances Hartog Board Chair DATE AGENDA ITEM 1 PAGE 2