12.04.17 DMC Packet
Monday, December 4, 2017
5:30 pm
Regular Meeting
Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the November 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes
3. Public Participation
4. Police Update
5. Parks Update
6. Downtown Boulder Partnership Update
7. Matters from Commissioners
• 2018 Priorities by Feldman:
a. Advance innovative access strategies.
b. Maintain CAGID facilities and improve the user experience.
c. Support downtown retailers.
• Meeting Format
8. Matters from Staff
Update Retail Strategy
DMC Rep on Arts Selection Committee
9. Action Summary
November 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Sales and Use Tax Revenue Report – September 2017
Preliminary January to September 2017 Revenue and Expenditures
Police Stats
Open/Close List
2018 DMC Meeting Dates
Upcoming Meetings/Topics
Development of Key Monthly Stats
Commissioner Terms DMC 2017 Priorities:
Adam Knoff 2016-2018 Property Rep -Work with the community and downtown stakeholders to develop a downtown
Sue Deans 2014-2019 Property Rep master plan to ensure the ongoing success of downtown into the future. The plan
Eli Feldman: 2015-2020 Property Rep would include an urban design framework to establish concepts, programs and
Jerry Shapins 2016-2021 Citizen at Large implementation steps for sustainable transportation and mobility systems, parks
Andrew Niemeyer: 2017-2022 Citizen at Large and open spaces, and urban land uses, as well as policies, programs and
recommendations in the area of economic vitality and social sustainability.
- Work with City Council and other boards and commissions, the public and other
stakeholders to educate and increase understanding of downtown parking
supply/demand and future needs; increase awareness and understanding of all
modes of transportation used by residents and visitors to access downtown, and the
need to increase downtown’s accessibility.
-Increase discourse and understanding of impacts the homeless population on
downtown Boulder and opportunities for long-term solutions.
GUESTS: Sean Maher
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular November 6, 2017
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Roll Call: Called to order at 5:33 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the October 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes: Shapins mentioned a
correction to the minutes. Feldman motioned to approve the minutes as corrected and Knoff
seconded. All commissioners approved.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: Austin and DeBough, Pearl Street mall officers,
mentioned the newer, larger signs posted for no dogs on the mall. It is hoped to make a
difference. The number of transients is reduced lately and with the colder weather, increased
patrols will occur. Hours of operation for officers was mentioned. Wells Fargo doing a new
renovation project. Crime stats are lower than last year. Homeless population is lower due to
construction and the colder weather. There is a new website to get in touch with officers directly
and will be activated shortly. Feldman asked about new officers. New officers are currently in
training and anticipating being fully staffed by summer. Paddock and Ramos continue to get
people off the street and into good resource programs.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Hayden said the Civic Area will have fences removed
after completion of punch list items. Nature Play may not open with the larger areas. There are
other items that will wait for spring. Hayden continued that the soft opening should be soon.
Snow Much Fun prep will take place in the next several weeks along with the ice rink. Mall
planting is done for the winter.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Downtown Boulder Partnership Update: Maher mentioned the Retail
Strategy kicked off last week with property owners, restaurant and business owners. There should
be a final presentation in January or February of the results.
AGENDA ITEM 7 - Matters from Commissioners:
• December Meeting Agenda:
i. 2018 DMC Priorities: Feldman would like the priorities to be less broad; should
be access; improving the user experience in the garages and on street; focus on the retail
environment. Deans said that the homeless is not a necessary focus. Deans is fine with Feldman’s
recommendations. Knoff asked if there is a specific charge to the DMC. Winter said it is to serve
as an advisory board to city council, act as a steward for the mall; CAGID awareness of the
economic vitality of downtown; are the CAGID issues areas of the ordinance. Feldman would
like to align the commission priorities to those of Community Vitality. Shapins continues to
wonder on the district management, what needs does it meet or not meet; and, broader places and
spaces. Winter said the garages are embarking on a major renovation; access area with satellite
parking; and with a priority to operate and maintain the current systems. Winter mentioned the
user experience helps and feedback is important. Shapins asked what could be strategic,
investments by the city through culture and art and what are the values that will be expressed?
There are projects that will require more in depth thinking. Priorities with commissioner focus
Implement or advance the parking user experience; Promote economic vitality downtown; Get
past parking and have innovative restaurants and retail; Overarching phrase for this group is how
does the public feel about downtown; and, to achieve vibrancy and economic vitality, how to
enhance and provide the best possible user experience.
ii. DMC Meeting/Agenda Format
Feldman asked if parks and police should attend every meeting or a 60 or 90-day report.
Niemeyer said that safety is part of the customer experience. Winter said there is value in the
communication, BPD does not have an advisory board, it is an opportunity for communication.
Knoff said it needs to get more specific than the user experience, is it parking or is it retail and
then have the police come and talk about shoplifting.
Landrith said he meets with Parks and Police and voices are heard. Deans mentioned scheduling
a business meeting. Winter offered to think ahead to a February meeting with a consultant giving
a presentation. As topics come up, use it as a study type session meeting. Deans suggested a field
AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from Staff:
• Downtown Retail Strategy: What does success look like?
Molly mentioned the 11/14 in morning and 11/16 in afternoon Downtown Retail Strategy Round
Table. Knoff, Deans and Niemeyer would like to go. Winter said Maher could ask the BID
Winter continued with is there anything else to define, what success would look like. Knoff
asked about the scope is that is coming out of it. Winter said there could be some zoning related
changes such as subdividing space, limits on national chains, and storefronts in alleys. Could
there be incentives for small affordable space? Winter is expecting a whole range of suggestions.
Maher said that the city is looking for public policy, should there be a retail incubator, should
there be a database of tenants, what partnerships could do, and are there things in the public
realm that could support retail. Shapins said that the downtown Mall could be more than family
oriented, an opportunity to have a broader brand that looks toward the future. Winter mentioned
considering other recommendations beside eating and buying. Maher said that the mall has
turned into the where the visitors go and the east and west ends are where the locals go. Knoff
offered to send out a pitch to PUMA and to get ideas that might not be feasible tomorrow. Winter
likes the aspirational. Maher said if the consultants have ideas that might not be liked; however,
it needs to be heard. The consultants called out of the 13th Street corridor to the conference
center. They have a primary focus to increase the cultural. Feldman said that property tax and
sales tax are overarching; taxes, access, code issues, timing of permitting of construction, energy
code compliance are all expenses. Winter will pass along the concerns of the commission. Maher
said there are some challenges on the mall, sales per sq. foot and he has no way to get that
information. Feldman said the sales tax numbers are flat is not a good time. Hotel occupancy is
relatively flat and on street parking has gone down 2% per Jobert.
Discussion of satellite parking access with a subsidized ride to work, looking for employees to
check it out.
• CAGID Garage Art Plan:
• Next Steps
• DMC Representative for the Art Committee Selection Panel – Winter met with
Mandy Vink and mentioned an implementation and strategy plan is coming. Considering creating
a picture frame on top of the garage; perhaps an exhibit from the Boulder History Museum.
Create a committee, an arts commission member, an artist, board member from the partnership,
dmc member and have the compatibility to add others. Create the structure of the commission for
two years. An IP is going to council next week.
Jobert mentioned that the third quarter financials are delayed and will get to the board when its
Employee Survey was discussed by Landrith. It is a Boulder Valley piece and the firm does
random selection of participants. The survey has been shortened, it’s in English and Spanish.
Landrith mentioned that employees are travelling further and further in to get to Boulder.
Landrith said there is a map in front of Starbucks and there is $100,000 to work on it, looking for
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Action Summary:
• Finalize 2018 DMC priorities
• DMC Representative for the Art Committee Selection Panel
Meeting Adjourned: 7:15 pm
NEXT MEETING: December 4, 2017 – Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway
Ruth Weiss, Secretary Eli Feldman, Chair
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
January 1 1 4 4 2 1 24 23 1 2 10 11 3 1
February 2 4 1 19 1 9 3
March 5 1 1 6 6 1 1 30 30 3 1 5 11 3
April 2 2 2 4 12 15 33 1 3 11 10 2
to May 25 5 5 3 7 1 20 27 3 1 8 8 3 4
June 3 7 2 22 3 12 3
August 3 5 1 9 4 2 1 25 24 2 2 5 13 2 4
September 8 4 6 6 36 35 2 2 4 3 6
October 2 3 9 6 3 2 30 30 3 3 12 6 2 3
November 4 2 1 1 6 5 21 11 3 1 10 4 4 1
December 2 6 1 30 1 13 3
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
January 1 4 3 6 7 5 6 9
February 7 9 5 3 2
March 7 4 4 4 2 1 12 12 10 5 1 1
April 5 8 6 6 1 1 10 7 7 7 1
to May 25 9 5 11 7 1 2 15 3 7 1 1
June 11 4 2 10 4 3
August 5 8 8 10 3 2 12 8 13 3
September 1 7 6 11 1 13 11 3 6 1
October 9 7 3 5 1 1 7 16 2 4 1
November 3 8 9 7 1 2 5 12 4 1 1
December 6 5 1 6 8 4
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
January 2 2 19 22
February 5 9
March 1 1 1 13 18
April 4 4 25 16
to May 25 1 2 3 6 1 19 19
June 1 5 37
August 1 2 1 4 30 36
September 3 4 28 19
October 1 7 3 35 29
November 2 1 18 25
December 1 19
Felony Menacing Fight
Suicide Suspicious Theft
Open DoorNoiseNarcotics
Shots Stabbing
Hang Ups
Sex Assault Shoplifting
Assault Auto Theft Burglary Crim. Mis.
DUICrim. Tres.Disturbance Domestic
Harassment Indec. Exp.
Liq. Law Vio.Littering Loitering
Opened in 2017
Business Open Date Notes
By elke 2037 17th St January-17 sharing space with Fabricate
Capital One 1247 Pearl St January-17 replaces Boulder Café
Ku Cha House of Tea 1211 Pearl St January-17 new space; replaces Pitaya and Firefly Garden
Fior Gelato 1021 Pearl St January-17 replaces Two Spoons
Reality Garage 1320 Pearl St January-17 Virtual Reality Studio
Experimac Boulder 1468 Pearl St February-17 replaces former PoshSplat space
Niche Workspaces 944 Pearl St February-17
Le Pops 1048 Pearl St March-17
Canoe Club 777 Pearl St March-17 replaces former Fjallraven location
Elison Rd 1110 Pearl St March-17 replaces Sand & Salt Beach Co.
Rapha 1815 Pearl St April-17 replaces Vilona Gallery
Odd Molly 1048 Pearl April-17
Nomadic Import Traders 1909 9th St April-17
My Trail Co 1418 Pearl St April-17
Kiwi Boutique 1717 Pearl St May-17 replaces Endurance Conspiracy
Nani Nalu Beachwear Boutique 1048 Pearl St Jun-17 Pearl West Building
Elevations Credit Union 1301 Walnut Jul-17
Warby Parker 1949 Pearl St Jul-17 replaces Fine Art Associates
Truman Barber Co 1642 Pearl St Jul-17
Boulder Beer on Walnut 1123 Walnut Jul-17 replaces Walnut Brewery
Bartaco 1048 Pearl St Jul-17
French Quarter Brasserie 1207 Pearl St August-17
The North Face 1129 Pearl St August-17 replaces Crocs
Emmerson 1600 Pearl St August-17 replacing Lyfe Kitchen
Spinster Sisters 1102 Pearl St Sept 1st Replaced Old Chicago
Earthbound Trading 1222 Pearl St Sept. 17 replaced Bayleaf space
Oscar Blues Tap Room 921 Pearl St Sept. 22 replacing World of Beer
Go Far 2005 Pearl st November-17
Pedego Electric Bikes 2835 Pearl St November-17 replaced Installation Shoe Gallery
Triple Aught Design 740 Pearl St November-17 replaced antique store (shares space w/ Collier Designs)
The Post 2027 13th St November-17 Replaced Shine
Closed in 2017
Business Close Date Notes
Bayleaf 1222a Pearl St January-17
Smoke Time 1640 Pearl St January-17
Oliverde 2027 Broadway January-17
Crocs 1129 Pearl St February-17
American Apparel 1130 Pearl St February-17
Conor O'Neill's 1922 13th St April-17
Goldmine Vintage 1123 Pearl St April-17
Endurance Conspiracy 1717 Pearl St May-17
Walnut Brewery 1123 Walnut June-17
Johnny's Cigar/Martini Bar 1801 13th St August-17
Peter Rosen Jewelry 1600 Pearl St August-17
Aji Restaurant 1601 Pearl St August-17
Starr's Clothing 1630 Pearl St TBD note: "close when they sell all merchandise"
Shine Gathering Place 2027 13th St Sept. moving to east-central boulder
Installation Shoe Gallery 2835 Pearl St October-17
Business Open Date Notes
Mountain Standard 1537 Pearl St Summer 2017
5:30 PM
Meeting Packet Materials Due
by Noon on Wednesday
JANUARY 8 1777 West Conference Room 12/27
FEBRUARY 5 Council Chambers 1/31
MARCH 5 Council Chambers 2/28
APRIL 2 Council Chambers 3/28
MAY 7 Council Chambers 4/25
JUNE 4 Council Chambers 5/30
JULY 2 Council Chambers 6/27
AUGUST 6 Council Chambers 8/1
SEPTEMBER 10 1777 West Conference Room 9/5
OCTOBER 1 Council Chambers 96
NOVEMBER 5 Council Chambers 10/31
DECEMBER 3 Council Chambers 11/28