11.06.17 DMC Packet DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Monday, November 6, 2017 5:30 pm Regular Meeting Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway Agenda 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the October 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes 3. Public Participation 4. Police Update 5. Parks Update 6. Downtown Boulder Partnership Update 7. Matters from Commissioners  December Meeting Agenda: i. 2018 DMC Priorities ii. DMC Meeting/Agenda Format 8. Matters from Staff  Downtown Retail Strategy: What does success look like?  CAGID Garage Art Plan:  Next Steps  DMC Representative for the Art Committee Selection Panel 9. Action Summary Attachments  October 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes  Sales and Use Tax Revenue Report – 2017  Police Stats  Open/Close List  Community Vitality Flyer and Access Info Graphic Upcoming Meetings/Topics Development of Key Monthly Stats Commissioner Terms DMC 2017 Priorities: Adam Knoff 2016-2018 Property Rep -Work with the community and downtown stakeholders to develop a downtown Sue Deans 2014-2019 Property Rep master plan to ensure the ongoing success of downtown into the future. The plan Eli Feldman: 2015-2020 Property Rep would include an urban design framework to establish concepts, programs and Jerry Shapins 2016-2021 Citizen at Large implementation steps for sustainable transportation and mobility systems, parks Andrew Niemeyer: 2017-2022 Citizen at Large and open spaces, and urban land uses, as well as policies, programs and recommendations in the area of economic vitality and social sustainability. - Work with City Council and other boards and commissions, the public and other stakeholders to educate and increase understanding of downtown parking supply/demand and future needs; increase awareness and understanding of all modes of transportation used by residents and visitors to access downtown, and the need to increase downtown’s accessibility. -Increase discourse and understanding of impacts the homeless population on downtown Boulder and opportunities for long-term solutions. 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: DEANS (absent), FELDMAN, KNOFF, NIEMEYER absent), SHAPINS STAFF: LANDRITH, CONNELLY, WEISS, JOBERT GUESTS: Sean Maher TYPE OF MEETING: Regular October 2, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Roll Call: Called to order at 5:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the September 11, 2017 Meeting Minutes: Feldman motioned to approve the minutes and Knoff seconded. All commissioners approved. AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: None AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Landrith mentioned trash and rats. Feldman said the 900 block does not have a significant rat issue and attributes the weekly power washing, Western Disposal’s frequent trash pickup and Terminix rat control for success. Landrith said the east end restaurants are not quite as energetic. Rat control options will be discussed at a meeting on Wednesday. Power washing in the alleys will be done on Wednesday of this week per Maher. Compost, Recycle and Trash receptacles are being monitored with additional receptacles being installed beginning next week. Feldman questioned the yellow lettering. AGENDA ITEM 6 – Downtown Boulder Partnership Update: Maher said the Downtown Partnership Forum will be held at the HUB at 6 pm on Wednesday. Shift 10 campaign starts 10/10 to encourage more spending with local merchants. Holiday lights will be hung in three weeks. Sales tax numbers up 2.3% but it is not keeping pace with sales revenue. Visitor Center numbers down 6% in September with a strong start of summer, has weakened. Three hundred hotel rooms coming on line next month. World Singing on 10/21 in front of courthouse. CU Homecoming with Ralphie 50th anniversary coming up. AGENDA ITEM 7 - Matters from Commissioners:  Commission Priorities – Feldman said the priorities are too encompassing, too confusing and need to narrow down what the board is trying to do. Feldman suggested narrowing them to two priorities that both are about access – modes and experiences: (1) Advancing innovative transportation strategies (e.g., d2d, satellite parking lots) and (2) improving the use experience in our parking facilities – through technology better assistance with paying, lighting, art, etc. 2 Improving the user experience in Boulder’s parking system, helping with art in the garage, making parking spaces available. Shapins suggested discussing priorities and issues with recommendation, perhaps engaging the community and public officials. The shape of the agenda was discussed. Shapins feels the agenda needs to address boarder issues. Knoff commented the priorities are too broad and retail downtown is an issue many have concerns. Knoff would like to see something about retails and shaping the retails downtown. Knoff continued that the usual items are helpful but he doesn’t get much from the police report. Connelly likes the priorities mentioned by the board. Connelly continued that the UHCAMC board has revamped their agendas and prioritize items months in advance. Landrith mentioned the white painting of the garages that began today to lighten the look for customers.  Knoff questioned sign twirlers on the mall. Landrith said it is legal to be a human sandwich board on the mall. AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from Staff:  Downtown Retail Study Update: Connelly said there were 9 applicants, 4 have been interviewed, working with PUMA, massaging the scope of work and understand the schedule and its urgency. Shapins questioned the research. They are looking at current data downtown and the entire market of Boulder. Michael Burns is doing an immersion with tenants, retailers, downtown. How does Boulder fit in the context of what is happening in the retail industry? Maher said retail stats in Boulder are not like any other college town and cannot apply college town ideals here. Connelly said that the focus is on the downtown boards, DMC, DBP, for input. Shapins looks forward to understanding the economic output of downtown and thinks downtown needs to function as a place for the community. Connelly said this group suggests an intercept survey and Michael Burns will be informally talking to people. Maher spoke about the Wells Fargo parking lot and the interest in it by developers but ultimately, it is owned by Wells Fargo. Maher said the consultants are retails consultants and not land use.  Parking Update – Validation: Jobert appreciated the approval of the budget to council. Jobert said that with the new parking software system, there are new systems with the ability to purchase ‘chaser tickets’ that can be used only with one. Sales are now as they have been in the past. AGENDA ITEM 9 – Action Summary:  Discuss the current look of the agenda. Meeting Adjourned: 6:14 pm NEXT MEETING: November 6, 2017 – Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway APPROVED BY: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary Eli Feldman, Chair 1 City of Boulder Sales & Use Tax Revenue Report August 2017 Issued October 23, 2017 This report provides information and analysis related to 2017 Year-to-Date (YTD) unaudited sales and use tax collections. Results are for actual sales activity through the month of August, the tax on which is received by the city in September 2017. For clarification of any information in this report, please contact Kara Skinner, Assistant Director of Finance, at (303) 441-4027 or skinnerk@bouldercolorado.gov. REVENUE COMPARISONS TO COMPARABLE PERIOD IN PRIOR YEAR As reflected in Table 1, total sales and use tax decreased from 2016 by 6.52%. TABLE 1 2017 YEAR-TO-DATE SALES AND USE TAX REVENUE TAX 2016 2017 % CHANGE Increase/ (Decrease) % of TOTAL Sales Tax $66,872,112 $66,827,198 (0.07%) 81.30% Business/Consumer Use Tax 9,275,852 6,509,529 (29.82%) 7.92% Construction Use Tax 9,217,717 5,944,241 (35.51%) 7.23% Motor Vehicle Use Tax 2,561,994 2,917,890 13.89% 3.55% Total Sales and Use Tax $87,927,676 $82,198,858 (6.52%) 100.00% To reflect current economic activity and ongoing revenue available for citywide purposes, Table 2 shows the change in sales and use tax revenue excluding audit revenue, revenue from the incremental recreational marijuana (RMJ) tax of 3.5%, and Boulder Junction construction use tax revenue. With those exclusions, sales tax revenue actually increased 0.38%, and sales and use tax combined decreased only 4.30%. TABLE 2 2017 YEAR-TO-DATE SALES AND USE TAX REVENUE EXCLUDING RMJ REVENUE OF 3.50%, BOULDER JUNCTION, AND AUDIT REVENUE TAX 2016 2017 % CHANGE Increase/ (Decrease) % of TOTAL Sales Tax $65,318,704 $65,564,368 0.38% 81.96% Business/Consumer Use Tax 6,766,994 6,233,749 (7.88%) 7.79% Construction Use Tax 8,943,639 5,283,674 (40.92%) 6.60% Motor Vehicle Use Tax 2,561,994 2,917,890 13.89% 3.65% Total Sales & Use Tax $83,591,331 $79,999,681 (4.30%) 100.00% COMMUNITY, CULTURE AND SAFETY TAX For 2017 YTD, the Community, Culture and Safety Tax (an additional 0.30% sales and use tax, effective for 3 years beginning January 1, 2015) generated $6,169,457. This tax is dedicated to fund a variety of projects in the Civic area along the Boulder Creek Path and on University Hill, as well as improvements for several culturally oriented projects. 2 DETAILED ANALYSIS OF SALES TAX REVENUE INDUSTRY CATEGORIES The following tables provide monthly (month over month comparisons) information to identify trends for specific retail industry categories. While this information is useful, it is important to remember that relatively small aberrations (including timing of remittances by certain vendors) can make relatively large monthly variances. Apparel Stores – 2017 YTD Apparel stores sales tax is down by 6.39%. Apparel stores have been down month over month for all of 2017. This decrease is likely due to stores closing, competition from online retailers, and retail choices in neighboring cities. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (8.63%) (10.86%) (6.80%) (6.06%) (6.33%) (6.10%) (2.62%) (5.33) Eating Places sales are both an important revenue source (13.86% of total sales/use tax) and an indicator of economic health. This discretionary category is correlated with disposable income and consumer confidence. Total 2017 YTD sales tax at Eating Places is up 1.59%. While May and June were up strongly, July was down slightly by 1.45% and August bounced back with 6.31% growth. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (1.06%) (10.45%) 8.13% (4.52%) 8.86% 5.03% (1.45%) 6.31% Food Stores – 2017 YTD retail sales tax revenue for food stores is down 4.46% from that received in 2016. Since February, every month has decreased and August 2017 was down 18.64% from August 2016. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 10.94% (14.55%) (0.83%) (4.15%) (3.14%) (1.81%) (2.09%) (18.64) General Retail – 2017 YTD General Retail sales tax revenue is down 0.99% from that received in 2016. During 2017 this category has been very volatile and for August 2017 it was down 5.37% from August 2016. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2.66% 0.28% (8.54%) 9.17% (2.22%) (0.75%) 1.22% (5.37) Public Utilities (retail sales tax on natural gas and electricity) is up 0.57% YTD. This tax revenue can be volatile based upon weather particularly in the summer months. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4.46% 5.72% 6.43% (2.22%) (2.21%) 0.81% (1.03%) (7.79) 3 TOTAL MARIJUANA REVENUE The City of Boulder collects revenue from the sale of both medical and recreational marijuana. These sources represented 0.52% and 2.74% of the total sales/use tax collected respectively in 2016. A summary of all year-to-date 2017 marijuana related revenue follows: Total YTD Marijuana Related Revenue Medical marijuana (MMJ): 3.86% Base Sales/Use Tax $427,088 Sub-total MMJ revenue $427,088 Recreational marijuana (RMJ) 3.86% Base Sales/Use Tax 1,173,906 Incremental 3.50% Additional Sales/Use Tax 1,064,422 5.00% Excise Tax 613,974 State Share-back 416,555 Sub-total incremental RMJ revenue 2,094,952 Sub-total RMJ revenue $3,268,857 TOTAL MARIJUANA RELATED REVENUE $3,695,945 The taxes generated by the base 3.86% for both medical and recreational marijuana are distributed to city funds based upon various past voter decisions. The new incremental revenues generated by recreational marijuana are all deposited in the general fund and are dedicated to cover incremental costs related to the sale and use of marijuana in the City of Boulder. Medical Marijuana Retail Sales Tax Total YTD retail sales tax revenue collected in this category is down by 25.62% from the same period in 2016. Medical marijuana continues its downward trend while recreational marijuana is trending positive. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 25.97% (39.06%) (26.91%) (19.91%) (22.07%) (57.58%) (18.77%) (12.60) Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales Tax YTD retail sales tax revenue collected in this category is up by 23.93% from the same period in 2016. Part of this increase can be attributed to additional recreational marijuana facilities located in the newly annexed area of 55th & Arapahoe. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 29.44% 10.51% 20.60% 19.79% 24.47% 47.14% 12.53% 28.50 4 Significant 2017 YTD increases/decreases in sales tax by industry and location are summarized in Table 3. TABLE 3 YTD RETAIL SALES TAX ($ and % Change in Comparable YTD Collections by Industry and Location) Industry $ Change % Change Industry $ Change % Change Computer Rel. Bus. 713,598 42.94% Food Stores (485,421)-4.46% Rec Marijuana 423,965 23.93% Consumer Electronics (416,964)-25.02% All Other 256,449 3.37% Apparel Stores (187,523)-6.39% Location $ Change % Change Location $ Change % Change Out of State 671,245 8.32% BVRC-Bldr. Vly. Reg. Ctr.(514,184)-3.29% All Other Boulder 630,199 21.64% 29th Street (431,529)-7.57% Metro Denver 177,391 7.10% Basemar (266,150)-16.96% STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Significant 2017 YTD increases/decreases in use tax by industry and location are summarized in Table 4. TABLE 4 2017 USE TAX ($ and % Change in YTD Comparable Collections by Industry and Location) Industry $ Change % Change Industry $ Change % Change Automotive Trade 356,592 13.67% General Retail (2,959,812)-66.43% Consumer Electronics 138,159 328.25% Construction Use Tax (2,100,187)-25.84% Food Stores 53,664 55.30% Computer Rel. Bus. (904,709)-28.87% Location $ Change % Change Location $ Change % Change Boulder Industrial 1,136,963 49.96% Gunbarrel Industrial (1,720,518)-35.56% County Clerk 355,896 13.89% Out of State (905,043)-83.93% North Broadway 175,068 239.70% Metro Denver (900,626)-76.72% STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES BUSINESS/CONSUMER USE TAX 2017 year to date Business Use Tax is down by 29.82%. This tax category can be very volatile as it is associated primarily with the amount and timing of purchase of capital assets by businesses in the city and the amount and timing of audit revenue. A significant portion of this amount is one time in nature and is not expected to reoccur in future months. When we adjust this category for audit revenue, Business Use Tax is 7.88% lower than the same period in 2016. MOTOR VEHICLE USE TAX 2017 year to date Motor Vehicle Use Tax is up by 13.89% over the same period in 2016. This tax category applies to the purchase of vehicles registered in the city. During and following the recession, consumers and businesses postponed replacing vehicles and the average age of the “fleet” increased significantly. More recently, as individuals and businesses have become more confident about jobs and the economy, 5 vehicle sales increased. While sales are slowing nationwide, sales remain strong for Boulder residents and businesses. CONSTRUCTION USE TAX Construction Use Tax is down 35.51% year to date which includes Boulder Junction revenues. By reducing the Boulder Junction revenue from the total Construction Use Tax, Construction Use Tax is lower than 2016 receipts by 40.92%. Construction Use Tax is very volatile tax category as it depends upon the number and value of projects. Also, as a significant amount of this revenue is paid at the time of permitting, construction use tax revenue will often be collected well in advance of visible construction activity. ACCOMMODATION TAX 2017 year to date Accommodation Tax revenue is up by 0.52% from the same period in 2016. ADMISSIONS TAX 2017 year to date Admission Tax revenue is up by 4.33% from the same period in 2016. Admissions Tax collections are dependent on the number of taxable productions and events held in the City and the level of attendance at such events. SHORT-TERM RENTAL (ACCOMMODATIONS) TAX 2017 year to date Short Term Rental Tax receipts are up by 690.89%. This increase is due to the increased number of rentals registered and remitting tax. As of August 2016, the City has more than 530 rentals licensed. NEW -- SUGAR SWEETENED BEVERAGE TAX The Sugar Sweetened Beverage Product Distribution Tax is a voter-initiated tax that was adopted by Boulder voters in the November 2016 election. It places a two cent per ounce excise tax on the distribution of beverages with added sugar and other sweeteners. The tax took effect on July 1, 2017 and revenue will be spent on health promotion, general wellness programs and chronic disease prevention that improve health equity, and other health programs (especially for residents with low income and those most affected by chronic disease) linked to sugary drink consumption. August 2017 was the second month revenue was collected. Revenue for the first month was $332,399 and for the second month was $433,504 for a total collected of $765,903. As we collect more months of revenue, we will begin to see some trends and possible seasonality with this new revenue source. TRASH TAX 2017 year to date Trash Tax receipts are down 1.91%. On-going Trash Tax remittances are due on a quarterly basis. 6 2016 2017 % Change % of Total Sales Tax 66,872,112 66,827,198 -0.07%81.30% Business Use Tax 9,275,852 6,509,529 -29.82%7.92% Construction Use Tax 9,217,717 5,944,241 -35.51%7.23% Motor Vehicle 2,561,994 2,917,890 13.89%3.55% Total Sales and Use Tax 87,927,676 82,198,858 -6.52%100.00% 2016 2017 % Change % of Total Apparel Stores 2,965,027 2,765,980 -6.71%3.36% Automotive Trade 5,813,466 6,243,733 7.40%7.60% Building Material - Retail 3,019,623 2,895,671 -4.10%3.52% Computer Related Business Sector 4,795,650 4,604,539 -3.99%5.60% Construction Sales / Use Tax 8,508,034 6,406,343 -24.70%7.79% Consumer Electronics 1,708,447 1,429,642 -16.32%1.74% Eating Places 11,300,073 11,396,145 0.85%13.86% Food Stores 10,976,631 10,544,873 -3.93%12.83% General Retail 19,033,048 15,928,443 -16.31%19.38% Home Furnishings 2,188,571 2,112,991 -3.45%2.57% Medical Marijuana 561,480 427,088 -23.94%0.52% Rec Marijuana 1,830,523 2,238,328 22.28%2.72% Transportation/Utilities 5,534,971 5,414,240 -2.18%6.59% All Other 9,692,131 9,790,842 1.02%11.91% Total Sales and Use Tax 87,927,676 82,198,858 -6.52%100.00% 2016 2017 % Change % of Total 29th Street 5,852,069 5,341,531 -8.72%6.50% Airport 308,312 44,711 -85.50%0.05% Basemar 1,670,732 1,341,673 -19.70%1.63% Boulder County 877,679 876,835 -0.10%1.07% Boulder Industrial 7,318,723 8,601,884 17.53%10.46% BVRC-Boulder Valley Regional Center 17,165,677 15,858,013 -7.62%19.29% Colorado All Other 359,073 361,690 0.73%0.44% County Clerk 2,561,994 2,917,890 13.89%3.55% Downtown 8,012,988 7,209,212 -10.03%8.77% Downtown Extension 533,152 447,887 -15.99%0.54% East Downtown 1,396,623 631,901 -54.76%0.77% Gunbarrel Commercial 1,065,300 915,968 -14.02%1.11% Gunbarrel Industrial 5,567,025 3,919,627 -29.59%4.77% Metro Denver 3,673,008 2,949,772 -19.69%3.59% N. 28th St Commercial 4,242,931 4,242,191 -0.02%5.16% N. Broadway Annex 321,206 290,297 -9.62%0.35% North Broadway 1,041,551 1,250,130 20.03%1.52% Out of State 9,142,685 8,908,888 -2.56%10.84% Pearl Street Mall 2,732,076 2,724,191 -0.29%3.31% Public Utilities 3,310,339 3,306,727 -0.11%4.02% Table Mesa 1,943,467 1,750,144 -9.95%2.13% The Meadows 778,691 727,934 -6.52%0.89% UHGID (the "hill")833,103 932,187 11.89%1.13% University of Colorado 1,278,984 923,490 -27.80%1.12% Unlicensed Receipts 281,354 203,330 -27.73%0.25% All Other Boulder 5,658,934 5,520,756 -2.44%6.72% Total Sales and Use Tax 87,927,676 82,198,858 -6.52%100.00% 2016 2017 % Change Accommodations Tax 4,800,221 4,825,010 0.52% Admissions Tax 557,645 581,804 4.33% Disposable Bag Fee 133,264 131,908 -1.02% Food Service Tax 457,633 470,476 2.81% Rec Marijuana Excise Tax 676,599 613,974 -9.26% Short-Term Rental Tax 98,220 776,805 690.89% Sugary Drink Tax - 765,903 n/a Trash Tax 919,618 902,024 -1.91% Miscellaneous Tax Statistics Total Net Sales/Use Tax Receipts by Tax Category Total Net Sales/Use Tax Receipts by Industry Type Total Net Sales/Use Tax Receipts by Geographic Area August YTD Actual August YTD Actual August YTD Actual August YTD Actual 7 COMPARISON OF YEAR-TO DATE ACTUAL REVENUE FOR 2017 TO COMPARABLE PERIOD IN 2016 2016 2017 % Change 2016 2017 % Change 2,936,893 2,749,370 -6.39% Apparel Stores 28,134 16,610 -40.96% 3,204,411 3,278,085 2.30% Automotive Trade 2,609,055 2,965,647 13.67% 3,008,535 2,884,296 -4.13% Building Material - Retail 11,088 11,375 2.59% 1,662,012 2,375,610 42.94% Computer Rel.Business Sector 3,133,638 2,228,929 -28.87% 378,851 377,347 -0.40% Construction Sales / Use Tax 8,129,183 6,028,996 -25.84% 1,666,358 1,249,394 -25.02% Consumer Electronics 42,089 180,248 328.25% 11,127,753 11,304,786 1.59% Eating Places 172,320 91,359 -46.98% 10,879,590 10,394,169 -4.46% Food Stores 97,040 150,704 55.30% 14,577,493 14,432,701 -0.99% General Retail 4,455,555 1,495,743 -66.43% 2,179,832 2,098,382 -3.74% Home Furnishings 8,739 14,608 67.16% 550,224 409,279 -25.62% Medical Marijuana 11,256 17,810 58.23% 1,772,050 2,196,015 23.93% Rec Marijuana 58,473 42,313 -27.64% 5,319,392 5,212,596 -2.01% Transportation/Utilities 215,579 201,644 -6.46% 7,608,718 7,865,167 3.37% All Other 2,083,415 1,925,674 -7.57% 66,872,112 66,827,198 -0.07% Total Sales and Use Tax 21,055,564 15,371,660 -26.99% 2016 2017 % Change 2016 2017 % Change 5,698,629 5,267,100 -7.57% 29th Street 153,441 74,430 -51.49% 27,919 17,953 -35.69% Airport 280,394 26,758 -90.46% 1,569,305 1,303,155 -16.96% Basemar 101,428 38,517 -62.03% 786,365 772,604 -1.75% Boulder County 91,313 104,231 14.15% 5,042,946 5,189,143 2.90% Boulder Industrial 2,275,778 3,412,741 49.96% 15,618,478 15,104,294 -3.29% BVRC-Bldr Valley Regional Ctr 1,547,199 753,719 -51.28% 305,685 298,372 -2.39% Colorado All Other 53,389 63,319 18.60% 0 0 County Clerk 2,561,994 2,917,890 13.89% 5,709,883 5,769,536 1.04% Downtown 2,303,105 1,439,676 -37.49% 502,097 442,056 -11.96% Downtown Extension 31,055 5,831 -81.22% 513,442 506,855 -1.28% East Downtown 883,181 125,046 -85.84% 1,056,639 878,326 -16.88% Gunbarrel Commercial 8,661 37,642 334.61% 728,728 801,848 10.03% Gunbarrel Industrial 4,838,297 3,117,779 -35.56% 2,499,144 2,676,535 7.10% Metro Denver 1,173,864 273,238 -76.72% 4,084,170 4,075,962 -0.20% N. 28th St Commercial 158,761 166,230 4.70% 310,600 276,197 -11.08% N. Broadway Annex 10,606 14,100 32.95% 968,515 1,002,026 3.46% North Broadway 73,036 248,104 239.70% 8,064,382 8,735,627 8.32% Out of State 1,078,304 173,261 -83.93% 2,631,988 2,677,031 1.71% Pearl Street Mall 100,088 47,160 -52.88% 3,233,144 3,219,824 -0.41% Public Utilities 77,195 86,903 12.58% 1,894,810 1,656,437 -12.58% Table Mesa 48,657 93,707 92.59% 756,908 693,965 -8.32% The Meadows 21,782 33,969 55.95% 825,996 894,289 8.27% UHGID (the "hill")7,106 37,898 433.32% 893,879 921,369 3.08% University of Colorado 385,105 2,122 -99.45% 236,450 104,483 -55.81% Unlicensed Receipts 44,904 98,847 120.13% 2,912,012 3,542,211 21.64% All Other Boulder 2,746,921 1,978,543 -27.97% 66,872,112 66,827,198 -0.07%21,055,564 15,371,660 -26.99% INDUSTRY LOCATION USE TAX BY INDUSTRY August YTD Actual USE TAX BY LOCATION August YTD Actual SALES TAX BY INDUSTRY August YTD Actual SALES TAX BY LOCATION August YTD Actual 8 REVENUE CATEGORYYEARJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECTOTALYTDTaxable Sales% Change in Taxable SalesTax RateRetail Sales Tax20125,363,4985,129,0966,752,8565,588,4025,993,9917,345,6985,173,6187,406,8557,502,2276,188,1945,693,0259,604,52977,741,98948,754,0142,279,823,7243.41%20135,557,1635,824,8087,171,9495,707,6496,197,3027,968,6046,161,0766,944,7967,500,1346,591,7075,934,3269,925,50881,485,02251,533,3472,389,590,0884.81%3.41%20145,965,9916,637,9037,506,1816,619,7596,990,6288,303,2887,020,9777,893,0398,584,5067,452,6647,031,6349,966,74189,973,31056,937,7662,527,340,1695.76%3.56%20156,889,0397,636,4649,068,9477,527,2777,792,8049,273,0668,100,3359,051,5209,341,5208,804,5427,153,67411,395,575102,034,76465,339,4522,643,387,6684.59%3.86%20167,281,2707,416,2048,815,1377,673,3638,489,9839,609,8278,632,0648,954,26410,570,5188,122,5617,743,58512,164,995105,473,77166,872,1122,732,481,1143.37%3.86%20177,685,1936,938,5149,470,0807,751,8048,239,9879,634,9828,440,8898,665,748- - - - 66,827,19766,827,1971,731,274,534-0.07%3.86%Change from prior year (mont 5.55% -6.44% 7.43% 1.02% -2.94% 0.26% -2.21% -3.22%Change from prior year (YTD 5.55% -0.50% 2.47% 2.12% 1.03% 0.88% 0.42% -0.07%Consumer Use Tax2012763,425768,579859,142976,4511,212,0641,041,575722,989940,127957,8941,417,818737,3101,469,94011,867,3157,284,352348,015,1033.41%20131,132,015762,369979,120866,142911,993963,938835,063767,9541,338,7751,121,736807,1301,522,48612,008,7227,218,594352,161,9351.19%3.41%2014924,895905,7141,324,1271,727,986666,7062,541,8471,056,8461,297,3481,409,9601,012,3431,011,9071,429,43515,309,11410,445,469430,031,29222.11%3.56%20151,274,3371,134,5611,713,016965,7721,127,3571,638,0291,002,5351,267,0962,381,8991,161,419942,3571,945,29416,553,67310,122,703428,851,632-0.27%3.86%20161,315,8212,372,8771,376,9701,353,4781,019,1941,606,9281,576,8601,215,7181,287,7911,199,5181,089,7111,699,85617,114,72311,837,846443,386,6063.39%3.86%20171,201,1161,039,5501,350,7611,002,1391,069,8861,274,5501,023,6521,465,766- - - - 9,427,4209,427,420244,233,679-20.36%3.86%Change from prior year (mont -8.72% -56.19% -1.90% -25.96% 4.97% -20.68% -35.08% 20.57%Change from prior year (YTD -8.72% -39.26% -29.10% -28.44% -23.86% -23.30% -25.05% -20.36%Construction Use Tax2012385,3921,697,312315,868503,719340,731377,216595,334214,896422,866473,523799,552371,2546,497,6624,430,468190,547,2733.41%2013732,539941,380298,613577,351366,959728,141845,1231,182,1311,196,147876,749622,4911,511,6329,879,2575,672,237289,714,28252.04%3.41%2014716,1191,111,061600,233430,524571,2691,688,472373,129379,130713,014908,032325,7541,557,6359,374,3725,869,937263,325,056-9.11%3.56%2015387,123680,0642,527,741776,5131,008,019985,050583,353986,617532,9101,329,731850,259763,79011,411,1707,934,480295,626,16612.27%3.86%20161,545,7171,134,734968,3021,481,2451,362,485900,2691,360,909464,0571,326,163379,898667,293460,76312,051,8339,217,718238,800,984-19.22%3.86%20171,151,587511,519747,890408,887416,5811,480,541650,968576,268- - - - 5,944,2415,944,241153,995,883-35.51%3.86%Change from prior year (mont-25.50%-54.92%-22.76%-72.40%-69.42%64.46%-52.17%24.18%Change from prior year (YTD-25.50%-37.95%-33.92%-45.03%-50.15%-36.19%-38.68%-35.51%TOTAL 20126,512,3157,594,9867,927,8667,068,5727,546,7868,764,4896,491,9418,561,8788,882,9878,079,5347,229,88711,445,72496,106,96760,468,8332,818,386,1293.41%20137,421,7187,528,5578,449,6827,151,1427,476,2549,660,6837,841,2628,894,88210,035,0568,590,1927,363,94712,959,626103,373,00164,424,1803,031,466,3057.56%3.41%20147,607,0048,654,6789,430,5408,778,2708,228,60312,533,6068,450,9539,569,51710,707,4799,373,0398,369,29512,953,810114,656,79573,253,1713,220,696,4896.24%3.56%20158,550,4999,451,08913,309,7059,269,5629,928,18011,896,1459,686,22311,305,23312,256,32811,295,6928,946,29014,104,659129,999,60683,396,6363,367,865,4404.57%3.86%201610,142,80810,923,81511,160,40910,508,08510,871,66312,117,02411,569,83310,634,03913,184,4719,701,9779,500,58914,325,614134,640,32787,927,6763,488,091,3735.43%3.86%201710,037,8968,489,58311,568,7319,162,8309,726,45412,390,07310,115,50910,707,782- - - - 82,198,85882,198,8582,129,504,096-6.52%3.86%Change from prior year (mont-1.03%-22.28%3.66%-12.80%-10.53%2.25%-12.57%0.69%Change from prior year (YTD-1.03%-12.05%-6.61%-8.13%-8.62%-6.62%-7.51%-6.52% COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL MALL POLICE CALL STATISTICS MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 1 1 4 4 2 1 24 23 1 2 10 11 3 1 February 2 4 1 19 1 9 3 March 5 1 1 6 6 1 1 30 30 3 1 5 11 3 April 2 2 2 4 12 15 33 1 3 11 10 2 to May 25 5 5 3 7 1 20 27 3 1 8 8 3 4 June 3 7 2 22 3 12 3 July August 3 5 1 9 4 2 1 25 24 2 2 5 13 2 4 September 8 4 6 6 36 35 2 2 4 3 6 October 2 3 9 6 3 2 30 30 3 3 12 6 2 3 November 4 1 6 21 3 10 4 December 2 6 1 30 1 13 3 MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 1 4 3 6 7 5 6 9 February 7 9 5 3 2 March 7 4 4 4 2 1 12 12 10 5 1 1 April 5 8 6 6 1 1 10 7 7 7 1 to May 25 9 5 11 7 1 2 15 3 7 1 1 June 11 4 2 10 4 3 July August 5 8 8 10 3 2 12 8 13 3 September 1 7 6 11 1 13 11 3 6 1 October 9 7 3 5 1 1 7 16 2 4 1 November 3 9 1 2 5 4 December 6 5 1 6 8 4 MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 2 2 19 22 February 5 9 March 1 1 1 13 18 April 4 4 25 16 to May 25 1 2 3 6 1 19 19 June 1 5 37 July August 1 2 1 4 30 36 September 3 4 28 19 October 1 7 3 35 29 November 1 18 December 1 19 DUICrim. Tres.Disturbance Domestic Harassment Indec. Exp. Drunk Liq. Law Vio.Littering Loitering Assault Auto Theft Burglary Crim. Mis. RobberyProwler Fireworks Narcotics Shots Stabbing Hang Ups Sex Assault Shoplifting WeaponTrespass Party Felony Menacing Fight Suicide Suspicious Theft Open DoorNoise Opened in 2017 Business Open Date Notes By elke 2037 17th St January-17 sharing space with Fabricate Capital One 1247 Pearl St January-17 replaces Boulder Café Ku Cha House of Tea 1211 Pearl St January-17 new space; replaces Pitaya and Firefly Garden Fior Gelato 1021 Pearl St January-17 replaces Two Spoons Reality Garage 1320 Pearl St January-17 Virtual Reality Studio Experimac Boulder 1468 Pearl St February-17 replaces former PoshSplat space Niche Workspaces 944 Pearl St February-17 Le Pops 1048 Pearl St March-17 Canoe Club 777 Pearl St March-17 replaces former Fjallraven location Elison Rd 1110 Pearl St March-17 replaces Sand & Salt Beach Co. Rapha 1815 Pearl St April-17 replaces Vilona Gallery Odd Molly 1048 Pearl April-17 Nomadic Import Traders 1909 9th St April-17 My Trail Co 1418 Pearl St April-17 Kiwi Boutique 1717 Pearl St May-17 replaces Endurance Conspiracy Nani Nalu Beachwear Boutique 1048 Pearl St Jun-17 Pearl West Building Elevations Credit Union 1301 Walnut Jul-17 Warby Parker 1949 Pearl St Jul-17 replaces Fine Art Associates Truman Barber Co 1642 Pearl St Jul-17 Boulder Beer on Walnut 1123 Walnut Jul-17 replaces Walnut Brewery Bartaco 1048 Pearl St Jul-17 French Quarter Brasserie 1207 Pearl St August-17 The North Face 1129 Pearl St August-17 replaces Crocs Emmerson 1600 Pearl St August-17 replacing Lyfe Kitchen Spinster Sisters 1102 Pearl St Sept 1st Replaced Old Chicago Earthbound Trading 1222 Pearl St Sept. 17 replaced Bayleaf space Oscar Blues Tap Room 921 Pearl St Sept. 22 replacing World of Beer Go Far 2005 Pearl st November-17 Pedego Electric Bikes 2835 Pearl St November-17 replaced Installation Shoe Gallery Triple Aught Design 740 Pearl St November-17 replaced antique store (shares space w/ Collier Designs) The Post 2027 13th St November-17 Replaced Shine Closed in 2017 Business Close Date Notes Bayleaf 1222a Pearl St January-17 Smoke Time 1640 Pearl St January-17 Oliverde 2027 Broadway January-17 Crocs 1129 Pearl St February-17 American Apparel 1130 Pearl St February-17 Conor O'Neill's 1922 13th St April-17 Goldmine Vintage 1123 Pearl St April-17 Endurance Conspiracy 1717 Pearl St May-17 Walnut Brewery 1123 Walnut June-17 Johnny's Cigar/Martini Bar 1801 13th St August-17 Peter Rosen Jewelry 1600 Pearl St August-17 Aji Restaurant 1601 Pearl St August-17 Starr's Clothing 1630 Pearl St TBD note: "close when they sell all merchandise" Shine Gathering Place 2027 13th St Sept. moving to east-central boulder Installation Shoe Gallery 2835 Pearl St October-17 Future Business Open Date Notes Mountain Standard 1537 Pearl St Summer 2017