10.02.17 DMC Minutes 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: DEANS (absent), FELDMAN, KNOFF, NIEMEYER absent), SHAPINS STAFF: LANDRITH, CONNELLY, WEISS, JOBERT GUESTS: Sean Maher TYPE OF MEETING: Regular October 2, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Roll Call: Called to order at 5:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the September 11, 2017 Meeting Minutes: Feldman motioned to approve the minutes and Knoff seconded. All commissioners approved. AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: None AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Landrith mentioned trash and rats. Feldman said the 900 block does not have a significant rat issue and attributes the weekly power washing, Western Disposal’s frequent trash pickup and Terminix rat control for success. Landrith said the east end restaurants are not quite as energetic. Rat control options will be discussed at a meeting on Wednesday. Power washing in the alleys will be done on Wednesday of this week per Maher. Compost, Recycle and Trash receptacles are being monitored with additional receptacles being installed beginning next week. Feldman questioned the yellow lettering. AGENDA ITEM 6 – Downtown Boulder Partnership Update: Maher said the Downtown Partnership Forum will be held at the HUB at 6 pm on Wednesday. Shift 10 campaign starts 10/10 to encourage more spending with local merchants. Holiday lights will be hung in three weeks. Sales tax numbers up 2.3% but it is not keeping pace with sales revenue. Visitor Center numbers down 6% in September with a strong start of summer, has weakened. Three hundred hotel rooms coming on line next month. World Singing on 10/21 in front of courthouse. CU Homecoming with Ralphie 50th anniversary coming up. AGENDA ITEM 7 - Matters from Commissioners:  Commission Priorities – Feldman said the priorities are too encompassing, too confusing and need to narrow down what the board is trying to do. Feldman suggested narrowing them to two priorities that both are about access – modes and experiences: (1) Advancing innovative transportation strategies (e.g., d2d, satellite parking lots) and (2) improving the use experience in our parking facilities – through technology better assistance with paying, lighting, art, etc. 2 Improving the user experience in Boulder’s parking system, helping with art in the garage, making parking spaces available. Shapins suggested discussing priorities and issues with recommendation, perhaps engaging the community and public officials. The shape of the agenda was discussed. Knoff commented the priorities are too broad and retail downtown is an issue many have concerns. Knoff would like to see something about retails and shaping the retails downtown. Knoff continued that the usual items are helpful but he doesn’t get much from the police report. Connelly likes the priorities mentioned by the board. Connelly continued that the UHCAMC board has revamped their agendas and prioritize items months in advance. Landrith mentioned the white painting of the garages that began today to lighten the look for customers. Knoff questioned sign twirlers on the mall. Landrith said it is legal to be a human sandwich board on the mall. AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from Staff: Downtown Retail Study Update: Connelly said there were 9 applicants, 4 have been interviewed, working with PUMA, massaging the scope of work and understand the schedule and its urgency. Shapins questioned the research. They are looking at current data downtown and the entire market of Boulder. Michael Burns is doing an immersion with tenants, retailers, downtown. How does Boulder fit in the context of what is happening in the retail industry? Maher said retail stats in Boulder are not like any other college town and cannot apply college town ideals here. Connelly said that the focus is on the downtown boards, DMC, DBP, for input. Shapins looks forward to understanding the economic output of downtown and thinks downtown needs to function as a place for the community. Connelly said this group suggests an intercept survey and Michael Burns will be informally talking to people. Maher spoke about the Wells Fargo parking lot and the interest in it by developers but ultimately, it is owned by Wells Fargo. Maher said the consultants are retails consultants and not land use. Parking Update – Validation: Jobert appreciated the approval of the budget to council. Jobert said that with the new parking software system, there are new systems with the ability to purchase ‘chaser tickets’ that can be used only with one. Sales are now as they have been in the past. AGENDA ITEM 9 – Action Summary: Discuss the current look of the agenda. Meeting Adjourned: 6:14 pm NEXT MEETING: November 6, 2017 – Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway APPROVED BY: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary Eli Feldman, Chair